Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 12: Purchase architectural drawings

Although the shopkeeper of the auction house is a black merchant, Chu Tian, ​​who didn\'t want to spend too much time on disposing of the drawings of the Yellow Turban Barracks, directly sold the drawings and obtained a couple of silver.

   Chutian asked: "The shopkeeper, do you have any architectural drawings here?"

   The shopkeeper of the auction house held a small beard, old-fashioned: "Our auction house is the largest auction house in the entire Langya country. There are no drawings!"

   "Are there any drawings for the sixth-level cavalry battalion?"

   Mulan’s special troop Iron Eagle scouts are Tier 6 cavalry. If Xia Village has a Tier VI cavalry battalion, you can directly recruit Iron Eagle Scouts.

   Xiangyong and Yellow Turban are first-order infantry, and sixth-order cavalry can crush first-order infantry.

   If the auction house has the drawing of the Tier 6 cavalry battalion, Chu Tian will buy it anyway.

   As soon as Chutian\'s words fell, the shopkeeper and the players in the auction house were stunned.

   This is a ruthless man, as soon as he opens his mouth he needs the architectural drawings of the Tier 6 Cavalry Battalion!

  Who can afford Tier 6 cavalry when no lord owns a Tier 3 village?

The shopkeeper of the auction house was a little embarrassed, and coughed slightly as a cover: "Really not. Even Langya City does not have a sixth-level cavalry battalion. Perhaps only the Xiapi city where Tao Qian is located has a sixth-level cavalry battalion, and the drawings are not for sale. ."

   Chutian didn\'t want to be too embarrassed, so he asked: "What is the highest level of cavalry battalion drawings that your auction house can buy?"

   The shopkeeper of the auction house stretched out three fingers.

   "How many silver taels?"

   "One thousand taels."

   The players in the auction house were in an uproar.

   The drawing of a cavalry battalion of only level three is worth a thousand taels of silver, which is equivalent to the price of fifty ordinary horses!

   The shopkeeper was finally a little proud: "Cavalry is not something that ordinary lords can afford."

   Chutian still did not give up. Without the cavalry battalion drawings, Xia Village’s horses would be useless: "What about the first-level cavalry battalion drawings and the second-level cavalry battalion drawings?"

   "The drawing of the first-level cavalry battalion is twenty taels of silver, and the drawing of the second-level cavalry battalion is one hundred taels of silver."

  Expensive, very expensive.

   has not yet started recruiting cavalry, just the drawings of the cavalry battalion are so expensive, not to mention the construction of the cavalry battalion, the purchase of horses and equipment, and the monthly salary.

  Except in the prairie region, raising a cavalry is expensive.

   Would you like to buy a drawing of the first-level cavalry battalion and go back?

Chutian counted the money he brought. There were 50 taels of silver left in the village. He brought some silver taels and a bag of copper coins, plus the reward for killing the rogues on the way, and the one tael of silver obtained from selling the Yellow Turban Barracks drawings. 101 taels of silver.

  The drawings of the second-level cavalry battalion are hopeless. If you buy the drawings of the second-level cavalry battalion, only one or two silver is left, and you can\'t afford other drawings.

   "Where is the infantry battalion?"

"It\'s good to say that our auction house not only has drawings of the infantry battalion from the first to the third level, but recently there is even a drawing of the fourth-level infantry battalion. The auction house clearly marked the price, the first-level infantry battalion is 5 taels of silver, and the second-level infantry battalion is 25 taels of silver. The third-level infantry battalion is 250 taels of silver. As for the fourth-level infantry battalion, 2500 taels of silver, whichever is higher."

   "2500 taels of silver!"

  The players present were even more shocked.

   If they are not trapped in the game, perhaps the rich can exchange silver for other players through Earth Coins, but now all players are trapped in this world and can only obtain the currency of this world through their own efforts. No one can collect 2500 taels of silver in seven days, unless dozens of village chiefs jointly take out the valuable funds in the village to buy the architectural blueprint of this fourth-level infantry battalion.

   But there should not be so many villages that would sacrifice their future for a fourth-level infantry battalion blueprint. Even if a Tier 4 infantry battalion was built, there was no money to recruit Tier 4 infantry.

   Chutian seriously suspects that the auction house will slaughter guests. The first-level yellow turban barracks are only slightly behind the first-level infantry battalion. The auction house reclaimed the first-level yellow turban soldiers for only one or two silver, while the first-level infantry battalion sold for five taels of silver.

   "What if I want to buy a blueprint for the first-level Yellow Turban Barracks?"

   "Three pairs of silver."


   really is a black business.

   After knowing the price of the architectural drawings, Chu Tian chose a few more drawings.

   A second-level infantry battalion construction blueprint, worth 25 taels of silver. A first-level cavalry camp construction drawing, worth 20 taels of silver. Only two military architectural drawings cost 45 taels of silver.

   Then there are the drawings of the thatched cottage private school, which is a cultural building, worth 10 taels of silver. The four basic resource building drawings of secondary farmland, secondary mining farm, secondary logging farm and secondary quarry are 10 taels of silver each. A total of 50 taels of silver.

   The resource building level upgrade only brings higher bonuses and will not expand the production scale. The scale of cultivated farmland, minerals, stones, and timber is positively related to the population of the territory.

   In this way, 101 taels of silver cost 95 taels, leaving only 6 taels of silver.

   Chutian finally experienced what it means to spend money like flowing water. He was quite rich at this time, but now he only had a poor 6 taels of silver, so he couldn\'t buy other drawings.

Tian Liang, the head of Xiaozhu Village, also bought a few drawings, but she was poorer than Chutian and couldn\'t afford military construction drawings. She only bought resource drawings and economic construction drawings.

  The development direction of Chutian is different. While taking into account resources, it focuses on self-preservation. First, build a second-level infantry battalion and a first-level cavalry battalion in the village.

   "Your Xiaozhu Village has only one Xiangyong Camp, don\'t you consider buying second-level military drawings?"

   Chutian sees that summer is cool and does not buy military drawings, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can\'t help but feel a little confused.

"Hey, Xia Village has a second-level infantry battalion and a first-level cavalry battalion. If our Xiaozhu Village is in trouble in the future, just hire your soldiers to help us block the enemy. So the military development of our Xiaozhu Village will be fine later. Xia Village is only 5 kilometers away from Xiaozhu Village. A forced march will surely arrive in an hour, right?"

   Xia Liang\'s answer was beyond Chutian\'s expectation.

   This woman is very shrewd, and she didn\'t hesitate to form an alliance with Xia Village to relieve Xia Village\'s threat to Xiaozhu Village. At the same time, she planned to borrow allies\' soldiers in the future.

   After the lords have reached an alliance relationship, they can request reinforcements, as long as they pay a price that their allies cannot refuse.

   There is a powerful hero in Xia Village, and he bought two military architectural drawings. The military score is much higher than that of Xiaozhu Village. Xia Liang gave up the military competition and went all out to develop agriculture and economy, and then hired the heroes and soldiers of Xia Village.

   "It\'s okay to request reinforcements, but the price of sending troops in Xia Village is very high."

   Chutian thought about it carefully, provided protection to allies, and then collected protection fees. This was the "diplomatic income" of the lord\'s income.

   Collecting protection fees from nearby player lords seems to be a good way to make a fortune...

Just when Chu Tian and the others were about to leave the exchange, a fat man stopped them: "Two, you are buying the building drawings. It should be the lord player, right? I am Xiaopang, the vice president of the Wolf House Guild. Our Wolf House Guild has already accepted it. Twenty-seven lord players and two hundred and thirty free players. Everyone is trapped in "Lord" and can’t get out. Players in the closed beta say that the Yellow Turban army in Xuzhou will come out to rob villages after the lord harvests food. Food. As long as we join our guild, we can tide over the difficulties together."