Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1172: The decisive battle broke out in the river

When Sun Ce, Sun Jian and his sons swept one side in the Great Yue Kingdom, the most important battlefield in the river, the fledgling Cao Zhang had already clashed with Meng Ge\'s general Shi Tianze.

   Cao Zhang\'s newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and without a word, he leads troops to attack Shi Tianze.

   Cao Zhang\'s martial arts is strong, he draws a strong bow on the horse, shoots through the armor of the opponent\'s cavalry, and kills more than ten people in a row!

   The arrows in the quiver were exhausted, and Cao Zhang changed his spear and wore a sharp lance, and smashed Shi Tianze\'s cavalry with the tiger and leopard rider!


   Cao Zhang broke out, spear spinning in his hands, harvesting dozens of light cavalry!

   "Further than I am... really the brave son of our Cao family!"

   Cao Jia Qianliju Cao Xiu was stunned to see Cao Zhang\'s extraordinary force.

   Regardless of Cao Xiu and Cao Chun, facing the brave Cao Zhang, they seemed to be a little bit worse.

   Shi Tianze, who is eight feet tall, is also a fierce general with Mongolian cavalry, and he fought Cao Zhang for the first time!

   Two people riding horses, passing by, weapons slammed into them, and sparks splashed all over the place!

   Cao Zhang glared at Shi Tianze, and Shi Tianze was overwhelmed by force!

   Shi Tianze shook his body and retreated with his cavalry.

   The appearance of Cao Zhang caught Shi Tianze by surprise.

  In the information of the Golden Family, there is no mention of Cao Cao\'s sons.

   Cao Zhang chased the light cavalry who Shi Tianze came to explore.

   "Don\'t chase the poor!"

   Cao Xiu believes that Cao Zhang’s experience is still a bit short, and if he rushes to catch up, he might fall into the ambush of the Mongolian cavalry.

   Mongolian cavalry has always been good at taunting and enticing the enemy, and if they are not careful, they will be restrained by taunting skills.

   "General, Master Cao Xiu makes you not to be pursued!"

   "The thieves are ahead, how can you not chase after them!"

   Cao Zhangzhu made leaps and bounds, and Cao Xiu had no choice but to come forward to meet him.

   The sound of intensive horseshoes sounded, the sand was rolling on the edge of the desert, and the war eagles exploring Ma Chi soared, and the cavalry of Cao Zhang, Cao Xiu, and Shi Tianze had been discovered.

   "Stop the march!"

Cao Zhang is not exactly a reckless man. When he saw the Mongolian and Persian cavalry on the horizon, the dust rose to a height of tens of meters, so he restrained his horse, and hundreds of tiger and leopard horses were the elite cavalry in charge of the Cao family , Order and prohibit.

   The banners of the Ili Khanate continue for dozens of miles!

  Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, two members of the Golden Family, personally supervise the battle!

   The cavalry of the Ili Khanate was mixed with Persian soldiers.

   Shi Tianze has been arranging his horse to come to Meng Ge: "My lord, the last general will encounter a general, and his appearance of force is different from any general in the intelligence."

   "There are generals besides intelligence?"

   Brother Meng and Kublai Khan were surprised to hear that there were other generals under Cao Cao\'s command.

   Before the battle between the Golden Clan and Chutian, they had already inquired about intelligence in advance. However, Cao Pi and Cao Zhang were outside the calculations of the Golden Clan.

   "Who is it?"

   "No matter who it is, it cannot be our opponent."

   Mengge and Kublai joined forces to lead a large number of cavalry troops.

   The wind howled, the flags covered the air, and the countless cavalrymen stood in the air.

   Cao Zhang witnessed tens of thousands of cavalry crisscrossing hundreds of miles with a solemn expression.

   No one doubts the golden family\'s control over the cavalry. The glory of the Golden Family depends on the cavalry.

   "Ziwen, we back off, these guys, you need your father to deal with!"

   Cao Xiu urges Cao Zhang again.

   Although Cao Zhang is extremely powerful and difficult to read, his character is Ziwen.

   Thousands of soldiers are like a black wave, pressing on the army of Meng Ge and Kublai Khan.

   Cao Cao took command of the 300,000 army, his right eyelid jumped constantly, deeply disturbed.

   This time it was not Temujin’s Mongolian empire lineup, but the Yuan Mie Song lineup.

   "Cao Zhang and Cao Xiu returned smoothly!"

   When Cao Cao felt uneasy, Cao Zhang and Cao Xiu returned safely, which made Cao Cao breathe a sigh of relief.

   When Cao Zhang was fighting Shi Tianze, he captured a Mongolian cavalry alive and met with Cao Cao.

   "It\'s my yellow beard!"

   Cao Cao was overjoyed when he saw Cao Zhang\'s meritorious service.

   Xunyou and Guo Jia participated in the Western Expedition and made suggestions for Cao Cao. They learned from the prisoners captured by Cao Zhang that the other generals who were trying to detour from the west were Meng Ge and the Kublai brothers.

"Meng Ge and Kublai are not mediocre generals. Except for Shi Tianze, Subutai, Wulianghetai, Mu Huali, etc. are all working under their father Tuilei. I don’t know that Wo Kuotai is going to leave Tuilei. How many generals are deployed in the front, but they should be prepared for the worst."

   Xunyou is worried that Su is not Tai, Wu Liang He Tai and his son will play under Meng Ge or Kublai Khan.

   Subutai and his sons are famous cavalry generals who travel for thousands of miles.

   Cao Cao had a solemn expression when he heard that Subutai and Wulianghetai and his son might be in the west.

   Subutai is a general who fought against Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

   Guo Jia is no longer frivolous: “Subutai is likely to be called up by Wo Kuotai to deal specifically with the two generals, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. Nevertheless, it is necessary to work closely with the Xiliang Army and fist attack.”

   "Let the Xiliang Army attack from the north and cut off the tribes of Wo Kuotai and Meng Ge."

   Cao Cao finally made the decision to fight against Meng Ge and Kublai.

   Five good generals pull out of camp and march in the direction of Meng Ge and Kublai.

   Zhang Liao’s Bianzhou wolf ride, Zhang Yun’s Euphorbia, and the forbidden Qingzhou Army are all persevering and murderous.

   The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps of the Cao and Xiahou clan pressed in the rear.

   Brother Meng and Kublai’s soldiers were divided into two groups, trying to pinch Cao Cao’s 300,000 soldiers from left to right.

   Zhang Liao, as a battle-tested veteran, was deployed in the front, holding a halberd, and behind him were thousands of wolves riding.

After    ceased to serve as the defender of Hefei, Zhang Liao became the commander of the army under Cao Cao, and he was appointed as a prince.

   moved away from Hefei, leaving Zhang Liao missing many lieutenants. The current lieutenants are Hu Sanniang, Zang Ba and Sun Guan.

   Zangba and Sun Guan have followed Chu Tian for a longer period of time. They also participated in the Western Expeditions. Although their ability is not high, they have achieved great feats.

   Hu Sanniang has noticed that the number of war eagles exploring Ma Chi is increasing, indicating that the powerful enemy is approaching.


  The sound of the long horn echoed on the west side of the Syr Darya, and a group of Mongolian and Persian cavalry appeared from the horizon, and the darkness was overwhelming, almost endless.

   The gray wolf and white deer flag, which symbolizes the steppe empire, hunted and hunted in the strong wind, and the Mongolian cavalry chose an upper position that was favorable for riding, shooting and charging.


   Shi Tianze returned to Meng Ge and served as the captain of ten thousand, leading tens of thousands of troops to attack!

   "Wolves ride in parallel to meet the enemy!"

   Zhang Liao ordered the battle against Shi Tianze, who is good at attacking the heart!

   "Even if we die in battle, there are still tigers..."

   Hu Sanniang drew out his double knives, ready to follow Zhang Liao to fight to death~www.novelhall.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.novelhall.com~ You can also get cash!

   Zhang Hu, Zhang Liao’s son, is about to grow up. Therefore, Hu Sanniang has no worries.

   "Sun Guan, don\'t die this time."

   Only the one-eyed Zang Ba said to Sun Guan, who lives and died together.

   "Don\'t worry, our two brothers have been fighting for more than 20 years, born to death, but which time did they die?"

   Sun Guan took a spear and faced the mighty Mongolian and Persian cavalry.

   Kublai Khan and Meng Ge divided their forces as a surprise team!

   The contact war between Cao Zhang and Zhang Liao broke out~www.novelhall.com~ which means the decisive battle in Hezhong has begun!

   "The Cao Cao regiment seems to have begun to engage in battle, quickly entering the battlefield, flanking the Mongolia-Persian army!"

  Xu Fengnian, the coach of the Xiliang Army, felt the murderous aura.

   The Western Liang Army was in front, Cao Cao\'s army was behind, and Meng Ge and Kublai Khan were around. They were discovered by Tie Ying scouts. Under the leadership of Xu Fengnian, the Xi Liang army quickly returned to the army and tried to join the Cao Cao army.

   Kublai Kublai led Persia to surrender soldiers, traverse the Xiliang Army and Hebei Army, and fight for Meng Ge\'s chance to defeat Cao Cao.

   To the east of the Syr River, Chutian\'s Imperial Guards, Wang Jian\'s Guanzhong Army, and Wei Qing\'s Youzhou Army began to engage in battle with Wokuotai.

   Speed ​​is not Taiwan, Wuliang and Hetai\'s opponents are still Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

   There are too many forces on both sides, and the front line alone stretches for thousands of miles.

   In addition to the two great forces of the Great Xia Dynasty and the Golden Family, the exiled Seljuk Empire Sultan Arslan led hundreds of thousands of Seljuk cavalry camps on the edge of the battlefield, sitting on the mountain to watch the tigers fight.

  Many Selzhu people learned that Arslan was back, and they all came forward.

   "It\'s better to let them both lose."

   Arslan does not want any side to win.


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