Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1170: The Annan player above

Powerful and military commanders from all parts of the Great Vietnam responded to the order of King Qin and rushed to help Thanh Hoa City with 300,000 soldiers and horses!

  Sun Ce still underestimated the population of Dayue Kingdom.

   As long as it does not pursue elite soldiers, it is not difficult for the Great Yue Kingdom to piece together hundreds of thousands of Qin Wangjun.

   "If Xia Jun comes to attack, they must be taught how to come and go!"

   "How can our Greater Vietnam allow them to bully!"

   Tens of thousands of players from the Vietnam Kingdom gathered in Qinghua City.

   Chen Shengzong fled, only the players from the Great Yue Kingdom were left to resist.

   Some of the players of the Great Yue Kingdom who have never fought with the Xia Jun want to create the miracle of repelling the Xia Jun and keeping the Great Yue Kingdom.

   "You didn\'t fight Xia Jun. I don\'t know how terrible they are."

   However, the expressions of the players from the Great Yue Kingdom who had fought with Sun Ce were not so relaxed.

  The Battle of Beijiang, they were defeated by thousands of people by Sun Ce. They were deeply afraid of Xia Jun and spread the fear among the players of the Great Yue Kingdom. Many people were worried.

   "General, strangers are spreading bad news for us!"

   "They are telling the truth, but they do disturb the military\'s morale. If they want to save the country, then shut up."

   Chen Xingdao ordered the prohibition to shake the heart of the army, command 300,000 rebels, and resist Sun Ce\'s 80,000.

   The rivers and jungles near Thanh Hoa City are full of soldiers and horses of the Great Vietnam.

   "Xia Jun is quickly approaching Thanh Hoa City!"

   Three hundred thousand Da Yue Guoqin Wang Jun was silent for a while, eighty thousand summer army is coming!

   The rather noisy Da Yue players who had gathered together, for a time, were completely silent.

   Anyone can shout slogans, but not everyone has the guts to truly face life and death, especially the strength of the enemy, unprecedented.

   Outside Qinghua City, Liu Laozhi\'s Beifu Army has already fought against the soldiers and horses of the Great Vietnam!

  Sun Ce personally beat the drums, and Liu Laozhi led three thousand Beifu troops to attack the arrow towers and antlers outside Qinghua City!

   A general of the Great Vietnam was nailed to the ground by Liu Laozhi\'s spear, which pierced his tie armor, effortlessly.

  The Beifu army wore white robes and broke thirteen arrow towers in a single burst!

   There was chaos in the Da Yue State soldiers and horses in the northern suburbs.

  "The army should not panic~www.novelhall.com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Kanwen Base], read books and draw cash/points every day!

   Chen Xingdao came to resist Liu Laozhi, seeing that the soldiers and horses of the Great Yue Kingdom had fallen into a certain degree of confusion, he couldn\'t help frowning.

   Sun Ce, Liu Laozhi and other Jiangdong soldiers, known for their bravery, broke the battle without saying a word!

   "Upper elephant soldier!"

   Chen Xingdao summoned a hundred war elephants and wanted to use them to deal with Sun Ce and others.

   Sun Ce and Liu Laozhi were not the main force of the Xia Army in the Southern Expedition, but can only be regarded as pioneers.

   However, even if it is a pioneer, it is enough to give Chen Xingdao a headache.

One hundred Great Vietnam War Elephants appeared on the battlefield. On the wooden tower on the back of each War Elephant, there was a Pikeman and an Archer. The sharp fangs of the War Elephant were tied with a poisonous blade. Once stabbed, it will Died.

   "This is a ninth-tier iron armored war elephant!"

   Liu Laozhi picked up a Da Yue country sword and shield soldier in his hand and threw it a few meters away. He also stopped when he saw the copper wall and iron wall that appeared.

  The special arm of Southeast Asian civilization-the armored war elephant, is enough to injure or even kill the generals!

   In other words, the ninth-tier iron armored war elephant is also a threat to Liu Lao.

   "Tread Xia Jun!"

  Lead the Great Vietnam generals with elephant soldiers to draw their swords and launch a war and trample on Liu Laozhi!

   Hundreds of war elephants charged towards the Northern Army, the ground was shaking and the mountains shook, it was more imposing than the galloping horses!

   "The opponent is just the vanguard, it can be destroyed!"

   Chen Xingdao did not dare to fight the 600,000 army commanded by Sun Jian and Wang Defa, but he still had the courage to fight Sun Ce and Liu Laozhi\'s 80,000 pioneers!

The    war elephant legion is the main force, and tens of thousands of pawns hold knives and shields, sandwiched between the war elephants, and attack.

  The role of the war elephant is like a chariot in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, which is used to break down enemy lines. Each war elephant is matched with dozens or hundreds of pawns.


   Liu Laozhi also knew that without sufficient preparation, he would no doubt seek his own death by attacking the Elephant Corps frontally.

   The ninth-tier armored war elephant may be the ninth-tier unit with the highest panel according to the basic data. The panel is even higher than that of the tenth-tier unit, and the shortcomings are also obvious.

   War elephants are afraid of fire, move slowly and awkwardly, and consume a lot of food.

   In Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa, war elephants are not uncommon, and war elephants are the high-level arms of these civilization areas.

   can feed as many war elephants as possible, then how many high-level arms they can obtain.

   "Xia Jun has retreated, it seems that they are not as scary as the legend!"

   "All the members of the guild, follow me to charge and defeat the Beiren!"

  A group of players from Annanguo regard the soldiers from China as northerners, and they charge under the leadership of the guild president!

   This group of Anango players has sophisticated equipment, and even players’ long swords and long bows are inlaid with gold and diamonds.

   Generally speaking, players who cherish their lives will not easily participate in the battle.

   But this time is different.

   Chen Shengzong of the Great Yue State abandoned the country and fled, defending the important task of the Great Yue State, and fell into the hands of the players.

   If you lose, Thanh Hoa City will fall, and the Great Viet Kingdom in the northern part of Annan District will almost be destroyed, leaving only the Champa State in the south.


   It is incumbent for the guild leaders to take the free players who came to Qinwang to join the pursuit.

   "If the Northerners can be expelled, we will be named princes, and even overthrow the current king and establish a new king!"

  The tycoons of the Greater Vietnam Kingdom also participated in the battle of Thanh Hoa City in order to win the title.

   They even considered that after expelling Xia Jun, Chen Shengzong, who was running away, would be abolished and a new king would be established. Then, among these tycoons, perhaps someone would be qualified to become the new king.

   Liu Laozhi\'s three thousand white-robed army was repelled by the Elephant Corps of the Great Yue Kingdom. The kings and soldiers of various quarters took advantage of the situation to hunt down, and the 80,000 Xia army gradually couldn\'t hold the situation and retreated.

   Chen Xingdao boarded the nest cart and waited and watched and found that when the 80,000 Xia Army retreated, he did not panic, so he immediately ordered: "Xia Jun is not a rampage, this is a trick to lure the enemy, retreat quickly!"

   Chen Xingdao is the representative of Annan Kingdom. Historically, he fought against the Mongols and repelled the Mongolian cavalry. At this time, he saw Sun Ce\'s trick to lure the enemy, but Chen Xingdao could no longer control the situation.

Under the leadership of their respective guild leaders, the passionate players of the Great Yue Kingdom launched an assault on Xia Jun.

   For Xia Jun, this was only a small-scale expedition, but for the Great Yue Kingdom, it was a battle of subjugation!

   Hundreds of powerful and tens of thousands of players from Vietnam have lost their minds, and finally found a chance to hunt down Xia Jun.

   Liu Laozhi, in order to act more compellingly, fought and left, pretending to be invincible.

   "The Beifu Army of ancient China, it seems that it is not a big deal!"

   "Pure Cavalry Guild, quickly step forward to intercept, don\'t let them go!"

   Among the dozens of player guilds in the Great Yue Kingdom, guild players dominated by cavalry mounted war horses to catch up and kill.

  The quality of horses in Southeast Asia is generally low, but they are also horses anyhow.

   "I shot an enemy soldier!"

  The player from the Great Vietnam yelled excitedly, blood surged, and the hand holding the bow was trembling, already somewhat out of control.

In order to stimulate the army of King Qin of the Great Yue State, Sun Ce put thousands of prisoners on the way into Thanh Hoa City and ordered them to put on the armor of the Xia Army to take the lead. Then, when they retreated, these prisoners would become the troops behind the palace, and they were also attacked by those of the Great Yue State. The killing of soldiers and horses.

   The players of the Great Yue Kingdom thought that they had killed Xia Jun a lot, which stimulated them even more. The chasing formation collapsed and there was almost no formation at all.


   Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the Great Vietnam followed Liu Lao, beheading thousands of people, while only losing more than a hundred people on their own side, it can be described as an unprecedented epic victory since the war between the two countries!

  The soldiers and horses of the Great Yue State entered the terrain on the left and right.

   But at this time, the retreating Liu Laozhi led the Beifu army to counterattack!

   Zheng Chenggong led the ambush five thousand iron army, appeared from Shannan, the iron armor traversed the army of Great Vietnam!

   "Iron Army, kill the enemy!"

   Zheng Chenggong shouted concise slogans, led an army of five thousand iron men to stride forward, neatly slashing the sabers, and beheading all the infantry and cavalry of the Great Yue Kingdom encountered along the way!

   In addition to being unable to smash the armored elephants and firearms, the Iron Man can fight!

   Hundreds of Vietnamese soldiers and horses were chopped and cut by a neat and uniform sword.

   "No, we are in ambush!"

   "Retreat, retreat!"

   Originally hunted down Liu Laozhi and killed thousands of "Xia Jun" players from the Greater Vietnam Kingdom, he desperately found that tens of thousands of them were under siege!

   To the west is the hills, to the east is the river, to the north is the counterattack Beifu army, and to the south is the ambush Ironman army!

   The players from the Greater Vietnam country above quickly reacted, and they were all dead.

   It turned out that they were full of enthusiasm and found themselves in a desperate situation. They seemed to be poured cold water and calmed down instantly.

   The real battle is more tragic than they thought.

   After all, they are not the protagonists on the battlefield, they are just cannon fodder.

   Died in the main world~www.novelhall.com~ There is no item to resurrect.

   On the battlefield, the price of impulse or misjudgment is death.

  Sun Ce, Zhou Tai, and Yang Youji led the main forces to merge with Liu Laozhi and swept from north to south, while Zheng Chenggong’s Iron Man army blocked the south, not giving these players from the Great Vietnam a chance to retreat.

   The ambush and harassment tactics of the Great Vietnam have caused Jiangdong Army to suffer a lot of losses, and this time, Sun Ce, Liu Laozhi and others intend to teach the players of the Great Vietnam a heavy lesson.

  The players of the Great Yue Kingdom saw a few fierce generals rushing into the battle together, and one of the archers was carrying two bags of arrows, with a hundred shots!

   Beifu Army and Jiangdong’s children joined the war, losing streak to powerful enemies!

   The space of tens of thousands of players from the Great Vietnam on the battlefield was compressed, and they had to attack the iron army ambushing Zheng Chenggong in the south, trying to open a **** way.

   The iron soldiers are divided into two teams, one team slashes to the north and kills the players of the Great Vietnam, and the other intercepts their reinforcements!

   Facing the cold horse-cutting swords of the Iron Man army and the iron-clad phalanx like a copper wall and iron wall, the players of the Greater Vietnam country felt like they had entered a dungeon with "Nightmare" difficulty, and this dungeon cannot be resurrected.


   There was one more when I was a child


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