Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1164: Failed Tsunofu

The conquest of Kyushu initiated by the 860,000 Xia army has come to an end. The Liaodong and Goryeo legions led by Le Yi and Li Chenggui have defeated the Ryuzaoji family in a row, invaded the Feiqian country, and captured several castles including Saga Castle. !

   Bai Qi chases and kills the east, has been invading the Bunzen Kingdom, and has captured Ogura Castle!

   Then Bai Qi personally sits in Ogura Castle to prevent the daimyo of Honshu Island from supporting Kyushu Island again.

   Bai Qi then assigned Zhou Yu and Lu Xun to attack the Bunhou country entrenched by the big friends.

   Yue Fei and Chu Wu went south in an all-round way. They captured Chikugo and Kumamoto Castle in Higo Country. Finally, the army entered the Satsuma Kingdom where the Shimadzu family was entrenched and surrounded Izumi Castle.

  Shimazu’s base is in the inner city of the southern part of Satsuma, and they dispatched reinforcements to support Izumi city in the north.

   When Oda Nobunaga, Tokugawa Ieyasu and others fled back to Honshu Island, the conquest of Kyushu Island was equivalent to conquering a county in the Central Plains. Kyushu Island’s order system is equivalent to a county.

   Hundreds of thousands of troops swept a county, more than enough.

  The Shimadzu family is still thinking about resisting.

  The four Shimadzu brothers are all ruthless, and they still resist even if the disaster is imminent.

  Satsuma samurai is also the most aggressive samurai in Kyushu.

  Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Iehiro led the Satsuma warriors of the Shimadzu clan to support Izumi Castle. They wanted to defeat the invading Xia army in the popular Satsuma country, which is dominated by mountains.

  Shimazu Yoshihiro also had another idea: "Our Shimadzu family’s best tactic is ‘diaoyefu’. Even if the Xia army is strong, once it hits our fishing, it will be defeated.”

   "Brother, let me seduce the enemy!"

   "No, let me lure the enemy, you will command!"

Shimadzu Yoshihiro is also considered a brave man. He knows that the Shimadzu family’s "Diaoyefu" is at the core of the vanguard, which is used to mock the enemy and use his life to lure the enemy. The vanguard fought against the Xia army, and then retreated. Xia Jun introduced the iron artillery team and the archer team to the ambush circle.

  The general who led the striker to lure the enemy, died nine deaths, so Yoshihiro Shimazu and Iehiro Shimazu will compete for the vanguard position.

  In the end, the older Shimadzu Yoshihiro led the forward team and provoked the Chu Wu and Yue Fei regiments that were besieging the city out of the water, and wanted to provoke them to attack.

   "The Shimadzu family is good at\'fishing the wild volley\', which is a kind of ambush, just ignore it and continue to besiege the city of water. Then, once the Shimadzu family becomes angry, they must take the initiative to attack."

   Zhuge Liang had already done enough homework when he conquered Kyushu Island. He naturally knew that the Shimadzu family\'s almost unchanging "Tangyefu" tactics.

  The reason why Shimadzu’s "Diaoyefu" tactics are so unsuccessful is related to the enemy\'s ability to rule the army and the taunting effect of "Diaoyefu".

  A general military commander, once successfully mocked by the Shimadzu family\'s vanguard, it is very likely to attack the Shimadzu Corps desperately.

   In this way, they often fall into the Shimadzu family\'s strategy.

   However, because the Shimadzu clan used the "Diao Ye Fu" tactics invariably, so that when you encounter military commanders and counselors like Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang, you can see everything.

"It makes sense. Su Lie, you set up the fence and only send archers to hide behind the fence to shoot. No matter how provocative he is, you can\'t hold on. In addition, Chiyo, you bring the iron artillery team and garrison the fence together with Su Lie. ."

   Chu Wu recognized Zhuge Liang\'s judgment and adopted the tortoise tactics that could not be held out.

  The essence of Shimadzu’s "fishing in the wild" tactics is to lure the enemy. Once the taunting fails, it is difficult to succeed.

  Su Lie restrained the army, and once the Shimadzu family\'s vanguard came to provoke, all arrows would be fired and the small vanguard would be shot back.

   "Damn it!"

  Shima Tsu Yoshihiro provoked in every possible way, and Xia Jun just couldn\'t stick to it. His vanguard could not even fight Xia Jun in close hands, nor could he launch a taunting effect.

   Yue Fei is attacking the city of water, Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu family are anxious for a long time.

   If the siege cannot be cleared, the people in Chushui City will be captured no matter how high they are, and then Xia Jun’s goal is the inner city, the main city of the Shimadzu family.

   "Brother, we work together to defeat Xia Jun!"

   "For today\'s plan, it can only be so."

  The desperate Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Iehiro forced the situation and had to charge the fence set by Xia Jun!

   Lv Lingqi, Su Lie, Yang Xingmi, Zu Dashou and other generals battle with foot soldiers, mainly infantry, fighting against the ferocious Samo warriors of the Shimadzu family!

   Feather Xue Jun became a sharpshooter after dismounting, his arrows were all shot, and many Samo warriors were killed.

   Lv Lingqi once again played unparalleled among the Samo warriors, pinning hundreds of Samo warriors.

   Yang Xingmi led the surviving Black Cloud Longsword Army to report the revenge of the Kyushu War, and took full action.

  Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Iehiro held a samurai sword and achieved a hundred people cut.

   However, the personal force of the Shimadzu brothers cannot save the crisis at all.

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   Zhuge continuous crossbowmen and Tachibana Iron Artillery team fired continuously, and the fierce Samo warriors could not withstand their attacks.

  The battle lasted for several hours, and Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Kajiu were repelled.

   This time, Chu Wu obeyed Zhuge Liang\'s suggestion and did not rush to pursue him. The purpose was to take Chushui City as a stronghold to attack the inner city, disgusting Shimadzu\'s family.

   "Our reinforcements were repelled..."

   Shimazu family elder and guard Yushin Yamada, on the wall of Izumi City, seeing the reinforcements being repelled, fell into extreme despair.

   He knew that the great names of Honshu Island and Shikoku Island could not bear the losses caused by the Great Battle of Kyushu, and had abandoned Kyushu Island and the Shimadzu family on Kyushu Island.

   Yamada Yuxin invited his son: "Come here, take him out of the city and surrender to Xia Jun."

   Yamada Yushin knew that the Shimadzu family now had only tens of thousands of troops left, and it was impossible to resist the hundreds of thousands of summer troops that swept across Kyushu Island.

   If the same force ~www.novelhall.com~ can still rely on the location to defend.

   But this attack is not the ordinary daimyo, but the Kyushu Crusade Army who is bigger than any other daimyo.

   Yamada Yushin\'s son enters the Xia Army barracks as a hostage, surrendering to Yue Fei on behalf of the guard.

   Yue Fei has connected several cities on Kyushu Island and has already sent troops to take over from Shuicheng.

   Next, only the inner city of the Shimadzu family remains, which is Kagoshima.

   If the Shimadzu family is completely eliminated, then the entire Kyushu Island will become a county of the Daxia Dynasty.

   "Enter the inner city!"

   Yue Fei and Chu Wu were captured by Yamada Yushin, and 3,000 soldiers were assigned to garrison the city out of the water, and then they attacked the inner city non-stop in order to achieve the supremacy of Kyushu as soon as possible.

  Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Iehiro still wanted to "fishing in the wild" during the Xia Army march, but Zhuge Liang saw through them, and Yue Fei and Chu Wu echoed each other.

   Once the Shimadzu clan taunts a soldier and horse, the other soldier and horse will respond and counter-siege the Shimadzu’s samurai.

  Shimazu Yoshihiro and Shimazu Family have repeatedly suffered losses, but Xia Jun has advanced all the way and has reached the outer periphery of the inner city.

  The four Shimadzu brothers are in an unprecedented crisis.


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