Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1128: Lu Lingqi's allegiance, the world's unparalleled flying fighter!

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"His Royal Highness..."

Lu Lingqi woke up, the wounds on her body had disappeared, and she escaped.

"Where is my Fangtian painted halberd and red rabbit horse?"

Lu Lingqi found her weapon, and the red rabbit horse, disappeared.

"My lord, this is Tachibana Castle."

The maid of Tachibana brought hot water.

"Tachibana Mountain Castle?"

Lu Lingqi went out and found that she was indeed in Tachibana Mountain City.

At this time, Tachibana Mountain City was armed by the Xia Army, while the Tianshou Tower was occupied by the ninth-order Xuanjia Army.

The Xuanjia Army cavalry was more brave and good at fighting than the Bianzhou wolf cavalry left to her by Lu Lingqi\'s father, Lu Bu, and was one of the most elite heavy cavalry in the Daxia Dynasty.

Looking down from Tachibana Mountain City, you can see the Yuan bandit defense in Hakata Bay, the banners of the Xia Army, the warships are like clouds, and the Xia Army soldiers are constantly on the shore.

Lu Lingqi vaguely remembers being shot by Suzuki Shigehide\'s matchlock gun during the battle. However, at this time, Lu Lingqi could not find the wound and had completely healed.

Lu Lingqi learned that after the arrival of Emperor Chutian, the daimyos such as Takeda, Sanada, Date and Suzuki who attacked Chuwu retreated.

In addition, Mi Fang, several Eastern Han gods and Valus, the Roman **** of invincible war, went to rescue Zhou Yu, Le Yi, and Li Chenggui on the order of Chutian.

Mi Fang and the others don\'t need to really go to war, just wave the flag and shout, bluff, and under the banner of Chutian, they can scare away the big names.

Zhou Yu, Le Yi, and Li Chenggui withdrew the Yuan bandit defense and stationed near Lihua Mountain, waiting for the next batch of reinforcements.

At the same time, during the ten-day battle, the morale and physical strength of the regiments of Zhou Yu, Le Yi, and others fell severely. The second batch of reinforcements had not yet arrived, so Chutian ordered them to retreat to the Yuan band defense, defend, and prepare for the next round. offensive.

In fact, Chutian still attaches great importance to the four islands of the East.

According to Chutian\'s original plan, Wu Qi served as Marshal of Soldiers and Horses on the West Road, Bai Qi served as Marshal of Soldiers and Horses on the East Road, and Sun Jian as General Marshals of Soldiers and Horses on the South Road.

However, in this "nightmare" level epic battle, Chu Tian took away Bai Qi and fought for several months before conquering it.

During this period, Le Yi replaced Bai Qi, temporarily acting as Marshal of the East Army and Horsemen.

A burly general with a quiver met Lu Lingqi and looked up and down at Lu Lingqi: "Are you the daughter of Lu Bu?"

Lu Lingqi could feel the force of this military commander, and his aura was no less than her father: "Who are you?"

"This is your father\'s weapon. Now, things return to the original owner. Your father is considered the number one person. You can be regarded as a reward for protecting your prince. You and your father have a similar temperament, but your personality is completely different."

Xue Rengui arrived at Tachibana Mountain City and handed Lv Bu\'s exclusive weapon "Fang Tian painted halberd" to Lv Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi took over the halberd by Fang Tian, ​​the ghost and god, and had gathered Lu Bu\'s weapons and horses.

"My father..."

Lu Lingqi touched the scene and became emotional.

"You must protect your Royal Highness from now on. Even if the enemy comes forward, you must not stay away from him."

"Don\'t you need weapons?"

"I already have a new weapon. Moreover, Lu Bu\'s original\'Shengui Fangtian Painting Halberd\' is not perfect yet. I have asked the master caster Ou Yezi to recreate the\'Shengui Fangtian Painting Halberd\'. Now this weapon can be used. With other effects."

Xue Rengui has a new weapon built for him by Ou Yezi, so he doesn\'t care about returning the "God and Ghost Fangtian Painted Halberd" to Lu Lingqi.

"Thank you. Where is His Royal Highness?"

Lu Lingqi waved Fang Tian\'s halberd, and there was a sound of breaking through the air, but also with black energy. Sure enough, after Ou Yezi re-forged the "God and Ghost Fangtian\'s halberd", Fang Tian\'s halberd was even more powerful.

"His Royal Highness is in the backyard of Tachibana Mountain Castle."

Lu Lingqi brought new weapons to the backyard of Tachibana Mountain City and found that Chu Wu was visiting Tachibana Chiyo\'s injuries.

Lu Lingqi feels unspeakable and feels a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Lu, you can be considered as waking up. I went to visit just now, and you were still unconscious. This time you escaped safely, thanks to your full fighting."

Chu Wu was overjoyed when he saw Lu Lingqi safe and sound, and walked around.

It turns out that he also visited himself not long ago?

When Lu Lingqi thought of this, she was unhappy with her simple mind: "Since I have accepted your salary, of course I have to work hard."

"I will always play for me in the future, and I will formally serve as Dong Gongwei, how about?"

Lu Lingqi hadn\'t really been loyal yet, and Chu Wu took this opportunity to make Lu Lingqi loyal.

"Since you have all begged me, then I reluctantly agree..."

"Ding! Royal-level fierce general Lu Lingqi is loyal to you."

"Emperor-level fierce general..."

Chu Wu\'s eyes widened.

He knows the division of generals from his father, the imperial-level military generals are already the most powerful generals, second only to the holy-level military generals.

However, there is no trace of the holy warrior at this time, so the emperor warrior is the most powerful.

To Chu Wu\'s surprise, he knew that Lu Lingqi\'s force was very high, but he did not expect that Lu Lingqi could reach the level of an imperial warrior.

Lu Lingqi has become his number one thug.

Chu Wu can now see Lu Lingqi\'s panel.

[Name]: Lu Lingqi

[Talent]: Imperial General (Cavalry Department)

[Level]: 50

[Identity]: Daughter of Lu Bu (has obtained Lu Bu\'s military inheritance)

【Loyalty】: 90

[Commander]: 70 (upper limit 81)

[Strength]: 91 (upper limit 89+10)

[Intelligence]: 37 (upper limit 47)

[Politics]: 10 (upper limit 18)

[Charm]: 90

[Appearance]: Brave and Tsundere

[Favorite degree]: 85

[Feature 1]: World Warriors (SSS-level personal characteristics, personal attack power +30%, attack speed +10%, Wushuang state can be turned on, personal attack power extra +30%, block +30%, attack speed +20% , The effect lasts for a period of time; while the Wushuang state is turned on, the rate of stamina consumption increases, and after the stamina is lower than 15, the Wushuang effect disappears

[Feature 2]: Flying Commander (SS-class Legion feature, Cavalry Department, Cavalry Attack Power +20%, Impact Power +20%, March Speed ​​+10%)

[Characteristic 3]: One horse to be a thousand (SS-class army, personal characteristics, commander no more than 100 cavalry attacking the enemy camp, Lu Lingqi and all cavalry, attack power +10%, horse impact +25%, gallop speed +15%, and depending on the situation to reduce the morale of the enemy: pierce through the enemy formation, the morale of the enemy is -15; cut off the commander flag of the enemy, the morale of the enemy is -15; kill the enemy leader, the morale of the enemy is -30

[Characteristic 4]: Assault (A-level regiment characteristic, cavalry system, appearing from behind the enemy, when assaulting the enemy, cavalry impact +7%, gallop speed +8%)

[Feature 5]: Long drive straight into (A-level legion feature, marching system, cavalry marching speed +5%, forced marching speed +10%)

[Feature 6]: Recklessness (negative feature, after launching an attack, it may refuse the order)

[Special arms]: Bianzhou wolf cavalry (6th-tier light cavalry, upper limit of five thousand)

[Special weapon]: God and ghost Fangtian painted halberd (imperial weapon, Lu Bu\'s exclusive weapon, strengthened by Ou Yezi, its own attack power +17, stabbing damage +23%, chopping damage +17%, cutting damage +18%, hook Damage +20%, with a deterrent effect, the enemy’s morale decline speeds up. If the bearer has the "Unparalleled Under Heaven" characteristic, it can additionally trigger the "God and Demon Flurry" effect. The military commander holding this weapon will protect the black energy for a short time. Internal damage +20%, attack range +20%)

[Special Horse]: Red Rabbit Horse (Imperial Class Horse, [Load]: S [Speed]: SSS [Endurance]: S [Impact Force]: SSS [Special Effects]: Red Rabbit among people, Lu Bu in horse (×) , When the Chituma bursts out, speed +15%, impact +20%, incidental fire damage, can burn the enemy, but will not harm the owner)


When Chu Wu saw Lu Lingqi\'s panel, his heart was shocked. In the end, what kind of perverted general had he subdued...

Originally, Lu Lingqi\'s upper limit of force was only 89. Lu Lingqi inherited Lu Bu\'s force and characteristics, and the maximum limit of force was 99!

Moreover, Lu Lingqi also has Fang Tian painting halberd and red rabbit horse...

When Lu Lingqi grows up, it will be the next Lu Bu.

Lu Lingqi\'s characteristics are related to cavalry and marching, and she is also a cavalry general who is good at surprise attacks. Lu Lingqi not only has the characteristics of Lu Bu, but also her own characteristics.

Once the four characteristics of "flying commander", "a horse as a thousand", "assault", and "long drive straight" are triggered, Lu Lingqi\'s cavalry will be a nightmare for the enemy.

The only shortcoming is that Lu Lingqi\'s intelligence is not high, and she has negative characteristics of "recklessness". If it sounds better, she is innocent.

It was precisely because of Lu Lingqi\'s simple mind that she was fooled by Chu Wu\'s allegiance and lost herself.

After reading Lu Lingqi\'s panel, Chu Wu suddenly felt that he was not in vain, but made a profit in fighting the Qinling bandits!

The crusade against Li Yu and Guo Bang is nothing compared to getting Lu Lingqi!

Maybe even Chu Tian and Xia Liang did not know that Lu Lingqi had inherited Lu Bu\'s abilities, so she thought that Chu Wu had a mediocre exploit in the crusade against Qinling.

From this point of view, giving Lu Lingqi the healing medicine is worth the money.

In addition, Lu Lingqi\'s loyalty reached 90, and her favorability was 85...

This is too high, it is a bit abnormal.

Chu Wu was puzzled.

But in order to let Lu Lingqi work for herself in the future, she still has to treat her better, lest she run away.

At this time, Tachibana Chiyo coughed and woke up.

She, Chu Wu, and the coming Lu Lingqi stared at each other.

In her impression, she was stabbed by the one-eyed dragon Masamune\'s sword, and her life was hanging by a thread.

However, Chiyo Tachibana did not find a wound on her body.

Lu Lingqi said coldly: "I heard that His Royal Highness used the healing medicine given by the emperor to help us heal the wound."

Chiyo Tachibana was shocked: "Thank you for your help~www.novelhall.com~ You are dying to protect me, how can I abandon you? You two should get along well in the future."

Chu Wu regarded the two as his subordinates. Lu Lingqi\'s military force and Tachibana Chiyo\'s firearms had their own uses and were worthy of being wooed.

However, Lu Lingqi and Tachibana Chiyo may not get together, and there is a vague hostility in the two eyes.

Chu Tian was at the Tianshou Pavilion in Tachibana Mountain City at this time, checking the list of items that can be exchanged for this epic battle.

This epic battle is really difficult, and it can\'t be resurrected. Chu Tian almost died in the copy-he faced the offensive of the Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty and the **** of the army Li Jing.

Chu Tian stepped forward and chose the "Nightmare" difficulty before the start of the dungeon, and Tang Jun\'s attributes greatly increased.

The result is conceivable. Under the difficulty of "Nightmare", the Tang army\'s strength and attack power all suppressed Chu Tian.

Even if Chu Tian brought Bai Qi, faced with Li Shimin, Li Jing, and the Datang Legion, which had a substantial system bonus under "Nightmare" difficulty, he was severely suppressed.

Chu Tian spent several months and exhausted all means, only then barely managed to break through the copy.

Because of this, the time to return was delayed, and there was no time to change the candidate of the Marshal of the East Army and Horse.

Correspondingly, the rewards of the "Nightmare" difficulty dungeon are also very rich, and the healing medicine is one of the priceless treasures that can be exchanged.

After returning to the Lord\'s World, Chu Tian discovered that his son had accepted two female military commanders as his subordinates at a young age, which was even more powerful than he had before.

Chu Tian couldn\'t help muttering in his heart. It seems that his son is a sea king, totally different from himself.

But going back in this way, the Jiangdong Sun family may not be happy, Sun Shangxiang might get angry.

Chu Tian shook his head. This was the problem his son was worried about. He continued to check the item list.