Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1116: Cut 9 state stars!

Hundreds of crossbowmen rushed in the forefront, firing at the unprepared Takahashi Samurai. In an instant, thousands of crossbow arrows shot out, piercing the samurai and light armor, and several rows of enemy troops fell together!

After the volley of crossbow soldiers, they immediately retreated, and Yang Xingmi led the Black Cloud Long Sword Army to attack!

The Black Cloud Long Sword Army does not eat Yang Xingmi’s bonus, but Chu Wu’s bonus. Among them, Chu Wu has the SSS-level feature "Break the Cauldron", which gives the Black Cloud Long Sword Army a 40% high attack bonus, and continuous In three days, morale is full and will not drop!

In other words, within these three days, as long as the Black Cloud Long Sword Army still has physical strength, the battle can continue!

Moreover, Chu Wu not only has the SSS-level feature of "breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat", but also has other characteristics, which are superimposed for the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, making the Black Cloud Long Sword Army look like a rainbow!

Although the Black Cloud Long Sword Army is Yang Xingmi\'s exclusive unit, it is clear that at this time, it is clearly capable of erupting higher combat power under Chu Wu\'s command!

"Face the enemy!"

"The tide is about to rise, do not retreat but advance, are they crazy!?"

Takahashi Shaoyun and Takahashi Tonghu originally thought that Zhu Neng and Zu Dashou had retired and were ready to go back home, but Chu Wu, the prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, brought more than 10,000 elite soldiers, and the pigs advanced!

The Black Cloud Long Sword Army is not affected by the terrain very much, and the sword is full of strength!

Many samurai tried to pull out the katana to block, but at this time, the Black Cloud Longsword Army, which received a high amount of attack and a high morale bonus, had the upper hand. It flew the katana, and the sharp blade swept across the warrior’s neck. Its obliterate!

The samurai of the Takahashi family met the infantry, the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, who was also good at melee combat, and was suddenly defeated.

The previous volley of continuous crossbowmen caused the front enemy to be shot, and the Black Cloud Longsword Army cut in and reaped the enemy in a big way!

The royal wild boar Shah Balez led the Savalan heavy cavalry. Because of the narrow terrain, they were blocked by the Black Cloud Longsword Army and couldn\'t help being irritable.

Shahbalz, who was originally good at pig leaping forward tactics, should use the most courageous posture and use the impact of heavy cavalry to thoroughly trample these short Eastern warriors.

However, on the ghost terrain of Kyushu Island, the cavalry army is difficult to spread, let alone the soft mud beach, the heavy cavalry may not be able to run.

This is why the imperial court did not send the cavalry from the prairie to attack the four islands of the East, but instead transferred the soldiers and horses of Monan and Mobei to the western front of the empire.

"You follow the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, and I will fight ahead!"

Shahbalz could not hold back his militant character, and immediately joined the battle between the Black Cloud Long Sword Army and the Eastern Warriors.

At this time, a flame-shrouded war horse overtook Shah Balez from behind and slew forward.

After Lu Lingqi came ashore, she regained her spirit, waved Fang Tian\'s painting halberd, and rode a red rabbit horse on the ground!

At this time, the importance of famous horses is undoubtedly highlighted.

Even in the unfavorable terrain of the beach, the red rabbit horse still gallops like the wind!

Fang Tian\'s painted halberd fell, and an Eastern warrior was killed by Lu Lingqi with a halberd!

The red rabbit and horse ran rampant, the flames swept all over, and many enemy soldiers were burned by the flames!

Lu Lingqi already has the style of Lu Bu, wherever he went, Fang Tian painted halberds dancing wildly, and the samurai and Zuqing along the way were harvested by Fang Tian painted halberds!

"Amazing force!"

The royal wild boar Shakhbalz came to the front and was shocked to see that Lu Lingqi was only 16 or 7 years old, fighting unparalleled in the enemy line and killing all quarters.

Given time, isn\'t this woman\'s force still above her?

Shahbalz was unwilling to show weakness, holding a spear, and assaulting the enemy.

Gan Ning took the sword and came out of the Black Cloud Long Sword Army. A blade of light slashed forward and cut a samurai. The iron helmet of the latter broke!

"The generals forge ahead!"

Chu Wu knew that only half an hour was left.

If you can\'t defeat Gao Qiao Shaoyun and Gao Qiao Tonghu within half an hour, and attack the land, then his more than ten thousand elite soldiers will be submerged by the high tide.


Chu Wu even went to the front line to forge ahead with the Black Cloud Long Sword Army and behead the samurai!

"Broken the cauldron and sink the boat" and other characteristics superimposed, resulting in Chu Wu\'s more than ten thousand elite troops extremely terrifying, the big and loose Takahashi Shaoyun, Takahashi Tonghu father and son!

The army of Takahashi Shaoyun and Takahashi Tora was cut by the Black Cloud Sword Army!

Lu Lingqi, Shahbalz, and Gan Ning violently assault, and Takahashi and his son completely collapsed.

Takahashi Tonghu launched the "Xiguo Wushuang" feature, and its attack power was greatly increased, fighting Ganning and fighting for dozens of rounds.

But the bravery of Takahashi Tonghu\'s individual cannot turn the tide.

The morale of Chu Wu\'s more than 10,000 elite soldiers was like a rainbow. Affected by the characteristics of "Breaking the Cauldron and Sinking the Boat" of Emperor Xiang Yu, the morale was always at full value and would not decline.

The Datomo Patriarch Takahashi Shaoyun behind the palace was besieged by the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, and the Black Cloud Long Sword Army whose attack power had been strengthened cut out the sword energy, leaving Takahashi Shaoyun, who was not low in force, scarred.

After the Black Cloud Long Sword Army is strengthened, it threatens the fierce generals!

"Your head, I, daughter of Lu Fengxian, accept it!"

A fiery red war horse came galloping, Fang Tian painted a halberd and dropped it!

The sound of the weapon impact made the scalp of the surrounding black cloud sword army numb!

Takahashi Shaoyun held the long sword in both hands and tried to block Fang Tian\'s halberd, his arms trembling.

After the injury, Takahashi Shaoyun\'s force was no longer as strong as Lu Lingqi, Fang Tian painted a halberd to suppress the Da Naginata, and the crescent-shaped blade fell into Takahashi Shaoyun\'s shoulder and pierced into the flesh. The intense pain made Takahashi Shaoyun gritted his teeth.

Lu Lingqi has been fighting since childhood, not afraid of killing, but warlike.


After Lu Lingqi injured Takahashi Shaoyun, she hit the helmet of Takahashi Shaoyun with another halberd. The terrible force deformed the iron helmet!

Kyushu\'s famous star Takahashi Shaoyun has survived the chaos of twenty years until now, but he died in the battle for Shiga Island!

"My Father!"

Takahashi, who was still fighting Gan Ning to the death, couldn\'t help but feel grief when his father was killed.

The main general Takahashi Shaoyun was killed, and the morale of the tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers on the beach dropped drastically!

The Black Cloud Long Sword Army has smashed to the land, causing the Japanese Army to panic!

"Rapid reinforcement!"

Fortunately, Tachibana’s old Ono Jin took three thousand Tachibana’s soldiers and horses in an attempt to close the gap in Takahashi’s family.

When Ono Jinyuki took over the battle, he finally knew what kind of enemy Takahashi Shaoyun and Takahashi Tou were facing-the high-level arms with high attack bonuses, and the burst of impact was unprecedented!

In addition, the morale of Chu Wu, an amazing soldier, is always at full value, and only physical strength can limit them!

The Black Cloud Long Sword Army made contact with Tachibana’s three thousand soldiers and horses, and was quickly cut in by the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, and then defeated like a mountain.

Fortunately, Ono Town fought hard, but still retreated steadily.

"How to do……"

Fortunately, Xiaoyezhen’s scalp is numb. If Xia Jun is allowed to establish a foothold on the land of Kyushu Island, then the Central Plains army will continue to come ashore along the shallows. There is no stone fortress here.

In addition, Tachibana Mountain Castle will also be threatened by Xia Jun.

Tonghu Takahashi is still struggling with his own force, and with his broken tribe, he retreats back.

Before the water flooded the shoal, Chu Wu led more than ten thousand elite soldiers to successfully set foot on the land of Kyushu Island, and Chu Wu continued to attack!

The main force of the Japanese army was assembled on the Yuan band defense, and they were still fighting with Le Yi, Zhou Yu, Li Chenggui and others. Chu Wu\'s soldiers and horses did not consume any morale, and they could completely intersperse behind the Yuan band defense and flanked back and forth!

"Shiga Island Defense Line, collapse!"

The big names who were stationed in the defense against the invaders all looked in the direction of Shiga Island, and fled back one after another.

"You must take back the Shiga Island defense line! You still stay behind the defense line, I will personally go to support!"

Tachibana Doyuki understood what it meant to lose the Shiga Island defense line, so he acted decisively, commanded a team of soldiers, and tried to drive the Xia army ashore into the sea.

"Takahashi Shaoyun, Takahashi Tonghu father and son, are not called Xiguo Wushuang? We knew that Shigashima was guarded by our Shimadzu family!"

Shimadzu Yoshihisa, the owner of the Shimadzu family ~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing the Japanese army\'s position that was blocking Shiga Island was full of smoke, his heart collapsed.

Yuan’s defensive defensive wall is known as a copper wall and an iron wall, and Shiga Island’s shallows are controlled by one man, and they are not open. Both are dangerous places. However, the defense line near Shiga Island was captured by the Xia army on the eighth day of the war. The Japanese army defended the base and suffered from the enemy.

Tachibana Doyuki went to support and met the defeated family elder.

Xiaoye Zhen said to the Patriarch in horror: "Master, this Xia Army\'s combat power is terrifying, and their morale does not seem to decline..."

Tachibana Doyuki has some eyesight: "Is this a special ability that can be put to death and reborn?"

Tachibana Miyuki merged with Ono Jinyuki and tried to counter Xia Jun.

Chu Wu urged more than ten thousand elite soldiers to fight against Tachibana Daoxue and his retainers with Lu Lingqi, Gan Ning, and Shah Balez as the pioneers!

After landing, the Savalan heavy cavalry of the Royal Boar Shahbalz launched a pig attack against the Tachibana Army and broke the Tachibana Road Snow!

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