Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1110: Kamikaze

Tsushima Island is located between Dongying and Goryeo.

In ancient times, Japanese pirates were entrenched on Tsushima Island, and from time to time they went north to looting Korea, causing the Korean rebellion.

Compared with the Central Plains, Korea’s Japanese unrest was more serious, so it is not difficult to understand that Korea and Dongying have a feud.

The expedition fleet of tens of thousands of warships of the Daxia Dynasty had already appeared in the northern part of Tsushima Island at this time.

"Run away!"

A small number of samurai stationed on Tsushima Island hurriedly rowed a small boat to escape from here.

They were ordered to investigate the whereabouts of the expeditionary army of the Daxia Dynasty. When they saw the boundless warships appearing on the sea, the Dafu ship appeared in the waves, and their faces suddenly became pale.

The islands of Kitakyushu, such as Tsushima Island and Iki Island, have been abandoned, and the Japanese Army retreated to Kyushu Island.

The expedition fleet easily captured Tsushima Island, and more than a hundred samurai who did not want to escape were captured.

The navy generals such as Zheng He and Zhou Yu looked towards Iki Island and Kyushu Island to the south. The sky was gloomy and they couldn\'t help frowning.

"Is the legend true?"

"Several generals, we have already arrived at Tsushima Island, and we will soon conquer Iki Island and Hirado Island, and our troops are approaching Kyushu Island. Why are we stagnating?"

Chu Wu met a small-scale warrior for the first time.

However, Tsushima Island has only one town and scattered villages, and there is not much resistance at all.

Chu Wu discovered that Zheng He, Zhou Yu, Zheng Zhilong and other navy generals had a sudden dispute. The expeditionary fleet stayed on Tsushima Island for two days without continuing to sail.

Zhou Yu, who has always been smiling confidently, also frowned at this time, as if he had encountered a problem: "His Royal Highness, the minister has heard that the four islands of the East are protected by the "Kamikaze". I thought it was just an ordinary ghost, but this At that time, Iki Island and the waters of Kitakyushu were experiencing strong winds... If the southern expedition continues, I am afraid that the fleet will suffer heavy losses..."

Chu Wu heard his father said that Zheng He is the master of navigation and Zheng Zhilong is the king of ships: "Could it be that with the two masters of navigation, there is no way to avoid the losses caused by the\'sacred wind\'?"

Zheng He replied: "Although the minister can reduce the damage caused by the storm, even if he suffers 70%... even 50% of the loss, it may be 100,000 lives."


Chu Wu listened to the judgments of the navy generals such as Zheng He and Zhou Yu, and looked to the south. As expected, the sky was gloomy and the waves were rising.

Whenever facing subjugation, kamikaze descends.

If you want to expedition to the four islands of Dongying, you must defeat Kamikaze.

Both Zheng He and Zheng Zhilong belong to the masters of navigation and can reduce the losses caused by the storm. The question is how much losses can be reduced.

If Kamikaze has caused too much damage to the fleet, then they must consider whether to retreat.

"Damn it, the father and mother organized a million army to march eastward to Kyushu Island. How can they retreat because of the kamikaze."

Chu Wu was a little unwilling.

"Please instruct the Military Strategy Division to see if you will continue to march. If you march, you need to be prepared to sacrifice a group of soldiers."

Zheng He finally threw this question to the court, and the court decided whether to risk the "Kamikaze" and continue marching toward Kyushu Island.

Tsushima Island has a three-level town built by players, and you can use the player\'s system to deliver messages.

The imperial court soon issued an order to enter Kyushu according to the original plan.

"Since this is what the imperial court meant, then we continue to march and prepare to fight the\'Kamikaze\'."

As a master of navigation, Zheng He would not mind if the imperial court could bear the losses caused by the divine wind, risking the divine wind to disperse the fleet and marching into Kyushu.

When the fleet encounters a hurricane, it depends on the strength of the warship, the response of the navy generals, and the luck.

Tens of thousands of warships left Tsushima Island, heading for Iki Island and Hirado Island.

"Ding! The four eastern islands are threatened by national subjugation, and the special mechanism "Kamikaze" is triggered. The probability of storms in the seas of the four eastern islands is greatly increased. Please pay attention to the lords of the two warring parties and the ships of various civilizations!"

"Ding! The four eastern islands are threatened with subjugation, and the special mechanism "Kamikaze" is triggered..."

After Zheng He\'s fleet crossed Tsushima Island, the system prompt sounded!

In the seas of the East, there really is a **** wind!

After receiving a strong order from the imperial court, the master of navigation Zheng He resolutely braved the "Kamikaze" to attack Iki Island!

Tens of thousands of warships are sailing in strong winds and waves, and some small ships may be swallowed by the waves.

Lu Lingqi\'s face was pale, and she seemed seasick, who was good at riding and fighting.

Originally served as Chu Wu\'s guard, but instead he wanted Chu Wu to care about the safety of his subordinates.

"I am the daughter of Lu Fengxian, and I don\'t need your help."

"I order you to go to the cabin to rest, and you will be able to use it when you board Kyushu Island."

Chu Wu gave up his cabin to Lu Lingqi to win people\'s hearts.

Chu Wu didn\'t feel seasick, but looked nervously at the cloudy sky.

The seas of Kitakyushu were screaming, and the Fubo Army Navy tried to maintain its course. From time to time, warships were blown away and the fleet was dispersed.

The navigation-related characteristics of Zheng He and Zheng Zhilong played an important role at this time, which prevented the main force of the fleet from being destroyed by Kamikaze.

Dongying civilization area, when Dongying players heard the system prompt, they couldn\'t help but ecstatic.


See kamikaze again!

Historically, it was because of the sacred wind of Kitakyushu that intensified the collapse of the Mongols, which saved the Four Islands of the East!

The threat posed by the Great Xia Dynasty Expeditionary Army to the four islands of the East is so powerful that it triggers the "Kamikaze" that protects the civilization of the East!

"There is a **** wind guarding Kyushu Island, maybe the Xia army will repeat the failure of the Mongolian expedition. The Mongolian army that crosses the world will eventually be defeated under the **** wind. It seems that God bless Dongying!"

As the player’s name, Takeda Tadayoshi clearly remembers that the invincible Mongol empire defeated Dongying twice in a row, and as a result, the Mongolian empire fell into the sand. During the second Mongol empire expedition, more than 100,000 Mongols, Koreans and Song people were abandoned by the coach in Dongying , Killed by the Dongying people or captured.

This time the reappearance of the kamikaze brought hope to the panic-stricken four islands of the East.

"Odaden, the Heiyoshimori of Hirado Castle, has always traded with Chuyuan, and may betray us. I propose to send a surprise team to surprise Hirado Castle, abolish Heiyoshimori\'s status as the lord of the city, and control Hirado Island in In our hands."

Takeda Tadayoshi made suggestions to Oda Nobunaga.

"Ping Yisheng dare to collude with foreign enemies, I will let the Shimadzu family solve him."

In the face of the aggressive summer army, Oda Nobunaga went all out and realized that Hirado Castle might betray Kyushu Island, so he ordered the Shimadzu brothers to attack Hirado Castle and ceded Hirado Castle to the Shimadzu family.

"The Maritime Alliance has agreed to support us with 100,000 soldiers and horses. If the\'yuan bandit defense\' is broken, they will be sent to Kyushu Island as soon as possible to counterattack."

"If you can\'t use the forces of the maritime alliance, don\'t use it. Their asking price is too high."

Oda Nobunaga knew that he could not rely too much on the maritime alliance established by the United States, otherwise the four islands of the East would become a semi-colonies of the maritime alliance.

The appearance of Kamikaze has made the players, samurai, and farmers of the four islands of the East excited for several days.

However, the samurai of Iki Island outside Kitakyushu discovered with horror that the fleet of the Daxia Dynasty, under the leadership of navigation masters Zheng He and Zheng Chenggong, sailed tenaciously in the kamikaze and arrived at Iki Island!

At this time, it is very important to have a master of navigation!

Without a master of navigation, it would be difficult to conquer the four islands of the East!

According to records, during the Mongolian expedition to Dongying, the Southern Song generals who surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty were familiar with the navy, so Shenfeng caused much less damage to his fleet than the Mongolian generals.

The HNA masters Zheng He and Zheng Zhilong are worth 10,000 gold at this time.


Gan Ning took eight hundred Jinfan thieves, braved the heavy rain, forcibly ascended Iki Island!

Because the Kyushu Daimyo abandoned the outer islands, Iki Island had only a 500-man samurai and Ashikaru (low infantry).

This group of teams was supposed to stay in Iki Island to monitor the movement of Xia Jun.

They thought that the Great Xia Dynasty\'s expeditionary force would retreat when the kamikaze came, but they did not expect that the Daxia Dynasty\'s fleet would arrive at Iki Island, only three days later than planned!

Gan Ning easily landed ashore and killed and captured more than 300 people with the eight hundred Jinfan thieves. The remaining samurai and Zuqing fled into the deep mountains of Iki Island.

Iki Island is very close to Kyushu Island, and ships can be sent to attack Hakata Bay.

"Go to occupy Hirado Island in a fleet."

Zheng He asked Xu Sheng to take 20,000 people to control Hirado City and start a teleportation formation with the Central Plains.

However, Hirado Castle is located overseas, separated from the mainland of Kyushu by a strait.

Occupying Hirado Castle can provide supplies to the fleet.


Xu Sheng took two hundred ships to Hirado Island.

"Count the losses and proceed to attack Hakata Bay. Although the sky is not in our hands, the sky is not as good as the place, and the place is not as good as the people. As long as we work together, Kamikaze cannot repel us."

Zheng He counts the losses. About tens of thousands of people were swallowed up by the wind and waves or disappeared.

Kamikaze may strike at any time, Zheng He and others need to have a foothold on Kyushu Island under extremely harsh conditions.

At this time, their situation is similar to that of the Mongolian army’s expedition to Dongying~www.novelhall.com~ Le Yi said: "The people of Dongying built the\'Yuankou Defense\' in Hakata Bay. They must assemble elite troops to break through. Stone barrier defense line."

Zhou Yu asked: "Since the\'yuan bandit defense\' is located on the seashore, I wonder if the firearms and bed crossbows on the warship can be used to protect the infantry from attacking the stone barrier?"

"The Dongying people have already considered this situation. They set up a stone fortress just outside the range of most of our weapons. This is the tricky part."

Zheng He and Zheng Zhilong considered how to allow the fleet to pass through the Tsushima Strait, while Le Yi considered how to break through the "yuan bandit defense" in Hakata Bay, establish a foothold on Kyushu Island, and deal with the counterattack of the Toyo Daimyo coalition forces.

"On the east side of Hakata Bay, there is Shika Island. The island is long and narrow. When the tide is low, the exposed beach can be directly connected to the land. If Shiga Island can be captured, a few people will be the pioneers and attack the land. The rear of the defensive base may be able to defeat the Japanese army. However, because of the narrow terrain, even a fierce warrior is in danger in a melee...If you can\'t win it at high tide, you may become a lone army."

Le Yi pointed to the location of Shiga Island.

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