Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1096: Ownership of the second holy commander!

After Chutian inflicted heavy damage to Wo Kuotai and dragged the coalition forces, he chose to withdraw his troops and returned to his division to join Xia Liang.

According to his deployment, Xia Liang\'s partial division successfully broke into the battlefield after Marshall and Bai Qi were both injured, and took Bai Qi away. He even temporarily recruited Bai Qi, then counterattacked and defeated Marshall.

A general followed Xia Liang, Bai Qi had a murderous intent, and he was not angry with himself. It seemed that as long as he drew his sword, the murderous intent would go straight to the bullfight.

Chu Tian had already guessed Bai Qi\'s identity in advance, so it was not surprising.

Summer Liang made Bai Qi be loyal to Chutian, but Bai Qi was unwilling, preferring to be a minister rather than serving for the emperor. It seems that Bai Qi instinctively thinks that it is more dangerous to serve under the emperor, because he was killed by the emperor in history.

Chu Tian looked at the panel sent by Xia Liang.

"The lowest 40%, the highest 120% attack power bonus, also reduces the enemy\'s morale and defense, who can withstand this?"

After Chu Tian understood Bai Qi\'s ability mechanism, he took a breath.

Bai Qi\'s attack bonus on the Legion is too high.

Generally speaking, only a few special generals will have more complicated mechanisms. Bai Qi\'s mechanism is already more complicated, and it has to be superimposed with murderous intent.

If Chu Tian is unsatisfied, it is that Bai Qi\'s defensive power bonus to the Legion is 0%.

However, Chu Tian couldn\'t expect Bai Qi to achieve perfection, otherwise Chu Tian could release his military power in advance with a glass of wine and let other generals return home.

Obviously, Bai Qi is positioned as the top offensive commander.

In Bai Qi\'s eyes, there is no concept of defense, and the best defense is offense.

Only a strong national power can support Baiqi\'s continuous offensive.

Obviously, Chu Tian has this national power.

The current Chu Tian is a bit similar to King Qin Zhaoxiang, who can give Bai force to attack various civilizations.

Bai Qi\'s negative characteristics are still a bit difficult for Chu Tian to let go.

"If Wu\'er can\'t suppress Bai Qi in the future, then before we leave, we must try to take away Bai Qi."

Chu Tian said to Xia Liang in private.

If Chu Tian thought that his life was about to end, and Chu Wu did not have enough military exploits to inherit the throne, then Sima Yi, Bai Qi, Yu Wentai and others, Chu Tian might all be killed.

The birds are exhausted, the bows are hidden, the sly rabbits die, the lackeys cook.

This is the emperor\'s helplessness.

Of course, Chu Tian\'s military exploits remain high at the moment, and Bai Qi has just recruited, so Chu Tian is not worried that Bai Qi will be the master.

At present, the Chutian forces and Wu Qi can counterbalance the white rise.

As a saint-level commander, Wu Qi has a large and comprehensive bonus to Wei Wuzu.

Generals such as Wang Jian, Yue Fei, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing can join forces to suppress Bai Qi.

No matter how brave Bai Qi is, he is still alone. In addition, Bai Qi\'s political ability does not seem to be very good, and his ability to form gangs is lacking.

Chu Tian worried that Bai Qi would be used by Sima Yi and others as a thug to threaten his son\'s rule.

Of course, this is something that Chu Tian will consider after he gets old, and Chu Tian can use Bai Qi with confidence at the moment.

There are many counselors of Chutian forces, and it is relatively easy to check and balance.

Cleopatra and the Persian emperor Ardashir were jealous when they saw the legendary holy commander.

Chu Tianming repaired the plank road and secretly Chencang\'s behavior was not kind enough for allies.

But they were also helpless. Chu Tian had already taken one of the Saint-ranked commanders with his own strength, and at the same time gained military exploits through the battle, making a lot of money.

Cleopatra wanted to use Chutian\'s forces and then his plan to **** the Saint-level commander was completely bankrupt.

As for Aldashir, no one knew if he had Cleopatra\'s plan at the beginning, so he found Chutian.

"Hey, the army has almost fought. It is estimated that there is no hope of fighting for the second holy commander."

Chu Tian couldn\'t help sighing.

In order to severely inflict a heavy blow to the coalition forces of Wo Kuotai and Lei Lei, the Quartet coalition forces on Chutian side killed 120,000.

Xia Liang\'s tens of thousands of teachers also lost a lot in the battle with Marshall and others.

In other words, Chu Tian almost wiped out the main force, unable to fight for the second main city.

But think about it carefully, fighting for the two main cities means that almost all the lords are opposed, and Chu Tian\'s troops are not enough.

Cleopatra and Persian emperor Ardashi heard Chutian\'s sigh, their cheeks twitched.

Chu Tian was also too greedy.

There were only two Saint-level commanders in this national war, and it would be grateful to be able to win a Saint-level commander.

Egypt, Persia, the Mongol Empire, the Ely Khanate, the United States, England, Sweden, the Netherlands, Dongying, and Tsarist Russia, so many civilizations competed for a major city, only Chutian won, which shows fierce competition.

Another major city, Rome, Macedonia, Spain, Germany, France, Amazon, Mughal and other civilizations are also fighting, calculating each other, millions of soldiers.

Want to win two main cities at the same time? This probability is infinitely close to zero.

Chu Tian just sighed. He could recruit Bai Qi, but he did not let Bai Qi fall into the hands of other lords, and he had completed the goal.

Moreover, it was maddening Marshall, Charlie, Gustav and others. How could it be a cool word to describe.

Just like Chutian\'s guess, when Chutian arranged for a partial division to **** Baiqi, on another battlefield, nearly one million soldiers surrounded the second holy commander, and the lords madly attacked this holy commander!

Even the saint-level commander, facing so many crazy lord attacks, can\'t support it.

The fierceness of this battlefield may still be on the battlefield of Chutian.

The three major European knights are on this battlefield. The Teutonic Knights of Germany, the Knights Templar of France, and the Knights of Hospitality currently controlled by the Romans are fighting!

The Roman legions are vertical and horizontal, the Spanish phalanx is advancing, the Indian elephants are trampled by the war, the Macedonian partner cavalry attacks, and the Amazon jungle female soldiers raided, the lords of various civilizations have all the means and talents to **** the second besieged on the **** Holy Commander!

The second holy commander seemed helpless.

He was only one person, and the lord below wanted him like crazy.

Queen Isabella of Spain even personally held a sword and shield to slash the enemy!

Alexander the Great was even more aggressive, holding a gun, and the most elite cavalry companions of the Kingdom of Macedonia, rushing to disperse the female jungle warriors of the Amazon!

Alexander does not cherish favor and pity on jade, let alone the Amazonian jungle female warriors who are unrelenting in killing enemies.

The Teutonic Knights clashed with the Knights Templar, and the Paladin Roland cut hundreds of Teutonic cavalry!

Before defeating the holy commander, these Western lords will also consider joining forces.

When they defeated the second holy commander together, the coalition forces immediately disbanded and killed each other!

Almost all lords furiously attacked the hillside!

"Don\'t want to take it away!"

Alexander catches up with Caesar who is rushing forward, so that Caesar will not have a chance to take the Holy Commander.

According to the agreement between the Western lords, if they do not join forces, they cannot defeat this holy commander alone.

But after defeating the holy commander, each competed by ability, so Alexander unceremoniously defeated Caesar\'s army from behind!

"Damn Alexander!"

Caesar knew that Alexander was at his peak and was caught up by Alexander\'s companion cavalry, which was very difficult.

"Hohenzollern, your territory of the Holy Roman Empire is big enough, give me this holy commander!"

The Knights Templar of French Louis and the Teutonic Knights of Hohenzollern went up the mountain while fighting.

Hohenzollern gritted his teeth: "Don\'t think about it!"

The other lords also bite their dogs and tore each other, and no one wants to let each other get on the ground first!

There are only two saint-level commanders, and they have exhausted their forces in order to compete for this saint-level commander, so it is impossible to have spare time to compete for another saint-level commander, similar to Chutian\'s situation.

Therefore, if you fail, you will become benevolent!

"You are my captive now!"

In the fierce competition, Constantine of the Roman Empire finally climbed to the top under the cover of the legendary gladiator Spartacus and the Knights of Hospital, and captured the second holy commander!

"Serve the great Roman Empire, Hannibal!"

Constantine\'s eyes were hot. In order to recruit this holy commander in North Africa, he had suffered hard, and even missed Hannibal in the copy of "The Second Punic War"!

And this holy commander who has made countless western lords crazy is the Hannibal Barca who wiped out the Roman legions many times in history, captured Roman consuls, and once made the Roman Senate doubt his life!

This time, the two commanders in the national war, Bai Qi and Hannibal, are all based on their own strength to fight the record, full of weight!

Hannibal, a mortal enemy of Rome, had to say, "Hannibal would like to help you because of the national war mechanism."


Alexander and Caesar restrained each other, and instead allowed Constantine as the player to steal the Holy Commander!

An angry Alexander shot Caesar\'s adopted son Octavius ​​to death to show his anger!

Poor Octavian became Alexander\'s tool to vent his anger, turned white light, and returned to the main world.

"The little guy Constantine..."

Caesar also felt tremendous pressure.

The three emperors of Rome, Constantine as a player became stronger and stronger, and Constantine who got Hannibal no longer had to fear Caesar.

"Ding! Ancient Huaxia Saint-level commander Bai Qi was recruited for the lord of the Han Empire, "I just want to farm well" (Chu Tian)."

"Bing! Carthage\'s holy commander Hannibal was recruited for the lord of the Roman Empire, the "Last Romans" (Constantine)."

"Ding! Since the two Saint-level commanders have been recruited, the sixth national war ended early, and the lords will be reported out of the battlefield the next day. From now on, no more points will be counted."

The sound of the system sounded, and all lords stopped fighting.

At this time, if you fight again, you can\'t get points, and you can\'t get the holy commander.

"Bai Qi was recruited by Chu Zimou!"

Western lords such as Alexander, Caesar, and Hohenzollern originally focused on Hannibal, but suddenly learned that another saint-level commander was recruited by Chu Tian and couldn\'t help but look at each other.

Hannibal fell into the hands of Constantine, the balance of the Western continent will not be broken, Alexander can compete with Hannibal.

What made the Western lords even more panic was that Chu Tian received another Saint-level commander. Currently, Chu Tian has two Saint-level commanders Bai Qi and Wu Qi.

"Since it was agreed to rely on their own ability~www.novelhall.com~, the Crusader Alliance should still count."

Although Alexander was a bit unwilling that Hannibal would eventually fall into the hands of the Romans, he still tried his best to maintain the alliance.

The terrible thing about Chutian is not only his chiefs, but also the huge population of the Han Empire...This is the source of panic among the lords of the Western mainland.

Chu Tian was marching towards Hannibal\'s main city at this time. Although his troops were already running low, he still wanted to see if he had a chance to capture the second holy commander.

To be a human is to have dreams, otherwise it is no different from salted fish.

Chu Tian suddenly heard the system\'s prompt in the middle of the process, and stopped advancing. Then Chu Tian looked at the standings again, his name still ranked first: "Sure enough, other lords are not vegetarians, but it\'s a pity. If you have the opportunity, you can compete with them again. People still have to learn to be content and happy, get a saint-level commander, and rank first in military exploits, which is barely acceptable."

Cleopatra, Cleopatra, the defender of the Arab world, Saladin, the king of Persia, and Aldahir, the king of Persia, couldn\'t help rolling their eyes. Look, is this talking human?

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