Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1086: The holy commander of the main island!

"Holy Commander, at your fingertips!"

When the lords fought against the fleets of the three major maritime civilizations, the famous generals of the Egyptian Army such as Cleopatra, Saladin, and Bibbles, fortunately avoided the fierce naval battle and arrived on the main island.

The sea fog covers too much area, and there will always be lords bypassing the hunting of the three major marine civilizations and come to the main island unscathed.

The Mamluk cavalry and the Egyptian Pharaoh’s guard came ashore, Saladin wore a Damascus knife around his waist, and one could see the outline of one of the main cities standing on the main island.

The Egyptian Legion was fortunate to be the first soldiers to attack the main city.

Cleopatra asked Saladin: "Saladin, are you confident in taking this city?"

"Hard to say……"

Saladin, as a famous general in the Arab world, faced the holy commander in the same way.

Every saint-level commander is the leader of each civilization and has his own expertise.

Bibers said: "We in Egypt need to obtain a holy commander to reverse the war with Rome, otherwise Egypt will become a granary for the Romans."

Cleopatra, Cleopatra, did not particularly dislike Rome. She believed that it was possible to rely on a powerful civilization and maintain Egypt\'s position by showing weakness.

However, Saladin and Bibers, as supporters of the Arab world, did not allow Cleopatra to adhere to the Roman emperor and resolutely resist the Roman legions.

Egypt was conquered by the West and the Arab world successively in history, so Egypt\'s interior is not monolithic. The only estimate that allows them to join forces is profit.

"Capture a sub-city as a stronghold, otherwise the emperors such as Caesar and Alexander will come, we may not have a chance, they are no weaker than the holy commander of the main island."

Saladin was afraid of the two Western lords Caesar and Alexander.

Before the Western lords arrived, the Egyptian generals marched towards one of the sub-city.

There is a city on each side of the main city, and NPC legions are stationed.

Each sub-city has 70,000 defenders, the main city has 120,000 defenders, and a total of 400,000 defenders.

Two saint-level commanders have 800,000 troops!

Saladin and others still underestimated the strength of the main island.

The Egyptian army of about 100,000 people stretches for more than ten miles.

"A powerful enemy strikes, let\'s fight to the death."

The holy commander whom the Egyptian military commanders coveted was not in the main city, but gathered forces in a sub-city!

The Saint-level commander is different from the defender of the city. Instead of passive defense, he actively attacks!

The black armor is like a cloud, the halberd is like a forest, and the holy commander is riding a war horse, gathering nearly 200,000 defenders, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!

Two famous Egyptian generals Saladin and Bybers, who commanded the Mamluk cavalry, suddenly became uneasy.

These first-class celebrities have keen intuition, danger is approaching, they have already sensed it.

The Mamluk cavalry in front had already fought with the enemy. When Saladin, Byballs and other Egyptian generals rode their horses over the hills, the extremely shocking scene in front of them made the pupils of these Egyptian generals suddenly enlarged. The Egyptian Legion launched an offensive, countless volleys of crossbows, a rain of arrows covering the sky fell, covering the sky!

The Mamluk cavalry were fired with strong crossbows, and many cavalry fell with arrows!

The black armored cavalry gallops, the huge infantry phalanx advances, murderous! !

Murderous aura was permeated, and the black phalanx launched a charge, pushing ten miles away!

The original attacking Mamluk cavalry had to retreat steadily.

"How can the defenders take the initiative to attack...!"

Saladin was shocked by the sudden killing of the black armor, sweating.

"The Mamluk cavalry is assembled! Saladin, we only have this chance. If we defeat him, we can gain his allegiance!"

Bibbers pulled out a Damascus steel knife, with a solemn expression, as if he was facing an enemy.

The saint-level commander in command of the black armored army formation is undoubtedly a strong enemy, as can be seen from the momentum of the army formation.

Tens of thousands of Mamluk cavalry were assembled under Saladin and Bibers, including the advanced Mamluk guards of the Mamluk heavy cavalry.

The Egyptian Legion has already had a contact battle with one of the holy commanders. Saladin and Byballs believed that it was necessary to let go and defeat this holy commander before they could be recruited.

Do your best to fight, there is still a chance to win the holy commander.

When several powerful lords from the West and the East arrive, their Egyptian Legion will have a lower probability of obtaining a Saint-level commander.

The legions of Alexander, Constantine, Chutian, Marshall, and others are no less threatening than the holy commander.

Fighting with them is tantamount to grabbing food from a tiger\'s mouth.

The greater the risk, the higher the return!

"For the Arab world!"

The Mamluk generals including Saladin and Byballs swung Damascus knives and flanked on three sides, trying to defeat the Black Armored Legion of the Holy Commander!

The Black Armored Army, which is dominated by infantry, is facing the Mamluk military group, which is dominated by cavalry!

Cleopatra watched the Mamluk nobles enter the battle indifferently.

Egypt is divided into two factions, ancient Egypt and Mamluk. Cleopatra’s Egyptian Pharaoh’s guard has not moved yet, but to see whether the Mamluk cavalry has a tendency to win.

If the Mamluk cavalry can open a breakthrough, the Egyptian Pharaoh Guards as the reserve team will be pressed, otherwise they will retreat to save their strength.

Another main city, the second holy commander, looked at the beacon in the distance.

Immediately, this holy commander looked at the sea again: "A powerful enemy is approaching here..."

Hundreds of war elephants, tens of thousands of soldiers, and cavalry gathered, all in the dark.

On the sea surface, Constantine\'s fleet encountered the Invincible Fleet, but Queen Isabella of the Invincible Fleet spared Constantine and did not engage Constantine.

Constantine\'s fleet is composed of Genoa and Malta fleets, in fact, it is not so easy to provoke.

The Roman Legion was able to land on the main island smoothly, the knights of the Hospitallers disembarked with their horses, and the Crusader flag hunted.

Great Scipio, Little Scipio, Mario, Fabian and other Roman generals went ashore.

Carthage’s commander-in-chief "Lightning" Hamirka Bakar made the Carthage war elephants be driven off the ship.

The Roman gladiator Spartacus stood beside Constantine, his arms wrapped around the iron rope, Kong Wu was powerful.

"The saint-level commander will definitely belong to me, but I am not sure to defeat him. I will wait until the other lords arrive and have their own abilities."

Constantine slightly deduced that, although his commanders were like clouds, he had no confidence in defeating the defenders.

"Hamilka, go and explore."

Constantine sent Carthage’s star "Lightning" Hamilka, a Carthage star who was good at guerrilla tactics.

Hamilka led hundreds of Carthage cavalry to leave the Roman legion.

"The two holy commanders, if you have a chance, you can win them all..."

Alexander landed on the main island from another direction. Macedonia, ancient Greece, Ottoman, Huns, and Byzantine coalition forces came ashore.

Alexander\'s ambition was even greater than Constantine.

After obtaining Belisariu, he is still not satisfied with a Saint-level commander.

Lords arrived on the main island one after another, the two-headed eagle battle flag of the Tsarist Empire was damaged, and the remnant fleet of Commander Ekaterina broke through the blockade of the sea carriage driver in the Netherlands and resisted the main island, losing nearly half of the warships.

"Netherlands, I won\'t let them go."

Ekaterina marched to the main island with 120,000 soldiers and horses. However, only 70,000 people successfully reached the main island.

Ekaterina, who lacks a famous navy officer, suffered heavy losses when facing these marine civilizations.

The Varangian Guards, Polish Winged Cavalry, Boyer Cavalry, and Cossack Cavalry came ashore.

Ekaterina counted the losses and reorganized the army.

"Where is Chu Tian?"

Ekaterina looked around the surrounding coast. The area of ​​the main island is not small, and it is not easy to find Chutian. Maybe she will encounter other enemies in advance.

Like Chutian, Ekaterina has no allies, and the kings of the Western Continent are all enemies.

After the combined fleet of Chutian and Aldahir repelled the Royal Fleet of England, it finally came to the main island with two Saint-class commanders.

During the period, I did not encounter the Invincible Fleet and the Sea Coachman. Obviously, the Royal Fleet, the Invincible Fleet, and the Sea Coachman had each divided the sea area and specially ambushed the lord who marched to the main island in the sea fog.

Chutian’s 200,000 soldiers and horses lost more than 30,000 people, and the Persians suffered similar casualties.

The coalition of the two civilizations slightly exceeds 200,000.

"The English are still a threat in naval battles. Once land battles, they are not your opponents at all."

The Persians fought fiercely, and Chu Tian treated Aldashir with a slight gentleness.

Persian civilization and the western continent are also regarded as feuds.

Chu Tian saw the holy meteor cavalry of the Persian Empire. This kind of super-heavy cavalry is an advanced unit of the Savalan cavalry, which is equivalent to the advanced Zhongxiao Army of the Heli Army and the advanced iron eagle warrior of Qin Ruishi.

The Persian famous "Royal Boar" recruited by Chutian is only the "Savalan Cavalry" instead of the rare Holy Meteo Cavalry.

It is not surprising that Ardashir, who has successfully mixed into the Persian emperor, is in charge of the Saint Meteorite Cavalry.

Chu Tian also received powerful cavalry such as the Xuanjia Army, the Zhongxiao Army, the Yu Xue Army, and the Beiwei Army.

The Persians must be more brave on land than on the sea.

In addition to the saintly meteorite cavalry, there are also undead soldiers wearing hideous masks and carrying double knives in the Persian Legion.

Ardashir also brought dozens of Persian war elephants. UU Reading www.uukANAnSHu.cOM

If it were not for the limited number of warships, Aldahir might bring more wars.

These are the essence of Persian civilization.

Only if Aldashir has the strength, he is qualified to cooperate with Chutian.

If it were Lords such as Mang Yinglong and Chen Shengzong, Chu Tianzheng would not look at them.

Chutian and Aldashir landed in a shallow bay. After reorganizing their forces, they joined forces to march towards the main city.

"Maybe there have been lords who have taken the first step, but whether they can defeat the holy commander is hard to say."

Chu Tian had already seen the beacon in the distance, indicating that a lord was fighting.

When Aldashir saw that Chutian had a saint-level commander Wu Qi, he was a bit envious: "Our Persian civilization may also have a saint-level commander..."

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