Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 106: Set up a navy camp

Liangshan Town, a few naked men stood in front of Chu Tian.

   Cough... Chu Tian just wanted to choose a navy leader from it.

After   Xia Town and all the villages and towns have a population of 60,000 to 70,000, they finally have the ability to form a fleet that can cross the Yi River.

   The southern part of Kaiyang County is divided into Hedong and Hexi. As the name suggests, the place to the east of the Yi River is Hedong, and the place to the west is Hexi. Some naming methods in ancient times are so unpretentious.

  The territory of Chutian is in Hexi, and further west is the scope of Taishan County. There are still many villages and towns in Hedong waiting for Chu Tian to conquer.

   One of the problems he faced was the Yihe River, which has expanded tenfold in area.

   If you want to conquer the villages and towns in Hedong, you must have a boat.

   Liangshan Town has a third-level shipyard and a fourth-level wharf. It was originally a gathering place for the water bandits "Liangshanbo". After being occupied by Chutian, it became the resident of the upcoming navy camp in Xia Town.

   To establish a navy camp, the first thing we need is talent, a navy general.

   There are countless famous navy generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty. They basically come from the forces in the Jiangdong area, the Soochow, the Eastern Jin, the Southern Dynasty, the Southern Song, the Southern Ming, or the unified dynasty.

   But at present, the historical navy generals owned by the player lord are rare, and there is a lord in Yangzhou with the famous general of Southern Tang Dynasty Liu Renzhan.

   Chutian has no naval generals, so he can only choose a silver-level hero to be the naval commander. Later, there will be historical naval generals, and then he will be appointed as the navy general.

   Bronze and Silver level heroes are still easy to find, they are equivalent to high-level creeps.

  The four silver-level heroes in front of him are well versed in water quality and can be used for transition.

   Chutian check the attributes one by one.

   [Name]: Sun Liuwan

   [Talent]: Silver level (Navy series hero)

  [Level]: 45

   [Identity]: Township of Liangshan Town, familiar with water

   [Commander]: 35 [Strength]: 51 [Intelligence]: 36 [Politics]: 11 [Charm]: 65

   [Characteristics]: Water general · small (D-level characteristics, in water battle, own attack power, defense power +5, navy arms attack power, defense power +1)

  The characteristics of navy heroes are so fierce?

   Chutian discovered that the navy heroes have additional attack and defense bonuses in water battles.

   This is a hidden attribute of all heroes and soldiers other than force, and it can make up for the difference in force under special circumstances.

   In other words, the generals of Cao Wei and Shuhan may not be able to beat the generals of Soochow in the water battle, and they might even be beaten and fled.

   "Lord" has a clear position for each general. If the lord uses it well, it can have the effect of defeating the strong with the weak.

   "Sun Liuwan, from now on, appoint you as the commander of the naval battalion and train the naval battalion."

   Chutian is very satisfied with Sun Liuwan\'s characteristics and strength. Although his commanding ability is a bit ugly, there is not much difference between the commanding ability of more than 30 and the commanding ability of more than 40 in Chutian\'s eyes.

   With the current size of the navy in Xiazhen, a man with good characteristics will be more practical.

   "Liangshan Town has assembled all the ships capable of water warfare in our territory. There are two walkers and 37 sentry ships. It needs more than 300 sailors and more than 100 sailors."

   Xia Liang followed Chu Tian with the account book that recorded Xiazhen\'s supplies. As long as Chu Tian asked about money and material reserves, she could answer immediately.

   If Fang Xuanling is Chutian\'s male secretary, then Xia Liang is Chutian\'s female secretary...

   One\'s thinking is biased towards ancient Confucianism, and one\'s thinking is biased towards the modern concept of the supremacy of interests.

   can only say that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is the reason why Chu Tian needs two different styles of long history.

Fang Xuanling is better at handling military affairs and government affairs, and Xia Liang is more suitable for trade and financial management, and has the advantage of the player-the player knows what is going on outside the East Han District, so Xia Liang can propose the idea of ​​making money from sticks and Japanese pirates. The specialties of the Eastern Han Dynasty are quite popular in the eastern mainland.

   There is also Li Miao...but Li Miao has been busy leading people to reclaim farmland and build water conservancy projects, but there are not many opportunities to follow Chu Tian, ​​so he can\'t be regarded as a secretary.

   "Recruit four hundred men and one hundred and fifty professional soldiers, including fifty naval steppers and one hundred navy archers."

   Chutian formally established the first navy camp.

  The crew of the navy division seems to be a lot of people, a total of 550 people, but after careful analysis of its composition, most of them are incompetent heroes, that is, paddlers.

  The main purpose of the navy battalion is to transport troops and food on the Yi River.

   It is impossible to really want to establish the Soochow Navy on the Yi River.

   It’s not a loss to train the wanderers. In the future, the batch of wanderers who are familiar with water can be brought to Jiaozhou Bay or the Yangtze River and Yellow River for water battles. The premise is that Chutian is qualified to drink the Yangtze River.

   "I will try to keep the husband\'s salary as low as possible."

   Xia Liang is already thinking about saving money.

   Chutian said: "The money that should be spent will be spent."

Xia Liang sighed helplessly: "Lord Lord, do you know how tight finances are now? Xiliuying spends three thousand taels of silver each month, and you have to create two armors for each of them. There are four hundred war horses for food and grass. The food and grass that a war horse eats every day is equivalent to supporting a few professional soldiers. We can hardly pay off the loan from the bank. It is great for you to fight in front of you, but..."

   Hearing the summer\'s cold complaints, Chu Tian understood the reason why I don’t know Chai Migui if I’m not in charge~www.novelhall.com~ The army ahead is like a broken bamboo. In addition to an excellent commander, it also needs a strong logistics.

   Every time Liu Bang fought with Xiang Yu, he exhausted his troops, and Xiao He’s supplies came to the rear to keep on.

   Chutian saw that Xia Liang’s eyes were red, and listened patiently. It is normal for the logistics staff to complain, especially now that Xiazhen is developing rapidly. Xia Liang, who is serving as the city leader, facing a financial deficit and bankruptcy crisis, sleeps no more than six hours a day.

   Xia Liang calmed down a bit, blushed at his gaffe, and at the same time surprised Chutian\'s patience: "Sorry, I was gagged..."

   "No matter who is in this position, there will be pressure. If there is pressure, try to vent it. There is really no object to vent. It is fine to tell me in private. Of course, in front of other people, I must maintain my majesty."

   Chutian didn’t think there was anything. It’s better to say that it was too normal. At such a young age, he managed the finance and trade of tens of thousands of territories. To say that there is no pressure, most of them are mediocre people who eat and drink.

   Those who can be prime ministers or county magistrates as soon as they come up, do not change their face, and handle government affairs at a glance, only in novels can happen.

Xia Liang nodded: "Well. The Mi family of Donghae County heard about your record and expressed willingness to cooperate with us more. From celadon to raw silk, silk, paper, and hemp rope, the monthly transaction volume exceeds two. Thousand taels of silver."

The Mi family’s investment was in Chutian’s expectation: "When we take the Langya kingdom in the future, the Mi family is expected to support us with all their strength. If you inquire about the birthdays of important figures in the Mi family, send someone to give gifts in my name during the holidays. , To deepen contacts with the Mi family. Although the property of the Mi family may not be worthy of what we gave, but the courtesy is light and affectionate, and their support is needed to consolidate Xuzhou in the future. Liu Bei’s starting capital, I want it."