Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1036: Wind and cloud change color, thunder!

"Zhang Dao is only commanding a peasant army. Tomorrow will send troops to defeat it and drive it to Han River."

   "Tonight, the three of us took turns patrolling to prevent Zhang Dao from attacking the camp."


   Pan Mei discussed offense and defense with Cao Bin and Wu Jie in the camp of the Song Army.

  Because of the continuous heavy rain in Xiangfan, the march was physically exhausting. When the two armies met, they did not initiate the attack immediately, but waited for the rain to decrease.

   The Song Army plans to rest overnight, and after the morale and physical strength are restored, tomorrow will launch an attack on Zhang Dao’s peasant army.

   Song army generals looked down upon the peasant army.

   The high-level peasant army\'s combat power is also very average, unable to fight head-on with the Song army equipped with a god-arm bow and stepman armor.

   Zhang Dao is so far, among all the lords of the Han Empire, the only lord who still uses the peasant army as the main force.

   However, Zhang Dao’s camp, Zhang Dao assembled an army of 80,000 peasants, preparing to attack the Song Army camp on a rainy night.

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn the boat. Our peasant army failed to beat Hanzhong because of the chaos of the world and the gathering of heroes. It is not that we are too weak, but the opponent is too strong. This night attack can only succeed, not fail! "

   Zhang Dao scanned the peasant army generals present.

   The three Zhangjiao brothers, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin, and Zhang Wei, the younger brother of Zhang Lu, the Wudou Mijiao.

   Zhang Dao decided to take refuge in Chu Tian, ​​and as Zhang Dao\'s generals, these generals had to make military exploits if they wanted to join the Chu Tian forces.

   This battle is the time for meritorious service.

   "Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin attacked frontally, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang attacked Zuoying, and Chen Sheng and Wu Guang attacked Youying. Hearing the drumbeats, they marched in three ways. Can you understand?"

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   People like Li Zicheng and Zhang Bao have followed Zhang Dao for more than ten years.

   In the mountains and forests near the Song Army camp, the rain was reduced, and 80,000 peasant soldiers were divided into three groups and attacked the 100,000 Song troops.

   Zhang Jiao followed the left army of the two brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang and boarded a nearby high ground, holding a special prop "Tai Ping Yao Shu".

   The two brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were worried, and said to Zhang Jiao: "Brother, really want to use\'Fengyun Change Color\'?"

   "You don\'t need to persuade, wait until you attack with all your strength, and your brother will help you with the might of heaven. If you have won the battle, our Julu Zhang family will have a place in the future."

  The angle of opening casts the spell with all its strength and activates the SSS-level feature "The Wind and Clouds Change Color"?   I can\'t regret it anymore.

   "Big Brother?   We two must break through the army camp of Song!"

   Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang saw that Zhang Jiao had already activated the feature?   Irreversible, so they could only fight hard to live up to the price Zhang Jiao paid.

  In the rainy night, outside the Song Army camp?  Suddenly there was a loud drum, and Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang attacked the Song Army camp almost at the same time!

   "Enemy attack!"

   Song Army General Pan Mei despised Zhang Dao’s peasant army and looked down upon a group of mud legs?   But it does not mean that Pan Mei is not on guard.

  When the Three-Road Peasant Army approached Song Junyingzhai, Pan Mei had already discovered the traces of the peasant army and inferred that the peasant army was about to attack at night?   So he immediately notified the sleeping generals Cao Bin and Wu Yan as well as his soldiers and horses!

   Song Jun was awakened from his sleep?   hurriedly picked up the weapons beside him.

   Zhang Jiao stood alone on a high place?   The robe was wet with the skirt of his clothes, and he said something in his mouth, and his hands made a tactic: "The sky is dead?   The yellow sky is standing, the age is in Jiazi, the world is lucky..."

  The sky over the Song Army camp?  Dark clouds are covered, silver snakes are tumbling, and there is faint thunder!

   There was a violent wind on the heights, and Zhang Jiao yelled out: "Duke Lei, help me!"

   rumbling! ! !

   A bolt of lightning blasted, and thunder fell for nine days! !

   Zhang Jiao, at the price of paying the limit, triggers characteristics similar to Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, and summons Thunder!

  The mighty thunder light struck a camp of the Song army and destroyed it. The dozens of Song army in the camp were all killed in seconds, and a black hole appeared on the ground!

   boom! ! !

   boom! ! !

   More than a dozen thunderbolts fell one after another, all of them fell into the camp of the Song Army, destroying the camp, and obliterating the soldiers of Song!

  The fire caused by thunder and lightning spread in the Song Army camp. Even if the rain continues, the fire cannot be extinguished in a short time!

   Hundreds of Song sergeants were killed by falling thunder, and a platinum rank general of the Song Army turned into ashes directly in the falling thunder!

   Song Jun was shocked by the terrible celestial phenomenon, almost all Song Sergeants were frightened, looking at the thunderous sky uncomfortably, no one knew whether the next moment, thunder would fall on his head.

   Zhang Jiao used "Wind and Cloud Discoloration · Thunder" to directly kill the Song Army. Secondly, the deterrence and chaos caused by the falling thunder was the main effect!

   The morale of the Song army dropped drastically, and was plunged into chaos, and the fire in the Song army camp expanded to the surroundings.

  At this time, the 80,000 peasant army took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the army camp of Song!

   Li Zicheng personally destroyed the antlers of the Song army, and the pioneer general Liu Zongmin led the Wangliu private camp into the camp, and fought melee with Song sergeants!

   Morale will affect the combat power of the soldiers. When the morale of both sides decreases and the other increases, the peasant army may not be unable to defeat professional soldiers.

   In the late period of each dynasty, the peasant army can even chase the officers and soldiers to kill!

   "Don\'t panic, all the generals go to control their own soldiers and horses!"

   Song army general Pan Mei tried to control the chaos caused by the falling thunder. However, Li Zicheng, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and other peasant army generals would not give Pan Mei enough time to regroup.

   "Princes and generals, I would rather have a kind!"

   Chen Sheng and Wu Guang used their own characteristics, and the morale of the late Qin uprising army was soaring, and they were overwhelmed!

   "The sky is dead~www.novelhall.com~ Huang Tian is standing, and he is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!"

   Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang’s Yellow Turbans still chanted the same slogans that have remained unchanged for more than ten years, fighting hard!

   Zhang Bao\'s sword killed a Song army general, and Zhang Liang armed with a spear, riding through the Song Army camp!

  The yellow turban and the yellow turban warrior destroy the antlers and kill the Song sergeants who are encountered along the way.

   A yellow turban warrior swung a hammer to kill the stepper Song Jun!

  Yellow Turban warriors are the elite of the Yellow Turban Army, and are almost as powerful as other high-level infantry!

  The three generals of the Song Army are not bad in their abilities. Even at a disadvantage at the beginning, they are still gathering the broken soldiers and horses and trying to fight back.

   Song Army General Wu Jie, holding a divine arm bow, shot and killed a Chuangwang Liumin camp leader, and Chuangwang General Liu Zongmin came to Wu Jie with a gun!

  Wu Jie abandoned the **** arm bow, pulled out his saber, and fought with Liu Zongmin in the heavy rain!

   "Fight back!"

   Another Song army general, Cao Bin, was also a famous general. After blocking the impact of the peasant army, he even planned to organize a counterattack.


   There was another loud noise, and a thick bucket of thunder fell on the camp behind Cao Bin, obliterating dozens of Song sergeants!

   Cao Bin finally gathered the crowd into chaos again.

   "What kind of magic is this..."

   Cao Bin fought in a confident array. The peasant army generals could not be his opponents, but Zhang Jiao’s ability to use them was beyond his cognition.