Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1000: SSS-level features, strong!

One person confronted 20,000 high-ranking heavy cavalry. Chu Tian had never seen such a crazy thing. However, in the battle of the giant deer, Xiang Yu became the first Chutian to attack the 20,000 high-ranking heavy cavalry with his own power. General of the cavalry!

  The black horse exudes black energy, and the thunder is extremely powerful. Xiang Yu faces the 20,000 cavalry frontally, and he is truly a horse!

   Xuanjia Army, Zhongxiao Army, Hu Ben Army and other high-ranking cavalry galloped horizontally and horizontally. When facing Xiang Yu, who was rushing by one person, they were stunned at first, but at this time they were already unable to get off the tiger and could only face Xiang Yu.

   They don\'t believe that Xiang Yu can kill 20,000 high-rank heavy cavalry, otherwise it would be too terrifying.

   The distance between the Iron Cavalry and Xiang Yu is quickly approaching, and the battlefield scene is quickly regressing!

   Finally two cavalry collided! To be precise, Xiang Yu hit the 20,000 cavalry alone!


   With a wave of the Overlord’s spear, an air blade swept over, and the few profound armor troops in the front were knocked into the air, knocking down the profound armor troops behind!

   In one blow, more than a dozen Xuan Jia troops were killed or injured!

   Xiang Yu rushed into the Xuan Jia army, the king\'s spear was swung, and several Xuan Jia army was flew away, there is no one enemy!

   Even if it is a Tier 9 unit, Xiang Yu is still killed in a second!

   Its strength is incredible, surpassing all the generals that Chutian has ever seen!

   Chutian has met generals such as Lu Bu, Xue Rengui, Guan Yu, etc., and now encounters Xiang Yu, and finds that Xiang Yu is superior to other warriors, rushing all the way to take Chutian!

   Hundreds of mysterious armies, one face, dozens of riders were killed!

   "Chu Zimou, die!"

   Xiang Yu already knew from the players that among the Qin Army, Chu Tian was more important than Wang Li.

   As long as you kill Chutian, then the Qin army will have no leader and the Chu army will win!

   "The lord retreats quickly, this person is stronger than me..."

   Dian Wei has a solemn expression.

  Chu Tian has never seen Dian Wei take the initiative to admit that his force is inferior to the opponent, but this time, Dian Wei directly and happily admitted that his force was not as good as Xiang Yu.

   Even Dian Wei did not dare to attack the 20,000 cavalry frontally. This was 20,000 high-level heavy cavalry, not 20,000 Yellow Turbans!

   If the Yellow Turban Army is on the opposite side, Dian Wei dared to rush in on foot. If it is 20,000 high-rank heavy cavalry, then there is only one result-death!

   "Don\'t worry, you won\'t die this time."

  Because it can be resurrected, Chu Tian is relieved to let Dian Wei consume Xiang Yu\'s physical strength.

   In order to defeat Xiang Yu, all the cavalry can explain in!

   "The whole army kill Xiang Yu and cover me!"

   Chutian began to retreat, avoiding Xiang Yu\'s edge, using himself as a bait to attract Xiang Yu to chase after him!

   Twenty thousand cavalry is like a winch, with Xiang Yu as the center, trying to strangle Xiang Yu!

  The black armored cavalry besieged, and dozens of horses stab Xiang Yu!


   Xiang Yu’s attack was full of tyrannical air, swept all over the place, and broke a dozen horses with one shot!

  The Xuanjia Army cavalry could not hold the horse in their hands and was swung several meters into the air!

   Xiang Yu is in the midst of thousands of troops, and is chasing Chutian.

  Iron Cavalry Cavalry attacked Xiang Yu, but was killed by Xiang Yu!

   Xiang Yu has already attacked Qin Jun many times, and there is still room for it!

   The Xuanjia Army was defeated, and the Zhongxiao Army and Heli Army swept in! Zhongxiao Army, Tier Nine, Heli Union Army, Tier Six, thousands of cavalry flooded Xiang Yu!

   As long as Xiang Yu is still flesh and blood, the Zhongxiao Army and the Heli Army can still pose a threat to him!

   Chutian wandered among the cavalry. The famous horse Jueying had the speed not inferior to that of the black horse. Chutian bought time for the cavalry to attack Xiang Yu.

   Qin Jiang Su Jiao and Shejian died for his plan, and Chu Tian couldn\'t live up to their sacrifice.

   "Chu Zimou, can you dare to fight with me! Let\'s fight alone, and we will fight each other, so as to avoid hundreds of thousands of soldiers from casualties!"

   Xiang Yu roared like a thunderbolt, even Chu Tian hiding in the cavalry could hear it.

   Go solo with Xiang Yu?

   Chutian rolled his eyes.

  Don\'t talk about a Chutian, even if it is a hundred Chutians, maybe they will be overthrown by Xiang Yu in this state.

   Historically, Xiang Yu asked Liu Bang to fight alone, but of course he was rejected by Liu Bang.

   Twenty thousand cavalry troops besieged Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu still slaughtered the four sides in the cavalry, cut two hundred high-ranking cavalry, rampage, looking for the trail of Chutian.

   If Xiang Yu is aware of his tracks, Chu Tian suspects that Xiang Yu can really take the head of the general among the millions.

   Xiang Yu\'s physical strength will inevitably decrease.

   Xiang Yu himself also noticed that his state was declining.

   was strangled by 20,000 high-ranking heavy cavalry, if you are not careful, you will be completely swallowed!

   "Strike the mountain and be overwhelmed!"

   Xiang Yu yelled, a terrifying aura descended, Xiang Yu\'s iron armor and black air filled, and it seemed to blend with the black mist of the black horse!

   The earth broke apart, with Xiang Yu as the center, spider web-like cracks spreading around!


   Dozens of loyal and filial troops were too late to avoid the cracks in the ground. The horses tripped over the cracks in the ground and fell heavily to the ground!

   Xiang Yu triggers the SSS-level feature "Struggling Mountain Xi", and his personal combat power is greatly increased. The black energy protects the body, and it is infinitely forward!


   Xiang Yu slammed a shot, black energy swept tens of meters, dozens of high-ranking cavalry were knocked into flight, directly killed!

   Xue Jun\'s cavalry slammed their thumbs and tried to shoot Xiang Yu with a long-range attack.

   More than a dozen arrows shot at Xiang Yu, submerged in the black air, the sound of the collision of gold and stone rang, was opened by Xiang Yu\'s second shot, and the armor-piercing arrows splashed around!

   Feather Xue Jun wanted to shoot the black misty black horse, but couldn\'t do it!

   Xiang Yu swung his third shot, black energy swept the wasteland, and dozens of high-ranking cavalry were killed!

   If it weren\'t possible to resurrect, just the death of elite high-ranking heavy cavalry would be enough to make Chu Tian feel distressed.

After    broke out, Xiang Yu is comparable to the God of War, reaping enemy horses in pieces!

   Thousands of high-ranking heavy cavalry died under the offensive of Xiang Yu alone!

   A fire light penetrated through the black mist around Xiang Yu, and shot towards Xiang Yu!

   This arrow is like a broken bamboo, breaking through the air!

   Li Guang bow varicose, the first arrow comes with extra penetration and burning damage!

   "Did you get it..."

   Li Guang\'s face was solemn. He was proud of his archery skills and he didn\'t dare to say that this arrow could shoot Xiang Yu, or even that this arrow could shoot Xiang Yu.

   "It\'s a mere arrow."

   Xiang Yu\'s burly body was looming in the black fog, and he grabbed an armor-piercing arrow with his left hand.

  The burning damage incidental to the armor-piercing arrow made Xiang Yu\'s palms black. However, Xiang Yu caught Li Guang\'s full-strength arrow with his bare hands!


   Li Guang was sweating, and Xiang Yu after the violent rage was no longer his level, at least two levels beyond!

   "It\'s you, seriously injured Yingbo?!"

   Xiang Yu used his left hand, the armor-piercing arrow forged by Ou Yezi broke, and the sawdust splashed!

   Li Guang’s arrow had burning damage. Xiang Yu probably judged that Li Guang was the one who severely injured the Chu Army vanguard general Yingbu.

   Xiang Yu suddenly changed his target and killed Li Guang who was less than 100 meters away!

   Black air is coming up like mountains and seas, the king spears in a flurry, the waves are tumbling, and the armored cavalry is picked up and flying!

   Among thousands of troops, no one can stop!

   Li Guang kept opening his bow, shooting twenty-four arrows in a row. The arrows were all fired. They turned into flames and swept towards Xiang Yu, exhausting all the armor-piercing arrows in a quiver!

   However, in front of Xiang Yu, who triggered the "Strike Mountain" feature, all twenty-four fire lights were defeated, and the flying armor-piercing arrows even accidentally injured the heavy armored cavalry along the way!

   Xiang Yu was racing, and when Li Guang finished shooting a bag of piercing arrows, Xiang Yu was already approaching Li Guang, the black horse was wrapped in black mist, and the forefoot was raised high!

  Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was condescending, and the Overlord Spear made a full blow, and the black mist engulfed the Overlord Spear to form a black armor-piercing spear.

   Li Guang was too late to draw his sword, so he could only use the Li Guang bow built by Ou Yezi to block the black overlord spear!

   Li Guanggong is overflowing with fire, and is an imperial weapon!

   The black overlord spear stabbed Li Guanggong. Li Guanggong seemed to be alive, screaming, the flames soaring into the sky, and the bow body broke!

   The king-level war horse made a painful neighing sound, because it could not withstand Xiang Yu\'s full blow, the horse bone broke!

   Li Guangda vomited blood and fell from the horse, holding a broken Li Guang bow in his hand.

   In just one blow, an imperial weapon was destroyed!

   "My exclusive longbow..."

   Li Guang\'s heart is dripping with blood.

   The imperial weapon specially built for him by Ou Yezi, named after him "Li Guang", was finished with great difficulty, but was destroyed by Xiang Yu.

   "You can actually pick me up. Your strength and weapons are very good."

   Xiang Yu rides a black horse and holds the Overlord\'s spear. The black mist lingers in his armor, like a demon, despising Li Guang.

   "General, spear!"

   A loyal and filial army cavalry threw a heavy cavalry to Li Guang!

   Li Guang took the heavy lance and attacked Xiang Yu on foot!

   Zhongxiao Army cavalry cooperated with Li Guang to attack together!

   "I promise to kill you for Yingbo, I will do what I say!"

   Xiang Yu\'s body swelled in a circle, the blue veins violently violently, the attack speed of the Overlord Spear rose greatly, and the gust of wind and rain enveloped Li Guang!

   Li Guang is good at archery. In terms of spear technique, he has a relative discount. Li Guang, who was attacked by Xiang Yu, had almost no strength to fight back. UUukanshu www.uukanshu.com suffered dozens of severe injuries and died in battle!

   Hundreds of loyal cavalrymen who besieged Xiang Yu with Li Guang were all killed!

   "The force of the holy general is terrifying..."

   Chutian was shocked when he saw Xiang Yu easily kill Li Guang.

   Xiang Yu\'s strength has surpassed all fierce generals, and he is more like a human-shaped fierce beast than Dian Wei.

   The strength of the SSS-level feature "Strike a Mountain" is far above the SS-level feature "Courageous Champions", and it is already the top personal feature!

   This is the first time that Chutian has encountered such a fierce opponent.

   He had already tried every means to separate Xiang Yu from Jiangdong\'s soldiers. However, even if only Xiang Yu was alone, Chu Tian could not defeat him with 20,000 cavalry troops, and also damaged the parachutist Li Guang.

   Twenty thousand cavalry, at least one thousand were killed by Xiang Yu with his own power.

  The Qin army of Wangli fought and retreated, still delaying the soldiers of Jiangdong.

   The Beifu Army and Jingzhou Army have also broken through the Qin Army\'s left and right camps, and fought with Changshui Camp and Yueqi Camp.

   Time is no longer good for Chutian.

   "Do you want to retreat to the second line of defense? But, Xiang Yu\'s appearance, his physical strength has not been exhausted..."

   Chutian gritted his teeth, it was still a bit worse.

  Only by exhausting Xiang Yu\'s stamina, can he have a chance to defeat the King of Western Chu.

   At the south of the Chu army camp, the 20,000 Qin army led by Changping Hou Weiqing finally appeared, and blitzed the Chu army camp where Fan Zeng was located!