Lord of Riders

Chapter 61

Shao Yu took the shadow guard to the joint point of aichmore to have a rest. The yard originally rented for the first time has now been directly bought by Kane.

The old yard was renovated. But Kane doesn\'t usually come here. Only a few of Kane\'s confidants will stay here and watch. Today, knowing that Shao Yu was coming, Kane specially waited here early. Those younger brothers who watched the show were transferred to other places. Only a few of the dark guards and Kane are waiting for Shaoyu here.

Shao Yu did not publicize so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. He only dressed up as an ordinary citizen and went into the courtyard.

"See you, sir." as soon as Shaoyu entered the courtyard, Kane and others greeted him and saluted

"You\'re welcome. Go in and talk." Shaoyu waved his hand and motioned the people to enter the house

The house was also decorated by Kane. Although it was not gorgeous, it was clean and tidy.

Shao Yu casually found a chair to sit down and asked everyone to sit down casually.

"You\'ve been here for some time. What\'s the situation now?"

"Sir, after you left, I found the man who took people to the Dharma cutting field. I learned that he was Hogan, the leader of ichemore city of the grassland brotherhood, the largest guild in kujit Khanate. They called the leaders of each city hall leaders. The hall leaders controlled their brothers in their cities. Hogan had nearly 700 people under his command and was powerful. Later, I took the brothers of dark guard and was chased and killed by him It was time to save him and gain his trust. Hogan was seriously injured and couldn\'t be a director, so he gave me the seat of hall leader for the time being. "

Cain told Shaoyu about his experience in aichmore in detail. Shaoyu listened silently and nodded from time to time. Shaoyu has always attached great importance to Cain. This time, Cain\'s performance also satisfied Shaoyu.

"But at that time, due to the constant pressure of the city leader, when I took over the hall, I had only more than 300 brothers, and my strength was greatly reduced. There were people from the grassland horse sect in the city who robbed us of territory. I had to ask my brothers to be careful, conserve their energy and wait for the opportunity. After I took over the hall, I kept taking my dark guard brothers out to assassinate those garrison captains who led the team to suppress us After we killed several small officers, echemore\'s troops did not dare to search for our brothers. Then I asked the boss of the caravan in the city to take his brothers to join us, and integrated echemore\'s Guild on this basis. Now there are more than 800 brothers in our hall. "

Kane reported his situation to Shaoyu in detail, and then told Shaoyu the identities of his other dark guards.

In addition to two dark guards following Kane, six other people, one as a team leader in the garrison of echemore, one as a local businessman, and one set up a mercenary team of more than 30 people. And the close bodyguard of the city Lord kuto, a slave trader and a professional killer.

After listening to Kane\'s introduction, Shaoyu was surprised. Although Shaoyu was very optimistic about Kane, he didn\'t expect them to develop so rapidly. Now Kane\'s power has surpassed himself to a certain extent. Of course, there are some accidental factors.

"Well, I really didn\'t read you wrong, Kane," Shao Yu praised Kane happily

"These are the brothers who support me, sir," Kane replied humbly after hearing Shaoyu\'s praise

"Well, I came here for two things. One is to sell weapons. In addition, you should know that kusA was caught by the grassland horse gang."

Shao Yu told Kane the purpose of this trip

"I\'ve also heard about the arrest of Lord kusA. Recently, the strength of the grassland horse Gang suddenly expanded for some reason. Even the brotherhood\'s hall leader in turga took refuge in them. Then they attacked all the hostile forces around. Except for some killed, others were caught. They were in the camp of Tianwang peak. Lord kusA should also be there." Kane told Shaoyu what he knew

"Where is the heavenly king peak? Can you sneak there and rescue kusA?" Shaoyu asked

"Impossible," Kane must have replied

"The city wall there is ten meters high, surrounded by cliffs and cliffs, and the mountain is more than 800 meters high. There are more than 500 people stationed in that small castle. There are important prisoners and plundered treasures from the grassland horse gang. There is no hiding place around, so sneak attacks are almost impossible."

After listening to Kane\'s introduction, Shaoyu thought for a while. I\'m afraid it\'s a long-term plan to save kusA this time.

"I don\'t think the grassland horse gang has been active in this area recently. What\'s the matter?"

Knowing that kusA could not be rescued easily, Shaoyu did not continue to struggle with this problem. After all, there are other things to do now. Only when we are strong can we better protect our subordinates and people

"Don\'t you know? The kujit Khanate has mobilized 3000 troops to intercept the troops of Ruilin, the leader of the grassland horse Gang, on the grassland northwest of turga. The two sides have been fighting there for two days. The grassland horse gang has mobilized 2000 horses and several bandits subordinate to the horse gang of hundreds of people have destroyed everywhere. The cavalry war of 5000 people is a rare scene on the mainland." Kane said excitedly when he saw Shaoyu asking this question

In order to deal with the grassland horse Gang, kujit dispatched more than 3000 cavalry. The cavalry are basically elite troops in various countries. It is difficult to see such a large-scale cavalry war even in a large-scale national war. This rare large-scale cavalry battle will occur only when both sides are kugit.

"The grassland horse Gang broke out a frontal war directly with the regular army?" Shaoyu asked unexpectedly.

"I knew that the grassland horse gang was very rampant recently. Unexpectedly, it came to the point of directly going to war with the country," Shaoyu thought

However, on second thought, I had long felt that the grassland horse gang was very unusual, and the war between the horse gang and the kujit regular army just confirmed Shaoyu\'s conjecture.

"OK, I\'ve handled almost everything here. You continue to pay attention to the trend of the grassland Caravan and report to me if you have any situation. If necessary, you can ask the shadow guard to cooperate with your actions. Remember, don\'t get involved in the affairs of the kujit Khanate and the grassland caravan."

Shaoyu ordered Irene. For Shao Yu, no matter what the purpose of the forces behind the grassland caravan is, the current situation is favorable to Shao Yu. Stir kujit north into a pot of porridge, and Shao Yu has the opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, no matter how good the opportunity is, we must have enough strength to profit from it, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Shao Yu doesn\'t want to delay too much time here. In Shao Yu\'s opinion, territory is the capital that he can dominate the world in the future. Everything else is just assistance.