Lord of Riders

Chapter 293

Facing the threat of Nord Kingdom, King harlaus chose to go directly through the territory of Nord kingdom to Shaoming kingdom.

But sure enough, when harlaus and his army just passed through dehrim area, the problem was not big, but when they reached the middle of dehrim and zhiwading, harlaus met tens of thousands of Nord troops.

King Ragnar was also surprised after receiving the information. How did the army of the kingdom of svadia run to the territory of their kingdom of Nord, and still drive straight into the territory without attacking dehrim? Was it to destroy the main force of the kingdom of Nord and come to cooperate with the kingdom of Shaoming?

The more King Ragnar thought about it, the more he could not let the army of the kingdom of svadia run around his land. Fifty thousand men and horses were directly fired to meet the army of the kingdom of Swadia.

At this time, there were few suggestions from the Anglo Empire and the kingdom of Nord. King Ragnar deliberately alienated the Anglo Empire, so he was not very clear about the military actions of the Anglo empire. Ragnar was afraid that when Dunn crossed the river, demolished the bridge, unloaded the mill, killed pigs and destroyed other countries, he also ate the Nord kingdom by the way, so Ragnar is now guarding against the Anglo empire. In addition, the information is not developed. Nord Kingdom has not deliberately engaged in a huge intelligence system like Shaoming Kingdom, and the information is not well informed

For the march of the kingdom of svadia, King Ragnar soon characterized him as an invasion and ready for war.

"Your Majesty, a large number of Nord troops have been found ahead! What should we do? The enemy has surrounded us from four directions. It seems that we can\'t avoid them!" a former general of the kingdom of Swadia reported to harlaus

"Well, asshole, it\'s still coming," murmured king harlaus.

"Order the soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy, not to take the initiative to attack. The cavalry move around, look for the opportunity to attack, and the infantry line up to protect the crossbow attack!" King harlaus quickly ordered

"Yes, your majesty!"

When the two sides were still miles away, they began to form an array.

The infantry of the kingdom of Nord advanced with shields.

The kingdom of svadia is firmly in place, with infantry in front and crossbow behind, and cavalry wandering around, ready to attack the weak areas of the army of the kingdom of Nord at any time.

Although the kingdom of Swadia fled here in a hurry, King harlaus did not feel any pressure at all in the face of the army of the kingdom of Nord.

The strength of the two sides is equal, and even the army of the kingdom of svadia is stronger, because there are many strong crossbowmen equipped with the strong crossbow of the kingdom of Shaoming, as well as Armored Cavalry in the kingdom of svadia.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Nord kingdom to eat the army of the Swadian kingdom in this war. At least not so easy in a short time.

Although the formation was put in place, the two sides did not fight immediately. After all, there are more than 100000 troops on both sides. In the end, there will be a lot of casualties whether they lose or win. At present, the situation in karadia is so chaotic that no one wants to consume their military strength. Only when the army is in hand, the enemy will fear you and fear you, otherwise it will only be destroyed sooner or later.

However, although it was a confrontation for a period of time at the beginning, the war between the two sides is inevitable. The army of the kingdom of Nord took the lead in the attack.

At this time, the troops of the Anglo Empire had taken over suno and Palaven. The original two towns are now less populated. Dunn has also received the news that king harlaus has abandoned the city with his army. Dunn was not in a hurry to track the whereabouts of the main army of the kingdom of Swadia. In Dunn\'s opinion, it was a great pleasure to get two towns for no reason. Dunn came to occupy these two towns. In Dunn\'s view, without territory, there will be no sustainable source of troops.

In that way, as long as the army of the kingdom of Swadia is eliminated, it will be difficult for them to supplement large-scale troops. In addition, siege was not the strength of Anglo imperial soldiers. Therefore, Dunn first or first set his eyes on the territory of accepting the kingdom of Swadia. In Dunn\'s view, King harlaus led his army to escape, which saved a lot of trouble for the Anglo empire.

Dunn thought

Now the war between the kingdom of Swadia and the kingdom of Nord has officially begun.

The kingdom of Nord first launched an attack. The soldiers of the kingdom of Nord kept flying towards the soldiers of the kingdom of Swadia with shields, spears, javelins and axes in their hands. They were greeted by penetrating crossbows and arrows. The crossbow shot through their bodies and brought great losses to the soldiers of Nord kingdom. However, with the shield wall, the army of the kingdom of Nord quickly charged in front of the Legion of the kingdom of Swadia. A fierce hand to hand battle was fought with them.

The soldiers of both sides fought fiercely for a day and knew that it was completely dark before they withdrew their troops.

On this day, there were tens of thousands of casualties among soldiers on both sides. The heavy cavalry of the kingdom of Swadia launched several charges, and the heavy infantry of the kingdom of Nord were also a headache

One night, the two sides were in peace, but before dawn, the two sides fought again, and the two sides\' armies bit each other hard.

But soon, the balance of war began to turn 180 degrees. The number of troops on the battlefield increased to 156000.

Shaoming Kingdom and kujit Khanate together, forty or fifty thousand cavalry troops rushed to zhiwading to meet King harlaus\'s army.

King Ragnar was surprised when he received the news, so the strength gap between the two sides immediately widened. King Ragnar didn\'t want to fight all his family here.

King Ragnar quickly led his army to withdraw to zhiwading, ready to defend zhiwading and watch the formation of Swadia Kingdom, Shaoming Kingdom and kujit Khanate. It seems that we are going to attack zhiwading. Otherwise, why do we gather so many troops.

However, the result did not develop in the direction imagined by King Ragnar. It was originally thought that king harlaus would take the army of the kingdom of svadia and the army of two other countries to attack zhiwading and encroach on the kingdom of Nord. But in fact, after the army of Nord Kingdom retreated, according to the report from the scouts, the army of Swadia Kingdom retreated directly to Kudan City, which is close to the capital of Shaoming kingdom.

With the help of the army of the kingdom of Shaoming, the army of the kingdom of svadia finally arrived in Kudan. At least these troops were safe.

But as the Anglo Empire slowly took control of the land of the kingdom of svadia, King harlaus had no doubt that it would not be long before Dunn would recruit troops from civilians to deal with the troops feeding the kingdom of svadia. Because it was too troublesome for them to replenish troops from the mainland of balion, the Anglo Empire must soon recruit soldiers in the occupied land