Lord of Riders

Chapter 106

"I only want the iron ore in tianwangling, which I think is of no importance to kujit Khanate."

Shao Yu told count grenward what he thought. Count greyward couldn\'t help praising Shaoyu\'s strategy.

In fact, Shao Yu doesn\'t know whether this strategy is feasible. After all, the decision-making ideas of various countries can\'t be decided by themselves. But if we want our country to win the battle, we must make good use of the relations between countries. At least persuade King harlaus to support and cooperate with himself. In this way, Shaoyu has a bigger chip in his hand. If King harlaus wants to support his plan, he must see what the kingdom of Swadia can get in the war.

As long as these countries are on their own pirate ships first, the latter will be much simpler.

Shao Yu told greyward his strategic plan with a serious face. Although he didn\'t know what king harlaus thought, at least count greyward felt convinced.

Count grenward immediately wrote a letter to King harlaus and reported Shaoyu\'s plan to him.

The war on the Virginian side is becoming more and more tense, and Shao Yu\'s side can no longer be taken into account. This is a good time for dasta Khan. The Sultanate of saland also acquiesced in dastam Khan\'s war plan.

"The war is coming. Whether the Kingdom exists or not determines whether you can continue to live like this. So I hope you can support the war of the kingdom!" Shaoyu has started the pre war mobilization to prepare the civilians for the war.

The unfamiliar cavalry of Shaoming kingdom was slowly equipped, and the hook and sickle guns were also equipped. Hook and sickle spearmen can be used to deal with cavalry, break horse legs and assassinate horse cavalry. At the same time, in infantry warfare, they can also hook the enemy\'s shield, and the soldiers next to them can attack the enemy behind the shield.

Three hundred Modao cavalry, five hundred swadian heavy cavalry, plus shadow guards, are the most elite cavalry under Shao Yu. Next, there are nearly two thousand senior cavalry, and there are up to three thousand reserve cavalry guards. In terms of guarding the city, there are 3000 urban defense troops, and there are more than 3000 militia infantry escorts.

Shao Yu\'s army also has more than 10000 people. Dastam Khan\'s army has more than 40000 people. Dastam\'s army has half the recruits. There are also tens of thousands of senior cavalry with high combat effectiveness. Elite troops, such as kujit gun cavalry and archers, have more than 2000 senior archers.

If you fight hard, Shaoyu won\'t have any advantage.

Shao Yu spent 20000 dinars to buy a large amount of wheat from dehrim area and store it in ichemore city.

The war warning spread to all villages under the kingdom of Shaoming.

After nearly a month of conflict, the war between Shaoming Kingdom and dasta Khan finally broke out. Dastam Khan declared war on Shaoming Kingdom on the ground that Shaoyu attacked their army.

Thirty thousand troops of Darth Khan quickly approached ichemore.

This time dastam Khan personally led the army to attack Shaoyu. The army of dastam Khan had 500 gun cavalry, 500 riding archers, 5000 kujit riders, 5000 guerrilla archers, plus 20000 infantry. The mighty 30000 army went straight to aichmore to kill.

In Shaoming Kingdom, there is only one town, aichmore, and sajichebao. As long as you capture aichmore, you can control most of the land of Shaoming kingdom. So as soon as dastam Khan came up, he had an eye on ichemore.

"Your Majesty, dastam Khan directly mobilized 30000 troops and horses to attack our aichmore. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the 3000 urban defense forces and 2000 militia guards in our city. Can we use the cavalry forces to defend the city! In this way, our pressure will be much less," Lord ubai said to Shaoyu.

Shao Yu ordered Lord ubai to defend echemore, but only gave him 5000 men and horses. Facing six times the enemy, Lord ubai felt a little dangerous.

"I will mobilize the Roman light infantry to support you. This is the largest force I can give you! As long as you stick to it for three days, your task will be completed. The cavalry can come back to support you. No matter what method you use, you should guard it for me!" Shaoyu said directly and resolutely.

"Count," said Shao Yu and Lord ubai, turning to grenward

"At your disposal!" said count grenward.

Shao Yu\'s battle was supported by King harlaus. Now grenward and his 500 heavy cavalry are under the full command of Shao Yu.

"I will take away all the cavalry of the kingdom. All you can command is your own 500 heavy cavalry. Your army is waiting for the opportunity in aichmore. If you find a small group of enemy troops, you will destroy them as much as possible!" Shaoyu ordered count grenward

Dastam Khan valued the victory of the great battle, but Shao Yu now plans to avoid fighting with the main force of the enemy as much as possible. After all, there is a big gap between the forces of the two sides, and Shao Yu wants to achieve the greatest result with the least loss.

The city defense and the cavalry guerrilla operations of count grenward were arranged. Shao Yu soon left ichemore with more than 5000 cavalry.

Shao Yu avoided the main force of dastam Khan and rushed all the way to the northeast. That\'s the direction of destaborg. The battle between Shaoming Kingdom and dasta Khan soon attracted the attention of neighboring countries. The kingdom of virgia has no time to take into account the war on Shaoyu\'s side. When kujit Khanate saw Shaoyu and dasta Khanate fighting, it suddenly became active.

Before long, Saiga Khan of kujit Khanate received a letter from Shao Yu.

"Dear Saiga Khan, I am the king of Shaoming kingdom. Dasta Khan coveted our territory and launched a war for no reason. Our army is unable to resist the enemy\'s attack. I hope Saiga Khan can send troops to rescue. Our army has sent troops to attack ditta fort. As long as kujit Khan sends troops to help, I will send ditta Fort as a reward. Your army attacked turga and our army blocked dasta Khan In this way, you can not only preserve our country, but also recapture the old capital. Please Mr. Khan consider it! "Shaoyu said in the letter

After receiving the letter, Saiga Khan immediately convened his great lords to discuss the matter together.

"Once we send troops, the Sultanate of saland is afraid to tear up the peace agreement. There is still the kingdom of Swadia eyeing there! We must not participate," a lord immediately objected

"Then let Darth Tam destroy this Shaoyu and unify the north?" said another Lord

"If Prince dastam (formerly known as the Lord of kujit does not recognize dastam\'s Khan status) unifies the north, our strength will be stronger. In addition, there is a saland Sultanate behind us, and our situation will be even more difficult," followed one Lord