Lord of Riders

Chapter 104

While Shao Yu hid in the armory and buried himself in forging iron, the land on the other side of the kingdom of Virginia has been scarlet. Fierce fighting endures day and night. The sea invaders who broke through riwa cheze massacred civilians wantonly. That\'s the blood thirsty nature of the sea invaders.

After the war, the land of Zhiwa was silent. Dead bodies everywhere gave off a terrible stench. Black smoke was still rising from the charred land.

The 3000 remnant army led by yarogelk looked back at the direction of Zhiwa cheze and couldn\'t help but leave tears. The living Virginians were completely angered by the atrocities of the Nords, and all vowed not to die with the Nords.

Shortly after the fall of Zhiwa, nordhiko slaughtered almost all the Virginian residents in that area.

The Nords are all sea bandits from generation to generation. Although the Nords who have settled in the continent of karadia have gradually separated from their bloodthirsty nature, the sea bandit lords and their soldiers invited by King Ragnar are not. They are still merciless barbarians.

As many as 100000 pirates landed on the mainland of karadia! Different from these soldiers in the Nord Kingdom, every pirate is a veteran soldier. Even young pirate children who are only a few years old are used to killing and blood.

Although there is no unified dispatching and command for these sea invaders, their common roots unite them.

Plunder makes these pirates very rich. They have high-quality equipment, and nearly half of them are equipped with iron chain armour with excellent defense.

When they attacked the city, soldiers poured in like a tide. Nordheikou was heavily equipped with flying axes and javelins, which made almost every soldier have a certain medium and long-range attack ability. Low defensive Virginian soldiers are very passive once they are close.

After the capture of Zhiwa Che, nordhiko continued to march towards kulau. In fact, Nord kingdom was hardly involved in war. They just invited the Haikou people to this continent.

King Ragnar made an agreement with them that the Haikou rebels were responsible for defeating Nord\'s enemies and taking possession of the seized property. And the final territory will be handed over to the kingdom of Nord.

After the occupation of Zhiwa vehicles, the resistance of local people led to bloody massacres.

King yarogelk summoned 50000 troops. Another 30000 recruits were recruited to jointly defend kulau. The city wall of kulau is stronger. In the decades of war with Nord Kingdom, the Virginians have continuously strengthened the city wall of kulau. Now the city has also become an important barrier for the Virginians to block Nord pirates.

While recruiting troops and horses for defense, King yarogerk also sent a distress letter like the kingdom of Shaoming and the kingdom of Swadia, asking king harlaus to send troops to rescue the kingdom of vegia. At the same time, he also asked Shaoyu to send troops for support. However, considering Shaoyu\'s strength, King yarogerk had no hope for Shaoyu, Just ask him not to take advantage of kujit Khanate.

While forging iron in the arsenal, Shaoyu did not forget to launch a psychological offensive against the dasta Khanate.

Shao Yu met with the people who had been rescued with kusA before. They were civil officials in the kujit Khanate. These people were professional politicians who solved all kinds of troubles for the kings and lords. What do politicians do? They must be fooling the people. Shao Yu now needs these people. Shao Yu specially understands that there are three politicians among them. Shao Yu personally visits them, asks them to help Shaoming Kingdom lobby their people in dastar khanate, and promises that as long as they do well, they will take important positions in Shaoming Kingdom when they come back.

These people naturally eat food by mouth. Shaoyu personally invited them, and they naturally didn\'t refuse. After Shao Yu explained what they wanted to say, these people took some bodyguards assigned by Shao Yu, disguised as travelers, and ran to Darth Khanate to incite people\'s hearts.

Of course, those politicians don\'t just talk. They got ready in advance, aimed at the villages of dasta Khan and fooled them one by one.

Shao Yu gave them the task to do their best to deceive all the people of dasta Khanate to the kingdom of Shaoming.

In the evening, a group of tourists came to the village in the west of dasta Khan. These people brought more than a dozen pack horses, each carrying two bags of grain. The villagers thought it was a passing grain merchant, but they didn\'t pay attention.

The leader asked the village head where he lived, and then went to visit the village head. There is nothing more persuasive than the cold Dinar on the mainland of kaladia. Just a few simple exchanges and a band of bulging gold coins, the tour leader persuaded the village head to convene the villagers for a rally tonight.

The villagers didn\'t know what had happened. They all attended the party held in the center of the village in the evening according to the requirements of the village head. At the village Party, there are delicious beef and horse milk wine. The most important thing is that these things are free. These naturally attracted the villagers to the party. They haven\'t had enough food for a long time.

"Well, brothers, I\'d like to introduce myself. I\'m a traveler passing by. I\'m entrusted to hold this party tonight." the villagers were enjoying delicious food happily when a stranger stood up and said

Some villagers recognized him as a day traveler.

The villagers looked at the stranger curiously. They didn\'t know why he wanted to do these things for free. Was it a declining aristocrat who wanted to recruit new soldiers here? The villagers couldn\'t help guessing. But then they overturned the idea. Because according to their current situation, as long as someone is willing to provide them with weapons and food and pay a small amount of gold coins, many young people will jump out and fight for this opportunity. That\'s more promising than being a farmer in a village.

"Actually, I\'m not going to hold a banquet for you, but the villagers of a village in Shaoming Kingdom," the traveler said loudly

The villagers were even more puzzled when they heard that they were civilians from neighboring countries. They couldn\'t think of why those people held a banquet for them. I\'m afraid they couldn\'t eat enough.

"Speaking of the life of the villagers in Shaoming Kingdom, alas, your life is really poor by comparison," continued the traveler

"You must wonder why the civilians in neighboring countries asked me to entertain you. In fact, the thing is like this. When I passed a village in Shaoming Kingdom two days ago, it happened to be in the evening. The people there are busy. But they are not busy for farmland, but their dinner!" The traveler naturally began to pull

"The smell of roast meat floated out far away..."

"Why is life so tired? Take good care of your cattle and sheep. As long as the country is a fixed part, the rest is yours......"

"Sick people are not afraid of not getting treatment..."

"Life there is really comfortable and peaceful. I can\'t help but want to end my wandering journey and settle in Shaoming kingdom. I have decided to end my trip as soon as possible, join the army of Shaoming Kingdom and strive to win a glorious title through battle!" the traveler gushed about how comfortable and rich the people of Shaoming Kingdom live, How can countries be just and equal.

Finally, the villagers were stunned. They had long heard that Shaoming kingdom had many policies to treat civilians well. They didn\'t expect that the people of Shaoming Kingdom lived such a happy life. Adequate food and clothing, in the eyes of the kugit who have lived in poverty, hunger and death for these generations, is like a heaven where God lives.

However, in fact, except that the policies are true, the people\'s life is far less exaggerated than the traveler said. In fact, Shaoming kingdom is still relatively poor. After all, it has just experienced war.

But what attracts people in the dark most is often that hope!