Lord of Riders

Chapter 100

"But the strength of Darth Khan is much stronger than you. I\'m afraid you\'re not an opponent," said count grenword

"They\'re just paper tigers. A mob," Shaoyu said disdainfully

"If the count doesn\'t mind, you can participate in our subsequent actions," Shao Yu said to grenward

"Action? What action?" asked grenword

"Report! Your majesty, the field army is ready and ready to go!" as soon as count grenward finished speaking, a small soldier ran in and reported

"Ha ha, the count doesn\'t know. Our army is short of weapons and incomplete equipment, but the generous dastam Khan took the initiative to send it to me. Do you think I want it?" Shaoyu smiled

"...? Then I\'d like to see it." grenward was very puzzled for a moment. How could dastam send weapons to Shaoyu, he also said

"Well, please come with us, Lord count," said Shaoyu, and walked out of the castle quickly

Two thousand cavalry outside have been waiting here.

"Your Majesty, the troops are ready at your command!" said Irene

"Are all the people over there staring?" Shaoyu asked

"No problem, your majesty, you\'ve been staring at them since they came out!" replied Irene

"OK, let\'s go." at Shaoyu\'s command, two thousand cavalry left the city.

Count grenward was even more surprised to see Shao Yu leaving the city with so many heavily armed troops. Since it is said that dastam sent weapons and equipment, why do you bring so many troops? The more count grenward thought about it, the more something went wrong. Then he thought about Shaoyu equipping his escort with the stolen weapons. He immediately understood Shaoyu\'s meaning. I was going to rob again.

Grenward followed Shaoyu. He was surprised to understand Shaoyu\'s intention and quickly stopped him.

"You\'re setting yourself on fire! Your troops are not their opponents in a head-on war!" said grenword

"Only those who dare to fight will win the war. Fear will only make you die faster." Shaoyu smiled and said

"This..." count grenword said for a moment. What Shao Yu said is not unreasonable. If we don\'t attack the enemy now, they will only be stronger. Avoiding is not a way after all.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. count, I\'m going to rob a batch of supplies, which are very important to me. This is the iron ore transported from the mines of dastar Khanate to turga. My soldiers lack weapons. We are not wolves. I can\'t let my soldiers bite the enemy with their teeth. These iron ores are transported to turga, which is the murder weapon to kill my soldiers! So I have to fight" Shao Yu continued

Count grenward nodded and couldn\'t help admiring Shaoyu\'s long-term vision. As a veteran of swadian army for half his life, glenward knows how important weapons are to a soldier.

Two thousand cavalry marched at full speed on the grassland, and there was no queue. The cavalry only kept the basic establishment with their commanders.

"Your Majesty, Darth Khan\'s transport team is ahead."

Shao Yu led the army to gallop all the way on the grassland. The soldiers responsible for monitoring the dasta transport team also found the arrival of the army and hurried to report.

"Dastar Khan sent 500 cavalry to escort the transport team, including 100 kujit gun cavalry. It seems that they also attach great importance to these iron mines!" the soldier reported the situation briefly

"Five hundred cavalry?" Shao Yu listened and thought for a moment. This time, the enemy has a large number of troops, and there are 100 gun cavalry with strong combat effectiveness. Even if his two thousand people eat each other, they will lose a lot.

And this time count grenward just followed and watched, without bringing his five hundred heavy cavalry. We can only rely on Shaoyu\'s troops.

"Batu" Shaoyu thought for a moment and shouted

"Your Majesty, what\'s your order?" Batu hurriedly came to Shaoyu and asked.

"I\'ll give you a task," Shao Yu said, telling Batu his plan. Batu nodded, immediately ordered more than 100 good shooting riding archers, left the army and took the lead in speeding up towards the transport team of Darth Khanate.

"Irene, leave five hundred cavalry to meet Batu, and the other troops will encircle Batu in two ways at full speed!" after Batu left, Shaoyu quickly ordered that the soldiers be divided into three ways and encircle Batu in the direction of the transport team.

The plains and highlands on Kuji giant grassland fluctuate, and large and gentle slopes create good conditions for cavalry charging. But at the same time, it also creates a lot of trouble for the pack horses who are tired of marching on the grassland. Carrying heavy goods, the pack horse was not fast, and Batu\'s archers soon caught up with the dasta transport team transporting goods.

"Brothers, look what we\'ve met! It\'s a group of donkeys!" Batu shouted not far from the transport team after catching up with the transport team

The cavalry of dastar Khanate also found them. At first glance, they were not the army of dastar Khanate. Since the decomposition of kujit Khanate and dastar khanate, the army of dastar Khanate has adopted red as the main color of military uniform in order to distinguish it from the army of kujit Khanate.

Shao Yu\'s military equipment is no different from that of the kujit people because most of them inherited the kujit Khanate. Therefore, Shao Yu adopted the black tone as the main color of the soldier\'s armor.

"People of Shaoming kingdom? What are they doing here?" these dastar cavalry were surprised to see Shaoyu. Although it is very close to Shaoming Kingdom, it is still the territory of dastar Khanate. What do these people want to do?

"You see, I don\'t call those donkeys. Anyway, they are really a group of stupid donkeys!" Batu and others laughed with the soldiers as they said.

"Donkeys? Are they talking about us?" the cavalry suddenly turned green.

"Asshole, you cross the border to laugh at us! Do you want to fight us!" a cavalry captain was angry and said to Batu and others

"See, the donkey is angry, so I said, don\'t scream." Batu listened to the cavalry captain, ignored him, and only smiled with the soldiers next to him

"Hassen, take your men and drive them away," said the commander of the Darth Khan transport team directly to the cavalry captain who had just spoken.

It is still very close to Shaoming Kingdom, so the commander of the transport team doesn\'t want to start a battle here. Otherwise, if you attract a large force from Shaoming Kingdom, you will be in trouble if your task cannot be completed at that time.

"Yes, Lord Bagan," the cavalry captain agreed and quickly killed Batu with his 100 cavalry.