Lord of All Gods

Chapter 963

Once the magic dragon died, the treasure became ownerless. Ye Liuyun immediately refined it and put it away.

Afterwards, Qiongqi directly put away the entire Demon Dragon, and didn\'t even show Ye Liuyun what was in its storage ring.

"You bastard, you collected it so quickly! There must be something good in the storage ring of the magic dragon!"

Ye Liuyun wanted Qiongqi to show him.

"I haven\'t seen it, how would I know? Don\'t think about it, if you feel that you are at a disadvantage, I will give you something good in the future!"

When he said this, Ye Liuyun was more sure that there must be something good inside. But he didn\'t want to either.

But he still said: "Don\'t do it later, there is something that needs your help now. Help me repair a few treasures!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he took out the magic net, the scale armor of the alien race, and the divine bow of the alien race.

After looking at it, Qiongqi asked a little puzzled: "The magic net and scale armor are broken, so it\'s no problem to repair them. What about the bow and arrow? Are they not broken?"

"I want your help, modify the appearance, and add the function of tracking and locking!" Ye Liuyun said his request, and also took out the Demon Hunting Bow, and asked Qiongqi to modify it like the Demon Hunting Bow.

Qiongqi immediately understood that Ye Liuyun wanted to use this bow to confuse the public, and at the critical moment, he would switch to the Demon Hunting Bow to give his opponent a fatal blow!

"Well...it\'s a bit difficult!" Qiongqi pretended to ponder.

"Forget it! Take out the magic dragon\'s storage ring..."

Before Ye Liuyun finished speaking, Qiongqi immediately picked up.

"But it doesn\'t bother me. I\'ll take over the job, let\'s settle the matter!"

After speaking, he put away the three artifacts that needed to be transformed. "Borrow your Xuankong Stone for use?"

Ye Liuyun put away the Demon Hunting Bow, and put Qiongqi back into the Xuankong Stone.

He didn\'t go out either, but practiced on the spot, guarding the dragon girl and helping the dragon girl change her wound medicine.

Dragon Girl recovered quickly. As soon as the demonic energy was removed, the wound immediately began to heal. Coupled with Ye Liuyun\'s wound medicine, the injury recovered in less than two days.

Just as Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi were pondering about the magic dragon, Jin Dali\'s ice seal was also broken.

He hurried to the entrance of the Valley of Unrequited Love, saw Lan Wangxin dragging his cheeks, staring at the entrance and exit of the secret realm in a daze, and asked, "Did that kid go in?"

"Yeah!" Lan Wang agreed without even thinking about it.

"Then what should we do?" Jin Dali looked a little at a loss.

"Boss said he would be ignored!" Lan Wangxin replied without changing his posture.

"What did the boss say? What if he disturbs those little brats\' cultivation?" Jin Dali said with some concern.

"He will fall asleep before he wakes up those beasts, what are you worried about?" Lan Wangxin said disdainfully.

"But, he\'s not our kind! Will he be in danger?" Jin Dali was still worried.

"Anyway, the boss said don\'t worry about it! If you are worried, you can go in!" Lan Wangxin didn\'t seem to be worried at all.

"..." Jin Dali had nothing to say.

Although he was worried, he didn\'t dare to go in casually.

He has experienced the dream here.

Even if he went in, he fell asleep after a while.

And if you exercise again, you may sleep longer. He wasn\'t sure how long it would take to wake up.

"Ah!" Finally he sighed, and sat cross-legged on the side, closing his eyes to practice, waiting for Ye Liuyun to come out.

Ye Liuyun had nothing to do in the next time, so he took out the bell he had seized from the magic dragon.

"What grade is this thing that can even block the Demon Sealing Tablet?"

Ye Liuyun looked at the bell in a daze.

Suddenly, Qiongqi jumped out from the Xuankong Stone.

Seeing that he was studying the bell, he told him directly: "The bell should be of the same rank as the Demon Sealing Tablet. But foreign objects are foreign objects after all, and no matter how powerful a treasure is, it also has weaknesses. Otherwise, how could the magic dragon Will be killed by you!"

Qiongqi is worried that Ye Liuyun is too dependent on treasures.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and felt that what Qiongqi said made sense.

Once the weakness of the treasure is discovered by the opponent, it may bring fatal danger.

Moreover, he now has the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, the Demon Vine, the Ferocious Beast, and the Divine Weapon, and with this defensive bell, he is truly invincible.

Even if he doesn\'t practice, no one can hurt him.

But these things are all foreign things, not beneficial to his own improvement.

Without experiencing dangerous pressure, his strength will improve, and he will lack motivation.

Ye Liuyun immediately erased the imprint of spiritual consciousness on the bell.

Qiongqi stretched out his hand with a smile, thinking that Ye Liuyun had figured it out and wanted to give him the bell.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun hung the bell directly on the dragon horn of the dragon girl.

"Uh... You really value sex over friends!" Qiong Qi looked at Ling Dang with greedy eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

"Haha, you want to take advantage of it? No way!" Ye Liuyun also laughed.

"Bring it!" Ye Liuyun stretched out his hand to ask Qiongqi for something.

"Oh! I\'ve worked hard!" Qiongqi sighed, throwing the three transformed treasures to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun checked them one by one, and Qiongqi returned the alien bow with the word "King Kong" engraved on it.

"The Vajra Bow?" Ye Liuyun was quite satisfied with the name. It fits well with his domino.

He then put these treasures into the storage ring.

"How long do you plan to stay here?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

Qiongqi looked around at the storage rings of the surrounding monsters: "There are treasures everywhere, how can I be willing to leave!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, knowing that he was still thinking about the storage rings of these monsters.

"Look at your potential!"

Ye Liuyun went on to tell him about his current situation and the proliferation of foreign races in the south.

When Qiongqi heard the words, he also put away his laughing expression.

"Foreign races can\'t be wiped out!" He sighed, and said to Ye Liuyun, "Wait for me, I\'ll go out with you!"

As he said that, he began to frantically collect the storage rings of these monsters.

It\'s just that he didn\'t take away everything this time, but only put away what he could use.

Ye Liuyun also threw all the scale armors that he had collected from noble-ranked alien races to Qiongqi.

Qiongqi suddenly said to Ye Liuyun: "You said you have a large army now? How about I get you a batch of alien scale armor? The defense of these alien scale armor is much better than those high-level armor!"

"Of course that\'s good!" Ye Liuyun of course agreed.

"Then you have to pay me?" Qiongqi began to laugh again.

Ye Liuyun also laughed and said, "You can take whatever you want here, and I promise not to expose you!"

"You... are too shameless!" Qiongqi cursed, and continued to "collect" resources.