Lord of All Gods

Chapter 884

Ye Liuyun was startled, and his soul immediately cut off the connection with the space world.

The power superimposed on him also faded away immediately.

But the people around him were all startled awake.

Ling Shuang, Liang Xinyu and others, even Yuan Datou jumped out of the room.

They looked at the big hole in Ye Liuyun\'s practice room, and they were all dumbfounded.

"What\'s wrong? Is it someone with a high rank who came to attack you?" Ling Shuang searched around but found no one, so she immediately asked Ye Liuyun with concern.

Ye Liuyun was also a little dumbfounded. He didn\'t expect that the originally sturdy training room would be so vulnerable.

"How strong is this power!" Ye Liuyun hadn\'t recovered from the shock.

Everyone else thought Ye Liuyun was frightened.

"Master Ye!"


Everyone shouted to wake him up.

"Sorry, I accidentally broke the practice room!"

Ye Liuyun said embarrassedly.

At this time, the Ninth Princess Xia Qiong, the Fourth Prince Xia Yuan, and Li Qingyun all rushed over.

Some elders in charge of defense in the college also rushed over to check the situation.

They all rushed over immediately after feeling the fluctuation here. He thought Ye Liuyun was attacked by a strong man.

Especially Xia Qiong and Li Qingyun were extremely worried.

It wasn\'t until they heard Ye Liuyun\'s words that they all felt relieved.

"This...you hit this?" Xia Qiong didn\'t know how to word it.

Li Qingyun asked Ye Liuyun through voice transmission with his spiritual consciousness: "The power of the space world?"

"Yes!" Ye Liuyun replied immediately.

"Let\'s say you accidentally broke it when you were practicing using the artifact!" It was Li Qingyun who reacted quickly and immediately helped Ye Liuyun think of an excuse.

"What\'s going on? Can you destroy this practice room?" An elder of the academy did not believe that Ye Liuyun broke it.

"When the disciple was practicing using the divine weapon, he didn\'t control it properly and accidentally destroyed the training room!" Ye Liuyun immediately explained as Li Qingyun taught him.

"You kid, are you using that artifact again? I told you everything, you can\'t control it now, and you just won\'t listen!" Li Qingyun helped Ye Liuyun cover it up.

The elder was not suspicious when he heard the words, and said directly: "If you destroy the practice room, you need to compensate according to the price. Where is your token? Ten points will be deducted from you!"

Ye Liuyun immediately handed over the token obediently, and was deducted four points by the elder!

"Elder, please help me, let\'s arrange for him to repair it as soon as possible!" Xia Qiong also helped Ye Liuyun plead.

"Well, okay! But you have to be careful in the future, don\'t break the practice room again. Otherwise, the punishment will be doubled next time!" The elder gave an order, and then led the people away.

The fourth prince Xia Yuan greeted Ye Liuyun and left directly.

"Thank you, thank you for your concern!" Ye Liuyun kept expressing his gratitude to everyone.

Xia Qiong also shook her head helplessly: "You, it\'s really worrying!"

After finishing speaking, she also left helplessly.

"Let\'s go, boy, go to my place and drink some wine with me? It\'s almost dawn anyway! After dawn, I\'ll arrange for you to enter the secret realm directly!" Li Qingyun suggested.

"Then I\'ll trouble you!" Ye Liuyun thanked and told everyone to go back to practice, and then he followed Li Qingyun to Li Qingyun\'s residence.

Before everyone went back, they all looked at the big hole again.

Fatty Wei stuck out his tongue: "This kid, what kind of artifact is in his hand, so powerful?"

Yuan Datou said dissatisfiedly: "What artifact? Let me tell you, it was punched out by the boss. Look at the traces around the big hole."

"Don\'t talk nonsense! You want to cause trouble for him!" Ling Shuang immediately stopped Yuan Datou\'s words.

Ape Datou heard the words and fell silent.

He originally wanted to brag for Ye Liuyun. But after he finished speaking, these people all looked at the traces at the entrance of the cave, and couldn\'t help being suspicious in their hearts.

But doubts are doubts, but there is no evidence. It\'s just a big hole, and it may indeed have been smashed out by an artifact.

A few of them guessed, went back separately, and continued to practice.

Li Qingyun took Ye Liuyun with him, and before he returned to his residence, he couldn\'t wait to use his spiritual sense to transmit sound, and asked Ye Liuyun: "How much did you use?"

"All!" Ye Liuyun replied with a smile.

Li Qingyun\'s eyes widened, and he forgot even the sound transmission of his spiritual consciousness, and asked directly: "Okay! You kid, how did you do it?"

Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to transmit sound, and told him the method of connecting his soul and soul, and he didn\'t hide anything!

"You kid, you are a genius in cultivation, you can think of all of this!" Li Qingyun exclaimed through voice transmission.

"I\'m also tired from practicing, and I want to relax my soul, so I made a mistake!" Ye Liuyun said truthfully.

Li Qingyun nodded, and the sound transmission replied: "Luck is also a part of strength! This also shows that you are lucky!"

Then he laughed again: "Come on, come to my place to have a drink, let me celebrate!"

As he spoke, he pulled Ye Liuyun and hurried back.

But after returning, he didn\'t really pull Ye Liuyun to drink, but he drank it himself.

Ye Liuyun was stuffed into his practice room by him. "Consolidate quickly!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, but did not refuse his kindness. Continue to consolidate this feeling.

It\'s just that the feeling just now was interrupted, and I can\'t get it back for a while.

Moreover, he is also a little excited now, and he can\'t calm down.

When he finally calmed down, Li Qingyun called him out.

"Let\'s go, the secret realm can be teleported!"

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to suspend his cultivation, and followed Li Qingyun to the teleportation formation.

When they arrived at the teleportation array, the elder guarding the teleportation array registered and gave Ye Liuyun a token.

Instructed him: "The King Kong Secret Realm is very dangerous. If you hadn\'t been ranked among the top ten elite disciples yesterday, I would definitely not let you in!

You have this token. You are inside, only half a month. If you encounter any danger on the way, you can crush the token immediately, and it will be sent out automatically.

However, there is a certain time delay in transmission. So once you find danger, you must act decisively, otherwise it will be too late. "

Ye Liuyun took the token and quickly thanked the elder.

"You don\'t need to thank me, it\'s an opportunity you fought for yourself. Take advantage of it!" The elder patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder lovingly, and let him stand in the teleportation formation.

"Go! I\'ll wait for you to come back!" Li Qingyun didn\'t hesitate, saying goodbye very simply.

Ye Liuyun nodded and signaled that he was ready.

Immediately, the elder activated the teleportation array, teleporting Ye Liuyun into the King Kong secret realm.