Lord of All Gods

Chapter 877

Seeing that neither of them would leave, Ye Liuyun took the two of them to find a deserted valley and set up a formation.

Qiongqi\'s array flag finally came in handy.

Ye Liuyun arranged one hundred and eight formation flags, forming a large formation that put the entire valley within the coverage of the formation.

Seeing this set of array flags, Princess Nine didn\'t react much, probably because she didn\'t know much about the array.

But Li Qingyun cried out. "Huh? This array flag is pretty good! Where did it come from?"

"I bought it at an auction!" Ye Liuyun said casually. He doesn\'t want others to know too much about him.

After setting up the formation flag, Ye Liuyun released the skeleton puppet to help him fight.

"You puppet actually use two divine swords?" Princess Jiu exclaimed, "This is too extravagant!"

Although she has no shortage of artifacts and has seen artifacts, but it is rare to see someone equip a puppet with two artifacts.

"Where\'s your beast? Why don\'t you take it out?" Li Qingyun asked.

"The ferocious beast will wait until the critical moment!" Ye Liuyun said, and activated the formation.

As soon as the formation was activated, a phantom formation immediately formed, hiding the skeleton puppets, Li Qingyun, and Xia Qiong in the formation. From the outside, they can\'t be seen at all.

Ye Liuyun also put on the artifact transformation armor, and then completely removed the cover of the Nether Curse by the power of Buddha\'s light, allowing the Nether Curse to point the way for the opponent.

Inside Shura\'s ghost ship, Fang Fang was driving the warship again.

"Finally caught up!" Fang Fang suddenly felt the clear call of the Nether Curse, and let out a long sigh of relief.

After chasing for more than half a year, they finally caught up with Ye Liuyun.

"The boring voyage is finally coming to an end!" Fang Fang took a deep breath and went to report to Shura.

"My lord, the reaction of the Nether Curse is obvious. The target is only one day away from us. In the past month, he has stopped moving."

After Shura woke up, he also sensed the distance of the Nether Curse, and found that it was indeed very close.

"Understood. You all get ready to fight!" Shura agreed, and also stopped training.

She still remembered the underworld god\'s instructions, and she didn\'t dare to be careless when dealing with Ye Liuyun.

All the skeleton soldiers on the Nether ghost ship were also awakened, ready for battle.

These skeleton soldiers have an extra skeleton body than pure ghosts, making them more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, these skeleton soldiers have the lowest level of yin and yang, so the entire skeleton army is very powerful in combat.

Long before the ghost ship landed, the Great Xia Dynasty had already noticed it, and even sent strong men to intercept it.

Knowing that they were only hunting down an ordinary person who was cursed with the Nether, they were let in.

He also made three chapters with Shura, so that they are not allowed to shoot at will, and they must stay away from the ground when sailing, and they must not release coercion...

Otherwise, the Great Xia Dynasty would not have let the Nether Ghost Ship enter its domain.

The strength of the skeleton army is indeed very strong. However, in the Central Continent, there are many martial artists who are stronger than Shura. So they must also abide by the Central Continent\'s agreement.

The Nether ghost ship has already activated the formation at this moment, confining all the breath of ghosts in the battleship, so as not to disperse and disturb the people along the way.

"How long will it take for them to arrive?" After waiting for several hours, Li Qingyun became a little impatient.

"It\'s less than a day. If you two can\'t wait, you can go first!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t include the two of them in the plan.

"You hit you, don\'t think about the two of us! As long as your life is not in danger, we will not shoot!" Li Qingyun said carelessly.

"Not bad!" Xia Qiong also said.

Ye Liuyun nodded, not paying much attention to their attitude.

At this moment, he is repeatedly rehearsing the possible situations in the battle, thinking about the solution.

The Ghost Butterfly and Ice Demon Tiger in the storage ring are also ready for battle.

These two ferocious beasts, since they reached the realm of life and death and became venerables, it was also the first time they fought against venerables, and they were also Shura, the strongest warrior in the Nether Hell.

The two of them have practiced against each other many times in Ye Liuyun\'s spatial world in advance, and are familiar with the dual power of life and death between themselves and the other party.

When the Nether Ghost Ship appeared in Ye Liuyun\'s Jintong\'s line of sight, he was already ready to fight.

"Here we come!" Ye Liuyun reminded Li Qingyun and Xia Qiong.

With the speed of a super warship, the consciousness of the two of them quickly discovered the ghost ship.

"The skeleton on the bow of this ship is very impressive! This is the first time I have dealt with people from Nether Hell!" Li Qingyun praised.

After the Nether Ghost Ship found Ye Liuyun at this time, it also opened the formation, releasing the sinister aura of the Nether Hell, shocking Ye Liuyun.

This breath made both Li Qingyun and Xia Qiong feel a bone-chilling chill. I couldn\'t help but sweat for Ye Liuyun.

They said they wouldn\'t help, but in fact, they were all ready to fight.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t wait for Li Qingyun to finish admiring, and directly slashed at him with the Demon Slayer Knife.

"I\'ll go! Are you still taking the initiative to attack?" Li Qingyun was also taken aback by Ye Liuyun\'s sudden stab.

Neither he nor Xia Qiong thought that Ye Liuyun would dare to take the lead in attacking Nether Hell.

Ye Liuyun infused the demon-slaying knife with a Yuan Dan\'s true essence, condensed into a giant knife with a hundred feet long in the air, and slashed towards the blood-colored skull on the bow of the ship.

After he slashed out with the knife, he immediately swallowed a Huiyuan Pill secretly held in his mouth.

"This Ye Liuyun is so courageous, he dared to attack us on his own initiative!"

Fang Fang felt a lot more relaxed after feeling the sword intent and true energy contained in Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

Although Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent is strong, his true energy is actually at the seven levels of yin and yang.

With his knife, the Nether Ghost Ship can withstand it without opening its defenses.


The Nether battleship was hit by this knife, and it was obviously beaten, but there was no damage.

But the bloody skeleton on the bow was directly broken by Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

Ye Liuyun\'s knife used the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire. To be precise, the bloody skull on the bow was cut open by the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire.

Shura frowned, and ordered: "Get off the battleship and fight, put the battleship away."

She was worried that Ye Liuyun would destroy the battleship. Then when they return to the voyage, it will be much more troublesome.

So they immediately took all the skeleton soldiers out of the battleship and lined up. The battleship was also put away by the fangs.