Lord of All Gods

Chapter 829

Most of the buildings in the Chang family were burned down. Nearly 50 people in the realm of good fortune died, and more than 200 people in the realm of yin and yang died.

The treasure house of Changfu was also looted.

The extent of their losses in this battle far exceeded previous expectations.

Now there are only 30 people left in their Chang family\'s good fortune realm martial arts. With this scale, not to mention that the third-rate family can\'t be ranked, it\'s not bad to be ranked fourth-rate!

"Ye Liuyun ruined the Chang family, we can\'t let him go! Continue to send someone to keep an eye on that kid! I don\'t believe it, he has been hiding in the room all his life without showing his face!"

The Great Elder was also angry and insisted on killing Ye Liuyun.

"As well as his accomplice, we also sent people to search for it. We can\'t let anyone go!"

So the Chang family sent out many disciples to search for Qiongqi\'s whereabouts.

Qiongqi has been staying in the stronghold of the Fierce Demon Sect and never leaves, so they can\'t find it for the time being.

Ye Liuyun also returned to the Xuankong Stone and continued to practice, leaving only the skeleton puppet outside to monitor the situation.

He also gave Lei Ming the cross-border pill he got at the auction, so that she could first break through to the realm of Yin-Yang Nine Layers in the Xuankong Stone.

The news of the heavy loss of the Chang family spread again.

After the county king got the news, he also praised Ye Liuyun to Liang Xinyu.

"It\'s not easy for Ye Liuyun to fight against a family with one person\'s strength!"

Liang Xinyu immediately understood what her father meant to win over Ye Liuyun, and said to the county king: "When the time limit for using the ghost butterfly is up, I will personally send him back."

The king of the county nodded appreciatively and said, "Yes. It would be even better if he could be your bodyguard!"

Liang Xinyu was a little embarrassed. "With Ye Liuyun\'s financial resources, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to be moved by wealth!"

"Hehe, people will always have needs!" The county king reminded Liang Xinyu.

"Father means that he needs our help to destroy the Chang family now?" Liang Xinyu asked.

The king of the county shook his head slowly: "The Chang family has actually been destroyed by him. Now there is no money and no people. I guess Ye Liuyun doesn\'t worry about them at all."

"Then what does he need?" Liang Xinyu was a little puzzled.

"That depends on why he came to Yingzui Island!" The county king looked at Liang Xinyu with a smile.

"Dazong enrolls students?" Liang Xinyu suddenly realized: "Then being my personal bodyguard, isn\'t it just right for him to go to the Dazong sect? Why..."

"Maybe he wants to go, but he doesn\'t want to go in the name of your bodyguard. The more powerful a person is, the more he will not be willing to let others down." The county king pondered.

"Okay, then I\'ll check his tone first, and see if he has any sects he wants to go to."

After Liang Xinyu finished speaking, she retreated first, and asked someone to bring the sect\'s information to familiarize herself with it first.

After Liang Xinyu left, a man in black quietly appeared in the county king\'s study.

"Have you found it?" The county king asked in a deep voice.

"Find some. As soon as Ye Liuyun arrived here, he sent the people around him to several different sects. Then he destroyed a stronghold of the Fierce Demon Sect, and now occupies it, as if waiting for other members of the Fierce Demon Sect Throw yourself into a trap."

The man in black even told about Ye Liuyun at the auction.

"Fierce Demon Sect?" The county king couldn\'t figure out what relationship Ye Liuyun had with the Fierce Demon Sect.

"Send more people and strengthen surveillance!" The county king ordered immediately.

"Yes!" The man agreed and then disappeared into the darkness.

"Could it be that the Fierce Demon Sect has something to do with the alien race?" The county king guessed in his heart.

Although the Fierce Demon Sect is not under his jurisdiction, it is the closest major sect of demon cultivators to him. And the recent rise is very fast, of course he will pay attention.

Now he can only rely on the Fierce Demon Sect to sell alien corpses, and Ye Liuyun destroyed the Fierce Demon Sect stronghold. These events are connected together to make some guesses.

The next day, Liang Xinyu sent Guidie back to Ye Liuyun as scheduled.

"Why does the Princess need to go there in person, just ask someone to come!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that Liang Xinyu would bring it to him in person.

After seeing Ye Liuyun, Liang Xinyu also found that there was no trace of nervousness or worry on his face.

"It seems that he really doesn\'t take the Chang family seriously." Liang Xinyu thought to herself.

"What did Mr. Ye say, I am naturally duty-bound to send the ghost butterfly back safely! Here is the reward to Mr. Ye according to the contract, and the bonus you received for fighting on stage that night. I put them all together."

Liang Xinyu said, and gave Ye Liuyun a storage ring.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, didn\'t even look at it, and just put it away, simply being polite.

"Thank you. Let the princess worry about it!"

Ye Liuyun communicated with Guidie and found that there was nothing unusual about it, so he sent it back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

"There is no shortage of resources, it\'s really hard to win over!" Liang Xinyu saw so many spirit stones for him, and he didn\'t even order any of them, which shows that there is really no shortage of resources.

Afterwards, Liang Xinyu chatted with Ye Liuyun.

"Young Master Ye, may I ask you a question, have you chosen which sect you have come to participate in the recruitment?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything, and said directly: "I\'m not familiar with the sects of the Central Continent, and I don\'t have a specific goal. I will generally choose one of the super big sects in the last few days. If there is no suitable one, it doesn\'t matter. "

Hearing this, Liang Xinyu couldn\'t help feeling sad.

"It seems that he doesn\'t particularly want to enter the sect. What should we do, he doesn\'t seem to care about anything!"

"Mr. Ye, have you heard of Qianlong Academy? It is also a super large school, and some princes and nobles gather together, and the disciples are all top geniuses in the Central Continent." Liang Xinyu recommended an academy to Ye Liuyun.

The children of princes and nobles are often given a lot of resources since they were young, and their talents have been unearthed. They can indeed basically represent the top talents of the younger generation.

"Is the princess going to Qianlongyuan?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

Liang Xinyu nodded and smiled and said, "If Mr. Ye also goes to Qianlongyuan, we can see each other often!"

"I\'ll think about it!" Ye Liuyun would not change her original intention just because of her words.

Which sect he went to was up to his own satisfaction.

And now, what he cares most about is how to destroy those people from the Fierce Demon Sect. As for whether to go to the sect, which sect to go to, he still can\'t think so much.

He doesn\'t have to go to those sects!

"Alright then! Young Master Ye, if you need anything, you can come to me anytime!"

Liang Xinyu was not too interested in seeing Ye Liuyun, so she got up and said goodbye.

"It seems that I still haven\'t found what he really needs! What exactly does he need?" Liang Xinyu felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t ask to stay, let alone any demands.

For him, the relationship with the county palace is just a deal.