Lord of All Gods

Chapter 808

Not long after Ye Liuyun left, the auras of Lei Ming, Dragon Girl, White Tiger, Stone Ape and other monsters all changed dramatically, breaking through the first level one after another.

The realms of Lei Ming and Longnv both broke through to the seventh level of yin and yang.

The white tiger broke through to the fifth level of yin and yang. As Shi Yuan spent most of his time cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, his realm finally caught up and broke through to the fourth level of yin and yang.

Although Wu Qingcheng, Su Miaoyin, Yu\'er, and Ruyue did not break through the realm, their strength has also improved.

Ye Liuyun himself was sitting in the middle of the magic crystal collection magic stone, absorbing it non-stop.

The third stage of Yuan Ling\'s secret technique made his absorption speed very fast. Before he came out of the Xuankong Stone, he raised his realm to the middle stage of the sixth level of yin and yang.

Tomorrow is the day when Bingxin Palace will recruit students, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er are going to participate in the selection.

So Ye Liuyun specially came out to accompany them in advance.

If they are really selected, they may have to part for a while.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er didn\'t even bother to practice at this time, so they stopped early and started to prepare.

Wu Qingcheng has a lot of cultivation resources in her hands, and she wants to allocate the cultivation resources of everyone in advance. Yu\'er followed to help, putting everyone\'s cultivation resources into the storage ring.

Ye Liuyun walked to the two of them silently, sat down, and watched the two of them busy, not knowing what to say.

When the two of them saw Ye Liuyun, their faces turned red, and they continued to be busy with the things in hand. They wanted to talk, but they didn\'t know what to say.

In the end, when they finished their work, Wu Qingcheng spoke first: "Okay, I know you are in a bad mood! If you can think about coming to see us in advance, we will be satisfied!"

Then, Wu Qingcheng handed over all the resources given to Ye Liuyun to him.

"Put these away yourself, familiarize yourself with them first, and don\'t find them when you need them."

"Let you be wronged!"

Ye Liuyun held back for a long time, and only said one sentence.

Thinking back to Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, how much trust they had in him. Now that they are going to be sent to the sect, he couldn\'t help but feel sour.

"It\'s okay, we\'re just temporarily dispersing into the Central Continent, and we\'ll see you soon!" Yu\'er comforted Ye Liuyun intimately.

She knew that if she comforted Ye Liuyun by saying that she was not wronged, it would have no effect at all, and would only make him blame himself even more.

Ye Liuyun nodded speechlessly. At this moment, in his heart, he has secretly vowed that he must become strong as soon as possible so that he can bring them back to his side.

As soon as he thought of Hades and the people in Nether Hell, he immediately couldn\'t restrain his anger.

"The strong can hunt down and torture others at will! If you dare to attack me, I will not let you go!"

Thinking of this, the aura on his body suddenly soared, and the power of Buddha and demon flickered alternately.

"Damn the curse of the nether world! Destroy it for me!"

He exhausted all the power of the Buddha\'s light, rushed towards the imprint of the nether world on the soul, repeatedly impacting.

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Wan Shen Ling seemed to feel the anger in his heart, and also flashed a golden light in coordination, weakening the Nether Mark.

However, the Ten Thousand Gods Order was only fleeting, and did not completely erase the Nether Mark.

Ye Liuyun felt the change of the imprint of the nether world, and continued to use the power of Buddha\'s light to attack. The golden light from the order of the gods also played a role. And the imprint was worn away a little bit.

This move of his startled Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er.

"Alright, why did this happen all of a sudden?" Wu Qingcheng wondered.

Yu\'er also looked at a loss, not knowing what happened to him.

Ye Liuyun\'s sudden aura had already threatened the two of them.

The two of them are only at the third or fourth level of yin and yang, two or three levels lower than Ye Liuyun.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s true energy was particularly solid, so the power he exerted was not inferior to that of the Yin-Yang Nine-Level Wuxiu.

So under this coercion, their actions are very difficult.

"Go crazy!"

Wu Qingcheng\'s first thought was that something went wrong in Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation.

But when he thought about Ye Liuyun\'s Myriad God Order, this kind of problem shouldn\'t arise.

"Liuyun, Liuyun!"

She could only use her spiritual sense to transmit voices, and kept calling Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun gradually calmed down after the power of the Buddha\'s light stopped working.

In addition, Wu Qingcheng kept calling him, and finally realized that his coercion had suppressed the two of them, and immediately withdrew his whole body.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now! Are you two okay?" Ye Liuyun apologized, a little panicked.

The coercion on Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er\'s body loosened, and they took a few deep breaths before they calmed down.

"We\'re fine, but you, what happened just now?" Wu Qingcheng asked with concern.

"When I got angry just now, I erased some of the ghost marks."

Ye Liuyun was too focused just now, and completely forgot to gather his aura.

It was the first time he had encountered this momentary out-of-control state, and he didn\'t quite know what was going on.

"Your situation is very similar to being insane!" Wu Qingcheng reminded him.

Ye Liuyun was also a little scared.

Fortunately, there were no serious consequences, otherwise he would be guilty of guilt!

"I will pay attention in the future. But with the order of the gods, I should not go crazy!"

Ye Liuyun was also a little strange, what did the momentary out-of-control state just now mean.

"Then you should pay attention to yourself! The matter has come to this point, and you don\'t have to blame yourself too much. We are only temporarily separated. We believe you will pick us up!"

Wu Qingcheng can only comfort Ye Liuyun now, so that nothing will happen to him again.

"It will!" Ye Liuyun also said firmly.

He now also knows that this ghost mark can also be obliterated.

However, he didn\'t know if the state just now would reappear.

He dare not try again now. At least he has to wait until the people around him have left before he can try again, so as not to hurt the people around him.

"Yu\'er, go and rest for a while, I\'ll have a few words with Liu Yun!"

It was also the first time for Wu Qingcheng to make such a request to the people around her, to stay alone with Ye Liuyun for a while.

"Okay!" Yu\'er agreed with a flushed face, and ran out, leaving the two of them alone.

"Qingcheng, do you have something to say?"

Ye Liuyun had never seen Wu Qingcheng deliberately want to be alone with him before, so he thought Wu Qingcheng wanted to tell him something.

"If there is nothing to say, why can\'t I stay alone with you for a while?" Wu Qingcheng complained.

"Of course not. You know I didn\'t mean that..." Ye Liuyun hastily explained.

But before he could finish speaking, Wu Qingcheng had already thrown herself into his arms.

"You wood, when will you be able to open your mind!"