Lord of All Gods

Chapter 798

"En!" Qiongqi also agrees with Ye Liuyunneng\'s thoughts.

If they escape now, the lord will definitely not let them go, and he will suspect that they took the things in the treasure house.

So it\'s better to cheat the leader directly, even if the alliance has no time to chase them, but also let the people of the demon race have a good impression of them, don\'t chase them desperately.

Qiongqi thought for a while, and said to Ye Liuyun: "In my opinion, don\'t go to the battlefield to join in the fun, or you won\'t be able to get away. While we are running outside, you use your golden pupils to attack the lord across the air. Even if you can\'t kill him, you can Affect his actions, so that the powerful demons have a chance to kill him."

"Okay, let\'s do it!"

Ye Liuyun made a decisive decision, let Cyclops sail the boat, escaped according to the original retreat route, and opened the golden pupil at the same time to launch a long-range attack.

A pair of golden pupils flashed in the sky.

Ye Liuyun deliberately showed the golden pupils to increase the sense of mystery. Get everyone\'s attention.

The people on the battlefield are all those who are strong in the Creation Realm. As soon as Jin Tong appeared, they immediately discovered it. The two sides also temporarily separated, both observing Jin Tong.

Some strong people tried to attack Jin Tong with their spiritual sense, but it was useless.

That golden pupil doesn\'t really exist, all the attacks are a waste of energy, and all go directly through the golden pupil.

The projection shown by Ye Liuyun\'s sky-spanning golden pupils is impossible to attack at all.

These powerhouses, looking at the golden pupils in the sky, were also a little at a loss. I don\'t know where this golden pupil came from and what it means.

Only the leader had seen Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, and he had doubts in his heart.

But before he finished thinking, the golden pupil in the sky directly emitted a flame, burning towards the leader of the Demon Cultivator.

The powerhouses of the demon clan also realized at this time that the golden pupil was here to attack the demon cultivator.

"Haha, you demon cultivators have been condemned by heaven! God help us, kill them all!"

The powerful guards of the demon clan shouted and started to fight the demon cultivators again.

Ye Liuyun\'s first golden crow flame was just a test, to give a hint to the powerful demons to continue attacking the demons.

Now that they were fighting again, they immediately changed to a spirit attack, and the ghost fire attacked the sea of ​​consciousness of the leader of the demon cultivator.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul did not dare to directly enter his sea of ​​consciousness to attack, but it would be much safer to set fire to his sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as the ghost fire enters the leader\'s sea of ​​consciousness, it starts to burn, and burns whatever it encounters.

The leader\'s soul went to put out the fire, and his hands were also covered with ghostly fire and burned.

"What kind of flame is this!"

He tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn\'t put them out.

And just when he was dazed, he was seized by the strong man with nine levels of good fortune on the opposite side, and slapped him squarely.

Although it is said that the realm of this strong man is only one level higher than him. But the realm of good fortune, the gap between each realm, the power gap brought about is very different.

The leader vomited blood directly from this palm, and more than half of his devilish energy dissipated.

His two assistants also shot immediately, blocking another slap from the strong man.

They were three fighting against one, but now that the leader is injured, they immediately fell into a weak position.

Ye Liuyun also simply did not do anything, and once again burned a ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp in the sea of ​​consciousness of a demon cultivator.

This time, the Demon Clan guarding the temple completely took advantage, and directly beat the Demon Cultivator to half useless with one palm, and turned around to kill the leader.

Capture the thief and capture the king. Killing the leader has a different meaning to the entire battle situation!

The demons also understand this, so when they attack the lord, they are unambiguous and fatal.

The leader endured the ghost fire in the sea, and blocked it a couple more times, but was finally smashed away by the demon\'s palm, and fell down.

Immediately, the demon clan didn\'t care about the others, but followed directly, made up again, and completely defeated the leader.

The leader of the Demon Cultivator, before he died, was still thinking about his alien master, and looked towards the direction of the temple, dying with regret.

Perhaps somewhere in the dark, the strong man of the demon race is also right, he is really a wicked person condemned by heaven!

The other two demon cultivators who were fighting against the strong man saw that the lord was dead, and they had no intention of fighting any more, so they turned around and ran away.

But the injured one ran slowly, was overtaken by the strong demons, and was killed with one move.

Then, the strong man didn\'t go after the escaped demon cultivator, but turned around to help other temple guardians, and cleared the demon cultivators one by one.

In the end, the magic cultivator was defeated. Most of the strong men in the late stage of the Good Fortune Realm were killed or injured, and only six people desperately broke out of the encirclement and escaped.

On the side of the temple, although some people were injured, the overall combat power was not greatly damaged.

It will be much easier for these strong men to join hands to clean up the remaining magicians.

The attack of the magic repair alliance was completely disintegrated.

Not only did they lose hundreds of warships, they also lost nearly half of their personnel. And in the future, they will not escape the fate of being hunted down by the demons.

Ye Liuyun looked at it for a while, retracted his golden pupils, told Qiongqi about the situation on the battlefield, and then went back to practice in Xuankong Stone.

One-eyed, with all the crew members, started the battleship with all his strength, and rushed desperately.

Next, the guardian of the temple did not take the initiative to attack, but called the nearby demons to clear the demons.

Ye Liuyun and the others ran fast, and they were the first to run out of the battle circle.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun asked Cyclops to change a battleship to his own Tier 3 battleship and continue sailing.

Although he also encountered demons\' interrogation on the way, he dissipated his demonic energy, and everyone changed their attire, so it was completely impossible to tell that it was a demon.

Lei Ming also stayed in the Xuankong Stone to cultivate, and the demons had no way of finding out.

Ye Liuyun and their third-tier warships did not appear on the battlefield, so the demons did not make things difficult for them and let them go.

One-eyed drove the battleship, passing through several demon blockades in succession.

It wasn\'t until I could no longer see the patrolling demons that I completely relaxed.

"Should we switch back to our super battleship? The speed of this battleship is too slow!" Ye Liuyun suggested.

The speed of a third-tier battleship is far worse than that of a super battleship. They sailed for seven or eight days, and it is estimated that the super battleship will be able to catch up in a day.

If the voyage continued like this, Ye Liuyun would soon be overtaken by the people from Nether Hell.

Even if he is more than three months ahead, he can\'t waste time like this.

Cyclops also agreed with Ye Liuyun\'s suggestion, and immediately changed the battleship, speeding away from this area.

After driving safely for about five days, Cyclops suddenly came to look for Ye Liuyun.

"Less than one day sailing forward, I arrived at the sect of the demon cultivator who arrested my daughter, the Thousand Demon Sect. I want to see if the demon cultivator named Blood Liancheng is still there. Driving a super battleship is a bit too much. It stands out!"