Lord of All Gods

Chapter 796

Liu Er closed his eyes, not even daring to poke out his spiritual consciousness, for fear of being affected by the phantom array.

So at this moment, he felt something hitting him, and without thinking about it, he raised his hand and punched it.

A loud bang of "dong", the sound of the death knell, made Liu Er and others dizzy.

And the soul attack of the death knell finally stimulated the poisonous smoke in these people\'s bodies, and it began to flare up.

Demon cultivators with a lower realm could not move immediately, and were immediately engulfed by the fire dragon.

Demon cultivators in the realm of good fortune can barely resist the fire dragon\'s attack, but their movements are much slower than before.

There was a magic cultivator in the realm of good fortune, because his movements were slow and his defense was not timely, he was engulfed by the fire dragon and burned into coke.

"Oops, it\'s a poison that paralyzes the soul!" Liu Er was experienced and immediately realized what poison he had been poisoned.

There are many demon cultivators who use poison, so he still has some understanding of poison.

Hastily took out the corresponding detoxification pill to detoxify himself.

"Let\'s do it! This guy is too difficult to deal with! If we drag it on, he will be even more difficult to deal with after he has been detoxified!" Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun.

"Do it!"

Ye Liuyun also made a decisive decision.

So the two of them worked together to pull the six-eared master and assistant souls into their respective soul domains to attack.

In fact, Liu Er had already touched the edge of the battleship at this time. It\'s just that the demon cultivators who followed him didn\'t know.

Liu Er asked everyone to follow him. As soon as he stopped, everyone stopped too.

Moreover, they now have to deal with both poison and fire dragons, so no one thinks about going any further.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi took the opportunity to deal with Liu Er\'s spirit with all their strength.

Fortunately, although his spirit was strong, it did not exceed the capabilities of Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s soul was almost dying.

"You don\'t have to be proud, the lord will not let you go!" Liu Er said bitterly.

Ye Liuyun sneered at his words, ignored him, and started searching for souls.

Afterwards, he directly used the blood thunder to completely destroy Liu Er\'s soul.

"Scum!" Ye Liuyun cursed angrily.

"What\'s wrong?" Qiongqi was very angry when he saw Ye Liu, and asked in puzzlement.

"They attacked the temple because there was a high-ranking alien evil thing sealed in the temple. The lord was the slave of that alien evil thing. Under the guise of seizing the treasure, he actually wanted to kill the alien evil thing. Things are revived!"

Ye Liuyun explained to Qiongqi.

"So that\'s the case! Is it an alien evil creature of the respected rank?" Qiongqi thought about it.

Then he looked at Ye Liuyun with a smirk, and said slowly: "You should be able to use the Yuan Dan of the foreign race, right?"

"You have a solution? That\'s a high-ranking alien. Don\'t wake him up again!" Ye Liuyun said worriedly.

"Don\'t worry. No one is more experienced than me in dealing with these alien races. Let\'s go, take out the Yuan Dan first."

As Qiongqi said, he took Ye Liuyun out of the battleship and disappeared into the void.

"I didn\'t expect that the demons would seal the powerful aliens!" Ye Liuyun chatted with Qiongqi.

"The demon race was also a part of resisting the alien race at the beginning, so what\'s so strange about it! Speaking of which, there are not as many demon cultivators who seek refuge with the alien race as there are human demon cultivators who seek refuge with the alien race!" Qiongqi sighed: "You humans are the most unlucky and have the most traitors. !"

Ye Liuyun was also speechless after hearing the words!

In the end, I could only say: "Maybe there are too many people, so it seems that there are too many traitors!"

"It\'s justified! It\'s obvious that human beings are greedy!" Qiongqi said.

"Come on, you. You said you are greedy, I haven\'t seen anyone more greedy than you!" Ye Liuyun shot back.

The two of them chatted and went straight to the main hall of the Demon Temple.

The guards here are all fighting the demon cultivators outside.

"Use the golden pupil to find the location of that alien monster!" Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun.

The two of them glanced around with their spiritual senses, but they didn\'t find where the body of the alien evil was hidden.

Qiongqi himself drew up the formation. "I\'ll make a phantom array, so that when we go in, it won\'t be easy for others to find out."

After Ye Liuyun opened the golden pupil, he discovered that the alien evil was sealed inside the multi-armed demon statue.

"It\'s hidden here!" Ye Liuyun immediately told Qiongqi.

"Okay, let me handle it."

After setting up the phantom formation, Qiongqi started to set up the formation on the multi-armed statue again.

Afterwards, he took out several talismans and pasted them on the multi-armed statue.

"Okay. I\'ll control the formation. You don\'t have to worry about anything, just take out its Yuandan. At the same time, burn the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire into it. Remember, the speed must be fast."

After Qiongqi finished speaking, he began to concentrate on controlling the array and the array.

The multi-armed statue immediately vibrated faintly, as if subconsciously resisting the talisman.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils also locked onto the Yuan Dan of the alien evil, and at the same time, the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire spread all over his body.

"Do it!"

With Qiongqi\'s cry, Ye Liuyun immediately made a move, pulling out the alien Yuan Dan.

Really fast, ruthless and accurate.

The statue also trembled violently.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could see that the whole body of the alien monster was trembling, as if desperately resisting.

But those amulets made him unable to make a sound, exert his strength, and even the fluctuations of his spirit and soul, which sealed him inside.

"You go to the treasure house first, and take as much as you can. I still need a little time to deal with it, and I will go find you!" Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun.

"Are you sure it\'s okay?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Don\'t worry, without Yuan Dan, this guy is nothing!" Qiongqi smiled and said, "I just want him to die completely now, so that no one will think about him in the future."

As he said that, he concentrated on controlling the talisman. It seemed that he wanted to destroy the soul of that alien evil thing.

"Wait." Ye Liuyun suddenly thought of his Hundred Refining Soul Banner. "Can the soul of this alien evil thing be brought into the soul streamer?"

"You mean..."

Qiongqi also understood Ye Liuyun\'s intention. He wants to take the soul of that alien evil into the soul banner so that he can help him fight in the future.

That is a strong man of high rank, and his soul must not be weak!

"If there is danger, forget it!" Seeing Qiongqi\'s hesitation, Ye Liuyun thought it was better to be on the safe side.

"It\'s not dangerous, as long as we cooperate!"

Qiongqi asked Ye Liuyun to take out the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, activate it first, and start absorbing the soul.

Then he controlled a few formations and released them bit by bit. As soon as the talisman is released, the spirit of the foreign race is directly absorbed by the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

And it is to let go and absorb a little bit, so that the spirit of the alien race has no chance to resist.