Lord of All Gods

Chapter 762

The opponents of Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming, and Long Nu were eliminated by Lei Ming and Long Nu with their artifacts in a few hits. Ye Liuyun only used spiritual energy arrows to bombard him once, and he had no chance to make a move.

The old ghost also had the advantage, so Ye Liuyun didn\'t make a move either.

In Ye Liuyun\'s hand, the death knell was ready.

Once Lan Ruobing is in danger, he will help.

Lan Ruobing and Han Wu have the same realm and equal strength, so when two people fight, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Until the end, they both used their own fields of good fortune.

When Wuxiu reaches the Tiangang realm, he can cultivate his own domain, and when he uses it to fight, he can enhance his attack.

However, Ye Liuyun always felt that his previous Tiangang domain was not strong enough, and he was always worried that it would be damaged by his opponent if it was released.

Now that he saw the domain of the realm of good fortune, he discovered that the increase in this domain is still very important when fighting.

Lan Ruobing\'s ice field is full of glaciers, and the sky is full of snow.

After covering the Cambrian, it can not only increase the attack by 50%, but also confuse the opponent, so that the opponent can\'t find the location of her real body.

Cambrian\'s realm of good fortune is a vast ocean with rough waves. He can use the power of the ocean to enhance his attack. Water arrows, water tides, water walls, and attack methods are also changeable at will.

These fields look like a small world.

Moreover, in the domain of the Creation Realm, the barriers are strong enough to withstand relatively strong impacts.

What\'s even more strange is that Lan Ruobing\'s and Cambrian\'s domains overlapped, and the glaciers protruded for a while, and the rivers rushed for a while, all of which looked very spectacular.

"The domain power of the Creation Realm is really strong!" Lei Ming couldn\'t help admiring while watching.

"It seems that my Tiangang domain should also be improved!"

Ye Liuyun\'s own domain, since it merged with the soul domain, has not practiced much.

Before, he felt that it was not practical, and it would be more convenient to attack directly.

But now seeing the realm of good fortune, he can increase his attack by half, then this advantage is enough to make him tempted.

If his strength is increased by half, even if he doesn\'t use the divine weapon, he will be more sure of going to the Heavenly Gang Jiuzhong.

The battle between Lan Ruobing and Han Wu has also reached a critical moment.

Lan Ruobing released the ice blade, mixed with ice and snow, like a tornado, blowing towards Cambrian.

Cambrian is commanding a wave tens of feet high, like a wall, blocking the front and weakening the power of the skates.


Lan Ruobing gave a cold drink, and the power of the ice turned Cambrian\'s water wall into an ice wall.

Immediately, the ice wall began to crack, scattered into countless skates, and flew towards Cambrian again.

With a wave of Cambrian\'s hand, a long river meanders around him, sweeping all the ice skates flying over and melting them into water again.

The ice wall continued to crack, and the ice cubes continued to scatter down, until finally there was a huge ice sword left in the middle.

The ice sword was thirty feet long, and under Lan Ruobing\'s control, it flew up into the air and stabbed straight at Han Wu.

This time, Cambrian, no matter whether it was intercepted by water or coiled by a long river, the giant sword was not hindered in the slightest.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil discovered that this blow was the strongest blow Lan Ruobing had gathered all his strength.

Han Wu also felt that this blow was unusual, and immediately exhausted all his true energy, formed a water sword, and went towards the ice sword.

The two giant swords faced each other and collided in the air.

The tip of the sword kept colliding and cracking, and the blade became shorter and shorter.

The sound of "boom boom boom" crashed continuously, deafening.

"Crazy girls, do you want to die? If we continue to fight, we will both lose!" Cambrian couldn\'t help crying.

Both of them are giving it their all. In this case, no one dares to take the lead.

"Master Ye, help me!"

Lan Ruobing also found that the gap between her and Cambrian was not that big, and it would be difficult for her to win without the help of external forces.


Ye Liuyun replied, and immediately used the golden pupils to launch a soul attack on Han Wu.

Cambrian\'s soul was not strong at all. The main battle spirit was busy fighting, and was directly dragged into the realm of spirit by Ye Liuyun.

The power of his water sword was greatly reduced because of this, and it became thinner in an instant.

Bingjian took the opportunity to speed up and rushed towards Cambrian like a bamboo.

"Damn it!"

Cambrian had no choice but to throw a spherical artifact. After the artifact was thrown out by Cambrian, it began to emit red light, and then a beam of light shot directly at the ice sword, smashing it instantly.

This ball of light was originally intended to be used by Cambrian to attack Lan Ruobing, but he didn\'t expect to use it for defense first.

"Damn you!"

Han Wu stared at Ye Liuyun, his eyes tearing open. Regardless of Lan Ruobing, she directly rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

However, Ye Liuyun directly used the golden pupil to move his spherical artifact over, and grabbed it in his hand to play with.

"You dare to take my artifact!" Cambrian shouted.

"Why not?"

Ye Liuyun smiled, let Han Wu watch, and put his artifact into the storage ring.

Cambrian almost vomited blood from Ye Liuyun\'s anger.

He came to win the championship this time, and it was basically ruined by Ye Liuyun. Nearly half of the battleship was killed by Ye Liuyun, and many of his men were brought in.

In the end, in his own battle, it was because of Ye Liuyun\'s participation that he also took away the artifact. How could he not hate Ye Liuyun.

It is estimated that if he knew that Qiongqi stopped the competition for the golden pig because of Ye Liuyun, then his mouthful of blood would really spit out!

Cambrian\'s true energy was already almost exhausted, and Ye Liuyun was so angry that he had to stop and take a break.

But Ye Liuyun would not give him a chance to slow down, his golden pupils flashed, and a golden crow suddenly appeared in Cambrian\'s body.

Cambrian realized that it was not good, and immediately used the power of space to move the Golden Crow outside his body.

The Golden Crow turned around under Ye Liuyun\'s control, and the flame power all over his body enveloped Cambril in it.

Cambrian\'s water-attribute true essence could have resisted a burst of flames.

But just now, in order to remove the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, he also used up the last bit of true energy.

"Ah! Little beast, I must kill you!"

Feeling the fear of the flames, Han Wu immediately went crazy, and rushed to Ye Liuyun regardless, trying to pull Ye Liuyun on his back before he was burned to death.

"You have no chance!"

Ye Liuyun did smile slightly, and Jin Tong attacked again, pulling his secondary soul into the realm of the soul.

It wasn\'t until Cam Wu\'s assistant spirit entered Ye Liuyun\'s spirit domain that he realized that his main battle spirit had been almost wiped out.