Lord of All Gods

Chapter 758

With the ability to use artifacts and skeleton puppets, plus Lei Ming and Dragon Girl, Ye Liuyun felt that he didn\'t need to make a move.

He can challenge any robber at will.

Even if there is a strong person in the realm of good fortune, if the power of the soul is not strong, he doesn\'t have to worry.

Ye Liuyun brought Lei Ming and Longnu back to the super battleship, ready to fight with everyone.

Many robbers were puzzled when they saw this.

This was also because Lan Ruobing was a woman, and she was very strict with them on weekdays, so these robbers didn\'t make a fuss whenever they saw a woman.

But when they looked at Lei Ming and Longnu, they still couldn\'t help showing desire.

"Tsk tsk! You are so blessed!" Wu Tian smacked his tongue in envy.

Wu Qingcheng, Su Miaoyin, Yu\'er and others fought just now, and they all saw it.

So at this moment, among the robbers, it has already spread that there are many beauties on the ghost ship, and they are very good at fighting.

Lei Ming and Longnu reappeared and immediately attracted everyone\'s attention. For these robbers, the two of them are definitely young and beautiful beauties, they can be called goddesses by them.

These eager gazes made the two of them flush.

But their rules are very strict, and they dare not say some frivolous words, so they just look at the two of them stupidly.

"I said brother!" Ever since Ye Liuyun agreed to join the war, Wu Tian\'s name for Ye Liuyun has changed.

"You don\'t want to go to a fight and bring two beauties with you, do you? Are you trying to make us big men jealous?"

Bringing a woman on stage on this occasion will make the opponent laugh. So Wu Tian also had to remind Ye Liuyun tactfully.

Ye Liuyun smiled: "It\'s good that they are two beauties, but they didn\'t violate the rules of the competition!"

"Oh? How do you say it?" Wu Tian was a little puzzled.

But Lan Ruobing and the old ghost began to look at Lei Ming and Long Nu.

Lei Ming smiled, and took the initiative to show his original shape. With a roar of a beast, he used sound waves to attack, shaking Wu Tian straight back.

Dragon Girl has no manifest body. She didn\'t like to show off at first, and Ye Liuyun told her that it would be best not to manifest her body, so as not to be tricked by others.

Lei Ming then shrunk in size, jumped into Ye Liuyun\'s arms and acted coquettishly. It\'s completely different from her yelling at Wu Tian just now.

Wu Tian and the robbers all opened their mouths wide in surprise, and then they all looked at Longnu again.

The dragon girl looked a little embarrassed, and looked at Ye Liuyun for help.

"She is the same!" Ye Liuyun rescued her.

"I said bro, those beauties and brothers around you are all monsters, aren\'t they?"

After Wu Tian regained his composure, he asked Ye Liuyun.

"The other two brothers are also monsters. The others are not!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to hide them either.

In order to avoid having grudges in their hearts once there is a battle or the body is revealed in the secret territory.

"No wonder you said I couldn\'t win!" Wu Tian said helplessly, "You guys have too many tricks!"

Although Wu Tian was full of banditry, he could still stir up the atmosphere by saying something. Ye Liuyun liked his speaking style very much. It\'s just that he can\'t learn it.

"Since the rules are not violated, then there is no problem. Let\'s go!"

The old ghost saw that the time was almost up, so he took thirty combatants and went out together.

Lei Ming turned into a human again, and followed Ye Liuyun on one left and one on the right with Longnu.

Although the realm of the old ghost is not low, but he does not participate in the battle. This is also a way for robbers to hide their strength.

The same goes for other robber groups. Never show all the hole cards too early.

The old ghost led them to the center of the huge area surrounded by three super battleships, waiting for the other two teams.

At the same time, he threw out a treasure, and after zooming in, it became a huge battle platform for others to watch the battle.

Soon, the other two teams also came over, but they didn\'t have a strong leader, and only thirty participants came.

The old ghost stepped onto the ring first and introduced himself and the rules of the battle.

"Thank you to those who are in charge, let me be the referee of this round of competition. Now I will announce the rules of the battle. The reason why it is called a battle means that it is a life-and-death battle, and there is no limit to the means... And being challenged by someone with a low level If you can\'t refuse, otherwise you will be killed directly."

After saying a few words, the old ghost gave up the ring to the participants.

Several teams began to look at each other. When they saw that Ye Liuyun brought two beauties, the robbers uttered all kinds of obscenities.

Someone also questioned the old ghost: "Each team has 30 people, why do you have two more places? Or two women, are you trying to use beauty tricks?"

"Hahaha! The skin is tender and the meat is tender, so the beauty trap should be of use!"

A kind of robbers followed suit.

"The two of them are monsters, and they came with their master, which does not violate the rules of battle!"

The old ghost simply explained, not talking nonsense.

"What do you mean? Let us see how they have changed, right?" the robber asked.

Unexpectedly, the old ghost didn\'t give face at all.

"I said yes! If you want to verify, let your boss come. Otherwise, shut up!"

The robber vomited embarrassingly, not daring to say any more.

"Monster? Are these two beauties monsters?"

"I haven\'t tasted what a monster is like..."

When the robbers heard this, they no longer questioned their identities. But what he said was still ugly!

Long Nu blushed at what they said, and hid behind Ye Liuyun and dared not show her face.

But the more she was like this, the more energetic those people talked.

The people on Lan Ruobing\'s side, under the leadership of Wu Tian, ​​also started to scold them in order to protect their own people. The robbers on both sides scolded how ugly it was, how ugly it was.

"Little brother, these scumbags are disgusting! Shall we kill them all?" Lei Ming could no longer bear his violent temper.

"En!" Long Nu echoed behind Ye Liuyun.

She usually doesn\'t talk easily, but now she agrees with Lei Ming, which obviously shows that she can\'t bear it anymore.

"Okay! Then we will use our strength to shut them up!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he brought Lei Ming and Long Nu onto the stage, and said directly to the old ghost and the other two teams: "I will challenge all of them one by one!"

As soon as he said that, the whole scene immediately fell silent.

They all knew that Ye Liuyun had a skeleton puppet with nine levels of yin and yang, and an artifact. Now that two monsters have been added, how can this battle be fought!

And now Ye Liuyun actually wanted to challenge them one by one.

Some people can\'t help but start to regret, hating themselves for being owed.

If I knew this earlier, why would I take advantage of those two sentences? They all thought that Ye Liuyun would have nothing to do with them if he followed everyone up.