Lord of All Gods

Chapter 749

"Okay! Don\'t argue! Since it\'s suspicious, go and test it out. Wu Tian, ​​no matter whether it\'s a human or a ghost, you have to lure it out to make sure. If it\'s a ghost, give way immediately. If it\'s a martial artist, Just stop it with all your strength."

"Yes!" Wu Tian agreed, looked at the old ghost proudly, and immediately went to make arrangements.

The old ghost curled his lips and ignored him.

Lan Ruobing watched the two of them quarreling, and just smiled.

"Uncle Gui, you should go and meet Wu Tian too, lest something happen to him!"

"Okay! You don\'t have to worry about the brat, and I have to go to the rear for him, the old man!"

With that said, he also left the control room, leading people to follow Wu Tian.

On Wu Tian\'s side, he didn\'t dare to mobilize too much power at once. He is Lan Ruobing\'s right-hand man. Although he is more confident, he dare not be careless.

It just mobilized hundreds of flying boats and surrounded them towards the ghost ship.

In this way, even if he made a mistake in his judgment, the loss to the entire robber group would not be great. The competition for the management of this area mainly depends on the number of high-end combat forces and the number of warships.

These small flying boats did not have much influence on the outcome of the battle.

The old ghost mobilized a first-class battleship, brought dozens of strong men from the Yin-Yang realm, and followed them far away.

The consciousness of Ye Liuyun and the others had already discovered the flying boat that was surrounding them.

With his golden pupils, he even saw the first-class warships in the distance as reinforcements.

After learning about the situation, Duoyan said to him directly: "Look at the logo on the flying boat, it belongs to Lan Ruobing\'s robber group. It seems that they are determined to force us to come forward! What countermeasures do you have?"

"I can\'t even fight, and I can\'t run away. What else can I do? Surrender. Let\'s see the situation!"

Ye Liuyun said frankly.

"Well, that\'s all there is to it!" The one-eyed thought was the same as Ye Liuyun\'s.

Robbers also have the rules of robbers. If they surrender directly, they will not kill them.

Especially this kind of large-scale robber group also needs to talk about credibility. They are usually very disciplined and will not kill wantonly like a small robber group.

It is precisely because of their reputation that many merchant ships are willing to pass by them, and they can pass by directly paying a fee when they come, which is very safe.

The robbers are also relieved, there is no need to fight, no personal injury, and a source of income can be guaranteed.

In particular, Lan Ruobing\'s robber group has a guaranteed reputation, and it is widely spread in this area.

As soon as the two of them made an agreement, the battleship immediately began to slow down.

Wu Tian became a little worried when he saw the battleship slow down.

He originally thought that the Nether Ghost Ship would remove all obstacles and continue pretending as before.

But with this deceleration, he was actually worried that ghosts would really come out to destroy them.

So now, he is not sure who is inside!

The old ghost at the back also became nervous, and immediately took the battleship and leaned forward, ready for reinforcements at any time, at least to save Wu Tian.

Although they disagree, they have been partners for many years, and they are all for the robbers. The friendship between the two is still very deep.

The ghost ship slowly stopped in front of a row of flying boats.

"Who is inside, can you come out and see?"

Wu Tian\'s consciousness was also blocked by the Nether Ghost Ship\'s formation, so he had no choice but to shout out directly.

Cyclops said to Ye Liuyun: "I\'ll go out and pay the fee, you all don\'t go out for now."

"I\'ll go with you in case there\'s an emergency!"

Ye Liuyun was worried about an accident. One-eyed is their captain, there can be no mistakes.

"Alright then. Everyone else, get ready!" Cyclops made some arrangements, and walked out of the battleship with Ye Liuyun.

"I don\'t know what will come out?"

After Wu Tian shouted, he waited on the spot with anxiety.

It wasn\'t until he saw two human martial arts, an old and a young, that he was completely relieved.

"I\'m so scared to death, I thought there would be ghosts popping out! What\'s the matter with you, pretending to be a ghost?"

Wu Tian became more courageous when speaking, and asked Ye Liuyun and Duoyan directly.

One-eyed clasped his fists, and said to Wu Tian: "I am the captain of this ship, it is good for the boss to call me One-eyed. We also got this ghost ship by chance."

He didn\'t go into too much detail about the origin of the Nether Ghost Ship, but said directly: "I\'ve heard about the righteousness of the head of Landa for a long time, so we don\'t want to misunderstand you, just stop and pay the fee, and I hope you can help me."

Wu Tian saw that Duoyan was more experienced in speaking, so he nodded and said to Duoyan: "It\'s good to know the rules, and it will save us trouble. My name is Wu Tian, ​​and I\'m Sister Lan\'s assistant. But..."

He paused, and then said: "However, your timing is not good. Our triangular area is about to compete for the next management right. We, Sister Lan, need some fresh force. Your warship is good, at least it can help We are gaining momentum in the battle..."

One-eyed heard the words, and immediately answered: "Boss Wu Tian, ​​but we still have important things to do, we need to hurry..."

Wu Tian waved his hand and interrupted Duoyan\'s words: "It won\'t take much time for you. Do us a favor, and we will show you a way, which can save you three months of traveling time, how about it?"

Then he added: "When the time comes, not only will you not be charged, but you will also be paid the labor fee you deserve. Think about it."

It stands to reason that it is considered very polite for a robber to discuss this with the robbed person.

One Eye looked at Ye Liuyun helplessly. If they refuse, they will force these robbers to use force.

"When will your battle start, and when can we leave?"

Ye Liuyun was most concerned about the issue of time. They can\'t be overtaken by people from Nether Hell.

"It will start in three days, at most three to five days, and it should be over." Wu Tian didn\'t lie to him, and he was telling the truth.

Ye Liuyun saw that the time was okay, and thought it was acceptable.

The spatial structure of this triangular area is somewhat chaotic. If there is no one to show the way, they must not find a way to save three months.

He thinks it is a good deal to spend a little time in exchange for a three-month journey.

"Do we need to fight?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"Fight?" Wu Tian laughed when he heard the words: "How much help do you think you, a Yin-Yang five-fold realm, can do?"

Some robbers around Wu Tian also laughed.

The realm of the five levels of yin and yang is not very high among the robbers. It can only be said to be average.

Wu Tian is already at the eighth level of yin and yang, and beside him, there are a few robbers ranging from fifth to seventh level of yin and yang.

They just took a fancy to the ghost ship. As for Ye Liuyun\'s realm, they haven\'t paid much attention to it yet.