Lord of All Gods

Chapter 747

Ye Liuyun was not idle either.

First, go back to the blood pool in the Dragon Palace to increase the power of the blood.

He found that the stronger the blood of Wuxiu, the faster his cultivation progress.

Therefore, he did not dare to relax the power of the blood. There is plenty of time now, just to improve it.

His bloodline rank is very high, but if he wants to reach the level of a strong man who can use the power of bloodline to suppress the realm of creation, he needs to continue to improve.

He didn\'t return to the Xuankong Stone until he absorbed it to a certain level, feeling that he had encountered a bottleneck, to absorb the spiritual essence and improve his realm.

After the realm is improved, come back to improve the bloodline.

Spiritual marrow, but the essence of a vein, is the basis for producing spirit stones. It is also produced by the condensation of spiritual energy for many years.

Many mineral veins have been formed for a short time, and there will be no spiritual marrow in them.

Once the spiritual marrow is produced, the spiritual marrow will absorb the spiritual energy and feed back the mineral veins, so that the quality and quantity of the spiritual stones will be higher.

Therefore, the power contained in a piece of spiritual marrow is far more abundant and pure than the aura of a mineral vein.

Ye Liuyun operated the Yuanling secret technique, and as soon as he absorbed it, he could clearly feel that the spiritual energy was being crazily transformed into true essence, pouring it into the Yuandan.

His true energy is growing rapidly, and his realm will soon rise to the late stage of the fourth level of yin and yang.

Afterwards, the breakthrough of the realm was a matter of course. Yin-Yang Five Realms!

And the spiritual marrow was only half consumed by him.

He handed over the rest of the spirit to Wu Qingcheng to distribute, but Wu Qingcheng let him keep it.

"The Nether Hell is chasing too closely. Leave us alone and raise yourself up first to deal with the enemy. We use spirit stones to practice first, and the speed will not be much slower than you!"

Ye Liuyun thought about it too, he dug up a lot of spirit stones this time, and now they have more spirit stones, so they put away the spirit marrow first.

As soon as the realm was improved, Ye Liuyun immediately felt the power of the blood, and there was room for improvement. So he returned to the blood pool and continued to increase the power of the blood.

He didn\'t stop until the blood power temporarily reached its peak.

Next, he began to practice the second move of Qian Kun Palm, Yin Yang Grinding Pan.

This second move, when the true essence is fired, will form a palm print as big as a millstone, falling from the sky, and covering a large area, making it difficult for the opponent to avoid.

But the consumption of true energy is not too much, and more power is the cohesive and assimilated power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, this second trick is more subtle than the first trick of yin and yang rotation.

But Ye Liuyun can only comprehend it in the Xuankong Stone, and then go to Class A to practice. Xuankong Stone can\'t bear his strength now.

However, when he went to practice in Class A, he was worried about being seen by outsiders, so he knew that they were people pretending to be ghosts and hells.

He was worrying, but Xuankong Stone Tool Spirit gave him an idea.

"You can change the foundation of your space world to the eighth level of void, and then you go to the space world to practice. The eighth level of void, the venerable can\'t break it, you can use it there! In fact, even now You can\'t break the basic structure of the seventh-level void. Just change it to the eighth-level void, and it will be more convenient for you in the future."

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he immediately took action.

In the Xuankong Stone, there is plenty of time, and it is not too time-consuming to transform it.

However, the whole transformation process is not too different from reconstruction. Just save a little time.

While transforming, Ye Liuyun practiced the second move of Qiankun Palm in it.

He is currently in the fifth level of yin and yang, and the quality of his true essence is higher than before. In addition, this palm is more powerful, so it is also extremely destructive.

Fortunately, there is nothing in this space, otherwise it will be destroyed by him.

After he had almost finished practicing, he began to practice the third stage of Yuanling Secret Technique, and his whole body could absorb spiritual energy.

At this stage of cultivation, his progress was much slower. After staying in the Xuankong Stone for three months, he was just getting started.

He felt that he was practicing too slowly.

In fact, it took Qianfeng half a year to get started. Ye Liuyun\'s speed was already very fast.

This is related to the improvement of his cultivation talent after his bloodline is improved.

But he didn\'t know it himself. He thought that his talent was not enough and his bloodline was not strong enough, so he went to improve his bloodline again.

The blood of the star-eating beast in the blood pool has been sucked dry by everyone. Ye Liuyun thawed another pool of blood and opened up the supply, so that everyone can increase the blood power at will.

After Su Miaoyin and Shi Yuan\'s bloodlines were improved, their cultivation speed was significantly accelerated.

The two of them also knew that their realm was low, so they spent most of their time cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, and their realm improved rapidly, and they both just broke through the realm of the first level of yin and yang.

Dragon Girl has been promoted to the fifth level of Yin and Yang, and Lei Ming is about to break through to the fifth level of Yin and Yang.

The purebred blood of the white tiger also exploded with power, breaking through to the triple realm of yin and yang together with Wu Qingcheng.

Yu\'er broke through to the double level of yin and yang. Even Kisaragi has already reached the late stage of Tiangang Ninth Layer, and will soon break through to the Yin-Yang realm.

Ye Liuyun also gave Ruyue the artifact he had snatched from Mo Yang. He also injected some of the original power of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame into it.

In the future, as long as she uses her true energy to activate it, that lamp can release a large amount of Golden Crow Holy Flame.

Ye Liuyun himself moved the skeleton puppet into his own space world, and practiced with the skeleton puppet when he had time. Experiment with various force applications.

Since the completion of Ye Liuyun\'s space world, it has also become a special arena for everyone to practice.

Anyone who wants to be active will go to Ye Liuyun\'s space world to fight. This also prevents them from lacking in actual combat and causing their realm to be unstable.

After Lei Ming and Long Nu broke through to the fifth level of Yin and Yang, they often challenged Ye Liuyun and the skeleton puppet.

It\'s just that every time they fight, both of them end in failure.

The quality of Ye Liuyun\'s body, blood, and true energy is no worse than theirs. But the means are much more than them.

Even the illusion he hadn\'t used for a long time could confuse Lei Ming and Dragon Girl.

Of course, not to mention soul power and space power. If he uses these two kinds of strength, the two of them will not be able to fight him at all.

"Both of you, you need to practice your soul and space power more, or you will suffer in the future!" Ye Liuyun often reminded them.

Under Ye Liuyun\'s reminder, the two of them also focused on cultivating the power of spirit and space.

For the others, Ye Liuyun often watched them fight and pointed out their problems.

He himself often practiced illusion with Wu Qingcheng. The last time Wu Qingcheng and others used illusion to confuse Qian Yuan and others, it was also very useful.

Ye Liuyun had a foundation in illusion, so he threw it away easily without thinking about it.