Lord of All Gods

Chapter 744

"Oh?" Ghost Ya was also very curious, Ye Liuyun dared to fight with them.

"Okay! I\'ll give you a chance to let it play with you!"

He suddenly found it interesting.

If Ye Liuyun committed suicide directly, he would find it meaningless!

Ye Liuyun directly pulled out the demon-slaying knife and waved at the bone beast.


The bone beast roared again, and rushed towards Ye Liuyun. The dark aura of ghosts all over his body drew a thick black line in the air.

Bone beasts have eight levels of yin and yang, and witches have nine levels of yin and yang.

Ye Liuyun wanted to challenge the weak ones first, and it was a matter of solving one by one. For the rest, use the Demon Hunter Armor to kill them with one blow.

Facing the bone beast, Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to be careless, and immediately activated the guardian seal, and at the same time operated the golden body of Buddha and demon.

Then, the seal of the guardian god was slashed out with a knife. The power carried in the knife was the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire.

These two powers are the most useful to deal with ghosts.

The domineering sword intent, with the power to restrain the bone beast, slashed at it head-on.

The bone beast made a dodge and was about to dodge. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun\'s knife disappeared without a trace after being struck out.

It immediately realized that Ye Liuyun had used the power of space, and immediately used the power of space on himself to prevent Ye Liuyun from moving the knife into its body.

Suddenly, it found that the power of space around itself was locked!


With a loud roar, he wanted to shake the locked space away with his superiority in realm.

There was a loud "boom".

Ye Liuyun\'s knife, just before he was about to shake the power of space away, had already slashed into its body.


The bone beast screamed. The spine that had been cultivated for countless years was almost cut off by Ye Liuyun.

The power of the Buddha\'s light and the ghost fire above are still eroding his spine and expanding the wound. Even if it concentrates the ghost energy to extinguish it, the effect is very weak.

But for it, the consumption is very huge. Most of the true essence has been used, and it immediately has no power to fight anymore.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil also launched a soul attack at the same time.

Directly pull the soul of the bone beast into its soul domain.

The strength of Ye Liuyun\'s soul power, Xue Ya and others, have not observed it either.

They just felt that Ye Liuyun\'s soul power was not weak. Blood Fang frowned, hesitating whether to make a move, but the witch had already moved.

"Just finish the task, what are you talking about with him!"

As she said that, a pitch-black spear appeared in her hand, and she stabbed at Ye Liuyun with a wave.

Ye Liuyun had almost wiped out the spirit of the bone beast at this moment. The two gold-armored spirits fight one, and it is the power of Buddha\'s light, ghost fire, and blood thunder.

The soul of the bone beast suffered a great loss as soon as it entered.

It didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun\'s soul power had reached the level of respect, even surpassing Xuefang.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that the witch would sneak up on him.

"It\'s so shameless! The realm is already high, but you still want to sneak attack?"

The witch\'s shot was extremely fast. Under normal circumstances, they are running to kill him.

With an idea, Ye Liuyun moved the bone beast\'s body in front of him, and he himself switched places with the bone beast.

With a sound of "boom", after the bone beast lost its soul, the defense power of its body was also reduced, and a big hole was blasted out by the witch\'s shot. The entire spine was broken, and the rest of the skeleton on the body also began to crack and fall, making a rattling sound.

"The body with eight layers of yin and yang has been blasted to pieces?"

Seeing the effect of this shot, Ye Liuyun was also secretly shocked. Knowing that he couldn\'t stop it, he took out the Demon Sealing Tablet and went towards the witch to suppress it.

As soon as the Demon Sealing Tablet appeared, he took the initiative to attack the witch.

As long as the Demon Sealing Tablet took the initiative to attack, Ye Liuyun would be relieved.

The powerhouse of this level of magic tablet can suppress it, let alone a ghost monster with a yin and yang mirror.

Sure enough, the Demon Sealing Tablet did not disappoint Ye Liuyun, the witch had no chance to resist, she was directly overwhelmed, and the energy was absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet.

"Don\'t do it yet?"

The witch felt that her energy was being absorbed again, and immediately called out to remind Xuefang to do it.

"Another artifact? You really impress me. But let\'s stop here! You have to pay for my bone beast!"

As he said that, he pointed at Ye Liuyun from a distance, and Ye Liuyun felt that the blood in his body began to boil.

"Let\'s boil, fresh blood, let it all come out! I\'m so lucky that I didn\'t get any fresh blood!"

Xue Fang gritted his teeth and looked greedy.

Ye Liuyun also immediately felt that his blood seemed to be gushing out uncontrollably.

"Demon hunter armor."

Ye Liuyun immediately summoned the Demon Hunter Armor and put it on his body. You can\'t beat him, but he has so many magic weapons!

This is the first time he has experienced this kind of uncontrolled blood situation. He has no experience in dealing with it, so he can only take out the artifact to defend.

Ye Liuyun immediately felt the blood in his body quiet down as soon as he put on the demon hunter armor.

The level of the Demon Hunting Armor is too high, it can completely suppress the attack of Blood Fang.

If Ye Liuyun used it to attack, it wouldn\'t be able to exert much power. But for defense, the Demon Hunter Armor can take the initiative. So now for him the defensive effect is much better than the attack effect.

"Another artifact!"

Blood Fang was almost speechless!

Does this kid sell artifacts at home? Take out one by one!

"Quick! I can\'t hold on anymore!" The witch screamed to remind Blood Fang.

Xueya came back to his senses, and didn\'t dare to delay any longer, he slapped Ye Liuyun with his palm.

The black yin energy carried by his palm dyed the entire space as dark as hell.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even want to hide into the void.

"Even if you hide in the void, it\'s useless!"

Blood Fang was enjoying himself, when suddenly, he felt that he was locked by the arrow!

And that arrow seems to have a terrifying coercion like an artifact!

"Huh? This kid is going to shoot arrows from the void again? Why does it feel so powerful?"

Xue Fang felt that even the circulation of his blood and true essence had been suppressed.

"That\'s impossible! His divine weapon armor can only be used for defense. Where does it come from so powerful?"

Just as he was thinking, he also urged that palm to blast into the void!

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had already drawn the Demon Hunting Bow and locked on the Blood Fang.

The Demon Hunter Armor combined with the Demon Hunter Bow also has a certain boosting effect.

Seeing the black energy gushing out of his body, he didn\'t dare to delay, and shot out with an arrow. At the same time, run the power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire to defend against black energy.

The Demon Hunting Bow pulled out a golden light, and from the void, it went straight to Bloodfang.

"not good!"

The moment the Demon Hunting Bow was shot, Blood Fang felt that he had been locked! All kinds of power, such as true essence and blood vessels, are not functioning smoothly.

"It\'s over! I can\'t run away! I\'m careless!"

One last thought flashed through his mind.