Lord of All Gods

Chapter 707

Ling Xiaozong\'s library pavilion can be said to be the most magnificent one Ye Liuyun has ever seen.

It is comparable to the palace!

Not only big, but richly decorated!

Each type of exercise has a special hall, and there are special personnel to guide and select.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t take out the list directly, but wanted to look more by himself, maybe he would find some other useful exercises.

Fist, palm, body, sword, blood, soul, etc., he read them one by one in the book hall.

His consciousness also communicates with other people in the storage space from time to time to see if they have any needs.

The more he watched, the more enlightened he became.

In fact, his Tyrant God Fist is not too powerful. It\'s just that his operation was not refined enough before. After this improvement, he can use it to the realm of the venerable.

Plus Qiankun Palm and Saber Intent. In fact, his skills are enough.

Finally, he wandered to a large hall filled with miscellaneous books.

Because Su Miaoyin said that he wanted to pick out some rhythm skills, so he went in to have a look.

First, Su Miaoyin picked a rhythmic exercise, and he casually flipped through it.

Inadvertently, he saw a row of bookshelves with various avatars practicing exercises, and he couldn\'t help but immediately became interested and picked them out one by one.

The elders in charge of guarding the Cangshu Pavilion couldn\'t help shaking their heads when they saw that Ye Liuyun had already picked up a stack of exercises.

"How can anyone learn such complicated things?"

"Never mind him! Those two old men behind him are hotter than the other! Let him pick whatever he likes!"

"Yeah, let him choose, don\'t bring those two old men into trouble! Even the suzerain can\'t do anything about them!"

They discussed it with their spiritual sense, but they didn\'t intervene.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry, and read all the techniques for cultivating the avatar, which gave him a lot of insight.

However, these avatar methods have great limitations. Either the realms cannot be synchronized, or it will cost a lot, Ye Liuyun feels that the loss outweighs the gain.

If you work hard and cultivate a clone, but it doesn\'t have much effect, you might as well concentrate on your own cultivation.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly discovered that there was a dusty book in the corner.

Holding the last hope, he picked up the book.

Blowing off the dust, I saw the name on it.

"Avatar forbidden technique!"

"Look at this name, it\'s too common!" Ye Liuyun thought in his heart, and didn\'t pay much attention to it, so he flipped through it casually.

But when he saw the content, he couldn\'t help but be ecstatic.

"This book is just for me!"

The content of this clone forbidden technique requires the blood, body, and spirit to reach a certain strength, and Ye Liuyun just meets these requirements.

The key point is that after cultivating in this way, as long as one of his and his avatar\'s realm improves, the other will also improve accordingly.

The main body and avatar, and the information they know, can also be synchronized at any time.

Only in this way can his golden pupil be copied to the clone.

Although the strength of the golden pupil, the physical body, and the blood vessels are all slightly weaker than the main body, this is already the best method he can find.

Moreover, when this avatar is not in use, it can be retracted to enhance its own strength.

It\'s just that, to practice this technique, a special plant is needed, the Myriad Transformation Gold Spirit Fruit. And he needs to reach the Creation Realm before he can practice.

This Myriad Transformation Spirit Fruit can be transformed into all things in the hands of a strong person in the realm of good fortune, and can be used as the physical body of a clone without any side effects.

However, if the Wanhua Spirit Fruit is to be used as a clone, it needs a gold-level one to meet the requirements.

"this one!"

Ye Liuyun immediately chose this exercise. Although he can\'t cultivate now, it\'s probably hard to come across the Ten Thousand Transformation Gold Spirit Fruit. But he can learn it first, and use it when he encounters it later.

Ye Liuyun spent a whole day in Zangshu Pavilion.

After choosing more than ten exercises, he didn\'t leave Cangshu Pavilion, but memorized them directly in the special rest area.

He didn\'t leave Zangshu Pavilion until he engraved all these exercises into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Su Miaoyin also wrote down the exercises of the rhythm book.

So when Ye Liuyun left, he didn\'t even take a book of exercises with him.

This made the elders in Zangshu Pavilion a little confused.

"This kid chose so many exercises just to watch the excitement?"

"There is a kind of person who has the ability to never forget! Does this kid also have this ability?"

But they were all just guessing, and no one went up to ask.

Even if they asked, if Ye Liuyun didn\'t say anything, they would be fine. After all, he didn\'t take a single book away.

As the disciple of the two elders, he went to the library to pick and choose books, but he did not violate the sect\'s regulations at all.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he was stopped by Qianfeng at the gate of the back mountain and pulled back to his residence.

"That old guy Songyan, what kind of exercises did you teach?" Qianfeng asked impatiently.

"The palm of the universe." Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide it from him. Anyway, he will use this palm technique later, so it\'s better to say it directly.

"Well! This old guy, it\'s not like he\'s hiding anything. I knew he had something good!" Qianfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, he said to Ye Liuyun: "I\'ll pass on another good thing to you!"

As he said that, he directly used his spiritual sense to pass on the exercises to Ye Liuyun.

"Original spirit secret technique."

After Ye Liuyun received the information, he began to study this Yuanling secret technique.

Ganfeng explained to him: "This Yuanling secret technique is my housekeeping skill! The first stage of this exercise, turning the spirit, can absorb all the aura in the air, improving your cultivation and absorption. and conversion rate;

In the second stage, control the spirit, you can control the spirit energy at will, so that the opponent cannot absorb the spirit energy and cannot be replenished. You can also use aura as a means of attack, just like using the power of heaven and earth, to enhance your own attack power;

The third stage, body spirit, allows every part of your body to absorb aura and transform it into true energy. Even if you sleep, your realm is improving rapidly. "

"This..." Ye Liuyun felt a little unbelievable when he heard this.

After practicing this set of secret techniques, he will improve his realm faster and have more attack methods in the future!

Ye Liuyun hurriedly thanked Elder Qianfeng.

"You are my apprentice, and I should pass on the exercises to you. Don\'t you regret being my apprentice now?" Qianfeng asked with a smile.

Ye Liuyun also felt that since he had recognized his master, he shouldn\'t hide his situation anymore. So he told Qianfeng that he had been cursed by the nether world.

"It turns out to be like this! Don\'t be afraid, those little devils are here, and Song Yan and I can get rid of them. When the god of the underworld comes, you have already gone out and wandered. Let him chase you all over the world!"

Qianfeng and Songyan have the same attitude.