Lord of All Gods

Chapter 705

Elder Song Yan accepted a powerful apprentice, and he was also very happy. With a smile, he helped Ye Liuyun up.

"Tuoba Qi has a good eye for people, and he won\'t easily recommend a disciple to me!"

Elder Songyan continued: "And I think you are really good! Not only is your bloodline strong, but your strength surpasses Qu Xuefeng\'s. You will be able to enter the Tianjiao list as soon as you come, and speaking of it, I also picked up a bargain! Hahaha..."

Although Qu Xuefeng was very unhappy with Elder Songyan\'s comparison, he was powerless to refute the facts. He could only laugh awkwardly on the sidelines.

Elder Songyan was happy for a while, and then said to Ye Liuyun: "Go, I will take you to go through the registration procedures in person. By the way, let those old guys be greedy!"

"Thank you, Master!" Ye Liuyun quickly thanked.

The master personally leads the disciples to register, which is equivalent to publicly announcing the acceptance of disciples to the whole sect, showing the importance he attaches to the disciples.

In Ye Liuyun\'s heart, he also recognized this master who had just worshiped.

Elder Songyan led Ye Liuyun and others out of the house, pulled him up, soared into the sky, and flew out, completely ignoring Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even have time to say goodbye to the speed of the strong man in the fortune realm.

The two of them looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and walked out of the mountain gate.

This is the residence of the elders, the two of them dare not fly in the air, they can only walk out step by step.

Elder Songyan took Ye Liuyun to the gate of the mountain, but was stopped by Elder Qianfeng.

"Elder Gan? Hahaha, I have a new apprentice, what do you think?" After seeing him, Elder Songyan showed off to him.

"What? Your apprentice? You just apprenticed?" Elder Qianfeng asked Ye Liuyun directly.

"It\'s like this..." Ye Liuyun was about to explain, but was interrupted directly by Elder Qianfeng.

"No. It doesn\'t count if you are a teacher, I am the one who is optimistic about you first! If you want to be a teacher, you have to worship me first!" Qianfeng directly messed up.

It was hard for him to be optimistic about an apprentice, but he was snatched away by others in a blink of an eye. Of course he felt unbalanced.

"Huh? Qianfeng, are you confused? Robbing my apprentice?" Elder Songyan also became dissatisfied when he heard this.

Only then did Qianfeng recount what happened just now.

"Hahaha, you are really stupid! My apprentice obviously didn\'t promise you, but you still came to me to play tricks?"

After Elder Songyan understood, he became even happier. Someone robs him of his apprentice, which shows that he has good vision.

"You\'re so old-fashioned! Didn\'t you understand? He only said to think about it, but he didn\'t refuse. It was obviously taken away by you!"

Qianfeng and Songyan were arguing with each other, their faces were red.

It happened that Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang came out from the back mountain.

"I have witnesses!" Qianfeng immediately called the two of them over and asked them to confirm.

The two of them looked helpless, but neither of them dared to offend him or speak.

"Say it quickly!" Elder Qianfeng was anxious, and released his coercion, pressing on the two of them.

Seeing this, Songyan released his coercion and stopped Qianfeng.

"What are you doing? I\'m ignoring you, and you still want to bully the younger generation? Want to fight? I\'ll accompany you!"

"Just hit it, you think I\'m afraid of you!" Qian Feng also got into a fight with Song Yan, and both of them were so imposing that they were about to strike.

The strong aura of the realm of fortune forced Ye Liuyun and the others to retreat uncontrollably.

Fighting between strong men like them is not a joke. With just one shot, the gate of the back mountain can be reduced to ruins.

As soon as their aura was released, many strong men came to check if there were foreign enemies invading.

Seeing that it was the two of them having a conflict, not only was there no one to stop them, but they all seemed lively.

It wasn\'t until the suzerain of the Lingxiao Sect came to check that the two of them were separated.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that because of his apprenticeship, not only did the two elders have conflicts, but also attracted the suzerain of the Lingxiao Sect.

Xiao Zhenhai, the suzerain of the Lingxiao Sect and one of the strongest members of the Lingxiao Sect, said to the two elders impatiently:

"You two together are hundreds of years old! The last time you fought, this place was turned into ruins! How long has it been repaired? Can\'t you just let me stop?"

So these two people began to talk about their own reasons again, which made the suzerain feel dizzy for a while.

The two of them refused to give in to each other, and they were about to strike again.

In the end, Xiao Zhenhai had no choice but to reconcile: "Since both of you are optimistic about this disciple. Then I have an idea, you two will teach together. No one stipulates that you can only worship one master?"

"Hey, your idea seems to be feasible!" Qianfeng was a little moved.

Song Yan quit. Obviously he was the apprentice of one person, but now he has become the apprentice of two people. Isn\'t he obviously at a disadvantage!

However, Xiao Zhenhai sent him a voice transmission: "Are you stupid? It\'s all your apprentice who took advantage of it. Why don\'t you do it? Just let him be called a master!"

Songyan thought about it, and felt that it made sense, and seeing Qianfeng blowing his beard and staring, he didn\'t want to fight him.

"Hmph! It\'s a good deal for you! But my apprentice, you have to live with me! After all, he first worshiped me as his teacher!"

He finally agreed, but asked Ye Liuyun to practice by his side.

"How can I do that?" Qianfeng was about to retort, but the suzerain sent him a voice transmission: "Isn\'t it just practicing the exercises you taught him? You have snatched the title of master, and you don\'t care where he is practice?"

"Well, even if I let you!" Qianfeng finally made a concession.

Only then did the two of them regain their momentum, and they were no longer at war with their swords.

"That kid, why don\'t you come over to learn from me?" Gan Feng hurriedly asked Ye Liuyun to learn from him, fearing that Song Yan would not admit it later.

"You just pretend to worship, anyway, you are taking advantage!" Elder Songyan also sent a voice transmission to him at this time.

Ye Liuyun did not expect that this farce would end like this. Immediately, I had two more masters.

So he obediently bowed again, and recognized Qianfeng as his master.

"Hahaha! The old man also has an apprentice!" Qian Feng laughed with satisfaction.

Ye Liuyun felt that there was a hint of conspiracy in his smile.

In fact, in his heart, he also thought that Qianfeng was suspected of being a rascal. But after all, Qianfeng is also optimistic about him, as Elder Songyan said, there is no harm to him.

"Hmph, shameless old bastard! I\'m going to take my apprentice to register, you hide away!"

Elder Songyan said, grabbed Ye Liuyun and flew away.

"Go, apprentice, after completing the registration, come to me again!"

Behind them, another burst of smug laughter came from Qianfeng.