Lord of All Gods

Chapter 678

With one eye and one mouth, it was a Tier 3 battleship, and he bought two ships as soon as he bought them, and had a set of spare parts. Boss Wu couldn\'t believe it.

"Are you rich?" Wu Boss asked.

"What a fortune! It\'s just that my employer is rich!" One-eyed laughed.

Ye Liuyun also had black lines on his face when he heard the words. "This one-eyed man doesn\'t know how to save me some money. He said that, isn\'t this ship merchant going to kill me?"

Unexpectedly, Boss Wu didn\'t ask for much.

After he glanced at Ye Liuyun and the others, he said directly: "Old rules, I earn 20% of the manual fee. Pay the deposit first, and pick up the boat in ten days!"

"Okay!" Cyclops readily agreed, and threw a storage ring to Boss Wu, which contained some spirit stones.

"I\'ll keep a few of them here with you. If you need anything, they will tell you directly, and you will make changes on the spot."

It seems that Boss Wu also knows Lame and the others, and he also knows their skills.

"No problem, just stay with me, I happen to have some food here, let\'s have a drink first."

As Wu Boss said, he directly led the lame, the hunchback, Ye Sanniang, the short man and others to the back hall, and ignored the others. The little beggar followed suit and stayed behind.

Cyclops greeted Ye Liuyun and the others, and left the boat directly.

"That\'s all he has. Don\'t take it to heart. He doesn\'t talk much, but he is very real!"

One-eyed was afraid that Ye Liuyun and the others would be unhappy, and felt that Boss Wu was indifferent to them, so he explained it to them.

"But he has a very good memory! If you have a chance to come next time, come to him directly. He will remember you.

But he is the same price, whether he remembers it or not. On the basis of all materials, plus 20% handling fee.

The boats he made are made of good materials. Although they look expensive, their quality is better than those sold by other firms. Generally only those who understand boats come to him to buy. "

Ye Liuyun also nodded: "I also remember him, if there is a chance, I will come to him to buy a boat in the future."

Ye Liuyun still likes Boss Wu\'s down-to-earth, no-nonsense character.

After finishing the battleship, Cyclops took Ye Liuyun and others to find an inn.

The shopkeeper of the inn also knew Cyclops, and after exchanging pleasantries, he arranged rooms for them and let them settle down.

"There are still ten days left, what do you plan to arrange?" Cyclops asked Ye Liuyun.

"You take me to sell the blood of the star eater first, and then we will have a good meal and then go to the fighting arena. How about it?"

"In such a hurry? Are you going shopping in the city?" Cyclops felt that Ye Liuyun\'s schedule was too tight.

But Ye Liuyun said: "I\'m afraid there won\'t be enough time for fifty games. When I go to the martial arts competition, if they want to go shopping, I\'ll ask them to ask you to take them there."

"You really plan to play fifty games?" Cyclops asked worriedly.

"I\'ll try my best!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to die, who knew what would happen.

At this time, Lei Ming also shouted: "I want to go to the martial arts competition too! It\'s time to practice my hands!"

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"

For a while, many people around Ye Liuyun also asked to compete.

"Hey! You people are not afraid of death, are you? Entering the martial arts arena, but every scene is a life-and-death battle!"

Cyclops couldn\'t help becoming nervous when he saw how active these people were.

"You will know when you go there to watch a few games! Don\'t rush to sign up for the competition!"

Cyclops felt that he couldn\'t stop them, so he could only persuade them to watch a few episodes first.

"Well, let\'s take a look at it before signing up. We won\'t be rash."

Ye Liuyun also felt that what Cyclops said made sense.

The opponent\'s own level can be two levels higher than them. If he is a strong man who can fight across levels, he is really worried about other people fighting.

After they discussed it, Cyclops led the crowd straight to the chamber of commerce in the city.

There is a special situation in this post city, because the big chambers of commerce are all monopolistic, so auctions are never held here.

If there is something to sell, the Chamber of Commerce will post it directly, first come, first served.

Therefore, the purchase price and selling price of the chamber of commerce here are higher than those outside. But it\'s not too high, that is, it\'s about 20-30% higher than the outside.

Most people who can afford things don\'t care about the price difference.

After all, it is really not worth it to sail for a few months or even a year at the risk of encountering robbers. Something of low value, not even worth the cost of the voyage.

"After entering the chamber of commerce, you don\'t need to talk, just watch me negotiate the price. I\'ll negotiate the price, and you can just trade directly!"

One-eyed told Ye Liuyun that he might not be able to negotiate a good price.

"That\'s great!" Ye Liuyun was very happy.

With one eye negotiating the price for him, he also knew that he would not be at a disadvantage.

Ye Liuyun and the others followed Cyclops into the largest chain chamber of commerce in Post City.

After entering, Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and the others went directly to watch the fun and wandered around. Only Luo Yurou and Ye Liuyun followed Cyclops.

The two of them were not in charge of negotiating the price, so they started chatting on the sidelines, and handed over all the negotiating matters to Cyclops.

"I\'ve heard of this martial arts arena. It is said that the probability of death is still very high. Mr. Ye, you should be careful, don\'t force yourself. Don\'t wait until the real energy is exhausted before you end. Try to be early, To preserve some strength."

Luo Yurou was obviously worried about Ye Liuyun\'s safety, so she deliberately stayed and persuaded him.

Just now Wu Qingcheng and others asked her to go shopping, but she didn\'t follow.

"Thank you, Yurou. Don\'t worry, I know in my heart that I won\'t stop until my real energy is exhausted!" Ye Liuyun also agreed, so as not to worry her.

Then Ye Liuyun asked her again: "How is your time going? Are you used to this kind of long-distance voyage? I heard from Cyclops that the security here is very good. Do you want to consider staying?"

Ye Liuyun was afraid that she would not be able to adapt to long-distance sailing as a girl.

"I like sailing very much! You don\'t think it\'s because I\'m low-level and want to keep me here?" Luo Yurou asked worriedly.

Ye Liuyun quickly explained: "Am I the kind of person you\'re talking about? I\'m really afraid that you won\'t be able to adapt, that\'s why I asked this question. If you really like sailing, of course I won\'t stop you!"

Luo Yurou felt relieved after hearing the words.

"Actually, I don\'t like sailing. I just like this kind of wanton adventure and unrestrained life. I don\'t have to think about anything every day, let alone consider other people\'s opinions. As long as I am happy!"

As Luo Yurou said, there was a hint of happiness on her face.