Lord of All Gods

Chapter 662

"What the hell is it? Tell me, maybe I have a solution? Don\'t worry, I won\'t mess around."

The less one-eyed said, the more curious Ye Liuyun became.

"Hey! Well, I\'ll tell you." The one-eyed man could also see that, if he didn\'t say anything, Ye Liuyun should be in a hurry.

"We are talking about star-eating beasts! That kind of thing is so big that it can swallow the entire Xingdao Continent! Plus they live in groups, do you dare to mess with them?"

"Is it in the sea of ​​fog?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Hey, we have it outside." Cyclops pointed Ye Liuyun in the direction.

He probed the past with his spiritual sense, and sure enough, he found several strange beasts.

These ferocious beasts look like lions, but their eyes and mouths are much bigger than lions. It looks cute, not very fierce.

The color of the whole body is like the color of fog, gray. With small ears and short tails, it is absolutely difficult to find them if they are hidden in the sea of ​​fog and motionless.

These star-eating beasts are also much smaller than the warship, and they have been running around the warship, looking over from time to time, as if they were racing against the warship for fun.

"They don\'t look fierce either!" Seeing that their appearance and behavior were cute, Ye Liuyun didn\'t look fierce.

"Yeah! This kind of fierce beast is very curious, and usually doesn\'t attack moving objects. They even actively avoid warships. In the sea of ​​fog, some star-eating beast cubs often run around the warship play."

One-eyed paused for a moment, and continued: "But if you think they are not fierce, you are very wrong. If you don\'t believe me, try killing one, and a large group of high-ranking star-eating beasts will immediately chase after them."

Li Sanniang also said: "These guys will never take the initiative to provoke you, they will even run into them with a boat, and they will take the initiative to avoid them. But if you really provoke them, then you will know what the real overlord of the sea of ​​fog is! "

The dwarf also added: "And they have a very keen sense of smell, they can track your scent hundreds of thousands of miles away, and then keep chasing you."

"Is that so..." Ye Liuyun looked at the star-eating beasts outside in a daze.

Those star-eating beasts are obviously only in the Tiangang realm, so they should be very easy to catch.

"What effect does their blood have on the blood?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"Improve the quality of the bloodline and strengthen the power of the bloodline. It is the best resource to improve the bloodline! A bucket of star-eating beast\'s blood can be sold for a sky-high price!" Li Sanniang introduced.

Everyone knows that the most important thing in cultivation is blood aptitude.

With good blood aptitude, the realm can be improved quickly. Therefore, the improvement of bloodline is needed by a martial artist.

"If you have money, there is no place to buy it. Who dares to offend this thing! You haven\'t seen it yet. The star-eating beast grows so big that it can easily swallow an island as big as Langya Island." Cyclops worried that Ye Liuyun would fight it. The idea of ​​these star eaters.

"Don\'t try to move them into the storage ring! This thing will directly swallow your storage ring." Li Sanniang also reminded Ye Liuyun.

"Uh... It\'s a good thing you said it early, I was thinking of moving them in!" Ye Liuyun smiled awkwardly.

One-eyed screamed when he heard the words: "Are you crazy? That thing can\'t contain anything, it can chew through the void. It can eat anything!"

"Courage is commendable!" Lame looked at Ye Liuyun playfully, and rarely said a few words!

Li Sanniang also smiled and said: "The star-eating beasts in the Tiangang realm have not yet matured, and the blood quality is not high, so they can\'t be sold at a high price. Only those with blood of the highest rank are valuable."

"Then how do you catch it to get blood?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"Catch? It\'s always been a direct killing to get blood, and then we\'ll see if you can escape from the sea of ​​fog!"

One-eyed was talking, suddenly, a fog flashed on their left side of the ship.

Ye Liuyun and everyone\'s consciousness swept over, and a huge monster was reflected in everyone\'s consciousness.

Ye Liuyun let go of his consciousness, and only then did he see the whole picture of this huge monster.

"Star-eating beast! Venerable star-eating beast!" One Eye reminded Ye Liuyun.

The entire warship is like a small ant in front of it.


The huge star-eating beast honked, and the cubs of the star-eating beast immediately turned around and ran away after it.

But his cry made Ye Liuyun and the others almost vomit blood, and everyone trembled.

After a long while, Cyclops said to Ye Liuyun: "Did you see it? This is a respectable star-eating beast! Do you still want to hunt and kill it?"

Lame also said affirmatively: "If you don\'t have the strength of Zunji, don\'t even think about it!"

Ye Liuyun also just came to his senses. Looking at the star-eating beast running away, he didn\'t intend to give up.

"There will always be a way!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

"How did this thing grow so big?" He couldn\'t help asking.

"There are no natural enemies, and everything can be eaten!" Cyclops replied simply.

Everyone looked at Ye Liuyun\'s flickering eyes and couldn\'t help shaking their heads.

"Look at him!" One Eye transmitted a voice to everyone. He was really afraid that Ye Liuyun would not give up.

In the following time, Ye Liuyun often stayed in the control room, observing the star-eating beast cubs in the sea of ​​fog outside.

He discovered that these star-eating beasts were actually very timid. Even if he ran to the deck, he would scare the big guys away.

But they are very courageous when it comes to objects that don\'t move. And really eat anything.

Ye Liuyun saw it with his own eyes, a few star-eating beast cubs devoured a damaged warship. Even the corpses of some Wuxiu, they swallowed their stomachs as soon as they inhaled.

Ye Liuyun also carefully observed the internal structure of the star-eating beast with his golden pupils, and found that no matter what this fierce beast ate, it would be quickly decomposed in the body and turned into energy for its growth.

Slowly, a bold plan formed in Ye Liuyun\'s mind.

"Follow the little star-eating beast back to its lair, find a high-ranking star-eating beast, be swallowed by it, and then take its blood from its body. First kill it half to death, then use the soul to control it to leave the herd, and then extract it from his body Kill it. Finally, use the Golden Crow Holy Fire to burn off the smell on your body and escape."

However, his plan is very difficult to implement in the first step.

These star-eating beasts are particularly sensitive to space forces.

Ye Liuyun tried a few times, approaching them through the void, but they found them in advance and ran away from a distance.

It seems that these star-eating beasts are born to understand the power of space.

For this reason, he also provoked Li Sanniang and others to laugh at him.

He even used the trick of playing dead, but he couldn\'t fool them. These star-eating beasts are born with the ability to distinguish between dead and living things.