Lord of All Gods

Chapter 657

Ye Liuyun just told Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin about Luo Tianyi, telling them to be careful, but she didn\'t tell anyone else.

Like Lei Ming and Long Nu, if you tell them, they can\'t help but show it on their faces, and Luo Yurou can see it.

Luo Yurou led the crowd, and before they arrived at the one-eyed drunkard\'s residence, they saw the enlarged black shark warship from a distance.

"Hey, why did this drunkard release the warship?" Luo Yurou was a little puzzled after seeing it.

Ye Liu didn\'t know why.

They quickened their pace and came closer, only to find that the one-eyed drunkard and the people he was looking for yesterday were already busy.

The one-eyed drunkard is holding a list, writing and drawing on it, with a lot of things in front of him.

The hunchbacked old man was surrounding the warship, modifying the defensive formation on it.

The lame man commanded the young beggar to dismantle a lot of parts from the flying boat, and he was still beating and beating, not knowing what he was doing.

Li Sanniang, on the other hand, changed into a set of sailor men\'s clothing, which made her look much more capable, and she also took the dwarf to sort out some parts.

"Are you here? We\'ve been busy for half the night!"

When the one-eyed drunkard saw Ye Liuyun and the others, he simply said hello, but didn\'t get up.

"Hey, the handsome guy is here? You\'re here so early, do you miss my sister?" Li Sanniang warmly greeted Ye Liuyun.

But the dwarf said dissatisfiedly: "How old are you? You still focus on the handsome guy! You two are not suitable. Only I can be worthy of you!"

"Hehehe...Okay, you are right, hurry up and do your work!" Li Sanniang did not dislike that dwarf.

"It seems that these people have known each other before! They must have cooperated before!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Afterwards, he gave the one-eyed drunkard the elixir he refined last night.

"Give them some points!" Ye Liuyun felt that since the one-eyed drunkard was the captain, he should give this kind of favor.

The one-eyed drunkard looked at it, but didn\'t take it.

"It\'s not for me, you just give it to them and it\'s over!"

"Okay then!" Ye Liuyun saw that the one-eyed drunkard didn\'t mind, and he didn\'t show any pretense, so he directly sent the pill to the two of them.

The young beggar was obviously very excited, he thanked him again and again, and talked more. "Young master Ye, you can call me little sloppy or little beggar from now on, that\'s what my mother calls me at home!"

"Then what\'s your real name?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Uh... this... you better not ask!" the young beggar said shyly.

"His real name is Xiong Ergou! Hahaha!" The dwarf took up the words at this moment, and the others all pursed their lips and laughed.

"Hello? You dwarf! Mr. Ye, that dwarf\'s real name is Zhu Bensheng!" the little beggar said angrily.

"Haha, they didn\'t ask me again. Besides, what happened to Zhu Bensheng, it\'s normal!" The dwarf said disdainfully.

The little beggar looked at Ye Liuyun with some embarrassment: "My mother said that this kind of name is easy to support, so..."

Ye Liuyun patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "It\'s just a name, don\'t mind it so much. If you really want to change, then make yourself stronger, so strong that no one dares to call your name!"

Hearing this, the little beggar nodded solemnly, his eyes sparkling.

The hunchbacked old man also expressed his gratitude to Ye Liuyun. "Let Mr. Ye worry about it. I never thought that my pulmonary poisoning problem would see the day when I will be cured!"

"It\'s a small effort, seniors don\'t have to take it to heart." Ye Liuyun said modestly.

"Master Ye, from now on you can just call me a hunchback, and they will all call me that too! I am old, and I don\'t want to mention my old name anymore." The hunchbacked old man took the initiative, probably because he was afraid that Ye Liuyun would ask the question first, and if he didn\'t answer, he would go on again. not good.

"Okay, I\'ll call you as you said!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t force it. When he asked the name, he just wanted to call it for convenience.

"Just call me a dwarf!" the dwarf Zhu Bensheng also said.

Ye Liuyun was a little embarrassed and didn\'t know how to answer.

Seeing this, the one-eyed drunkard also explained to Ye Liuyun: "We all have nicknames, just for convenience. At the same time, it also means that we don\'t want people to know about their past. They let you call nicknames, which means that you are basically I recognize you. If outsiders call it that, they have to be in a hurry!"

Ye Liuyun suddenly realized, and immediately agreed: "Okay, then I will follow the rules and call everyone by their nicknames."

"Call Sanniang, listen!" Li Sanniang teased Ye Liuyun at this moment.

"San Niang, San Niang!" The dwarf yelled directly for Ye Liuyun, causing laughter.

After the laughter, everyone continued to work on their own affairs.

Ye Liuyun asked the one-eyed drunkard, "What are they doing?"

"The lame is modifying the power part of the warship, Sanniang is modifying the weapon part, and the hunchback is strengthening the defense of the warship. The Black Shark\'s ship is too bad, it is not good in all aspects, and it must be modified before it can go."

The one-eyed drunkard said, and handed over the list he had just compiled to Ye Liuyun.

"Here\'s the bill, see for yourself!"

Ye Liuyun took it over and took a look. It recorded how many materials Ye Liuyun took out and how many resources he exchanged. The largest part of the cost was spent on the parts of the warship.

"How much does it cost to buy a brand new warship?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"If it\'s a warship that I\'m satisfied with, it will cost at least a few million high-grade spirit stones!" The one-eyed drunkard said, "But that kind of good warship doesn\'t exist here, and you can only find it in the post city."

"Yicheng?" Ye Liuyun heard this name for the first time.

"The transfer supply station in the extraterrestrial starry sky. It was established by the dynasty of the Central Continent. It can be regarded as an official supply station! But it is also decided by the city lord of the post city." Cyclops briefly explained to him.

Ye Liuyun nodded and did not continue to ask.

Then he sent a voice transmission to Cyclops, telling him about Luo Tianyi\'s report on him.

"In one day, we will be able to set sail, don\'t worry, Sanyuanzong will not arrive so fast. The parts of the warship here are not complete, and some parts need to be made by lame, so slow down, otherwise we can leave at this time Already!"

One Eye chatted with Ye Liuyun calmly, obviously knowing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t want Luo Yurou to hear their conversation.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t worry anymore when he heard the words, but went to the side and directly grilled the meat to comfort everyone.

He doesn\'t know how to do any work, he can only get everyone something to eat.

Seeing the Golden Crow Sacred Flame released by Ye Liuyun, Lame immediately moved over.

"Special flame?" He asked tentatively.

Ye Liuyun nodded, as an admission.

"It seems that you really know how to make alchemy. Then do you know how to make weapons?" Lame asked again.

"It will be a little easier." Ye Liuyun knew that his skill in refining weapons was not good enough, so he didn\'t dare to push it too hard.