Lord of All Gods

Chapter 653

The place Luo Yurou took them to was a big market, which was divided into several sections. There is a section dedicated to renting and selling warships, airships and their parts, which are necessary for long-distance voyages.

Other sections are dedicated to selling medicinal materials, food, daily necessities, exchanging spirit stones, and trading items.

And the place they came to was dedicated to hiring crew members.

"As expected of a supply location, there are so many things here!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion when he saw the neatly planned market and complete supplies.

"This is the case at all supply locations. We don\'t have all the things here!"

As Luo Yurou said, she also told him about the supplies that were going to be prepared for Ye Liuyun and the others.

"I don\'t even know what to prepare, you can just figure it out! After finding the crew, I will take them around and buy what they need."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know what to prepare, so she simply left it to Luo Yurou to arrange.

"This young man has an extraordinary bearing! Are you going to travel far? Are you chartering a boat, or are you short of crew?" A middle-aged man in his forties came up to greet Ye Liuyun with a smile.

"Senior, we want to find some crew members, but what does it mean to charter a ship?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"My lord, you can just call me Lao He. Chartering a ship means that we will provide you with the captain, crew, and boat. You don\'t have to worry about anything! My Lao He is an old captain with many years of experience. The ship has a crew, and I promise to deliver it to you!" The middle-aged man said while patting his chest.

Hearing that Ye Liuyun wanted to hire a crew, many people surrounded him, recommending themselves to him, and surrounded them.

Luo Yurou directly refused, saying: "Everyone, this young master is a friend of our Luo family. We are going to find the one-eyed alcoholic. I hope you will borrow me."

At the same time, she also sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "These people are just familiar with this place. They can find all the resources and dare to promise anything. Don\'t trust them."

Many people, when they heard that they were members of the Luo family and wanted to find the one-eyed drunkard, they all left angrily.

But Lao He still didn\'t give up, and followed them persistently.

"That old drunkard has already vowed not to sail again, so why should Miss Luo go to the wall! You can inquire about my reputation, Lao He, I am definitely the best captain here..."

Lao He was chattering and persuading from behind, and stopped following Ye Liuyun and the others when they saw the one-eyed old drunkard.

Helplessly, he said: "Come find me anytime." Then he turned and left.

"It seems that this one-eyed alcoholic has a lot of prestige!" Ye Liuyun muttered in his heart.

The crew or captains who are waiting to be hired here are either fighting or sitting, and gather together in small groups to chat. When someone came, he stepped forward to talk to him more diligently.

But this one-eyed drunkard directly set out a reclining chair, lying on it and basking in the sun with his eyes closed.

Before Ye Liuyun and the others approached, they could smell alcohol from a distance.

For some reason, Ye Liuyun suddenly thought of his aunt Feng Wanru.

"Maybe it\'s the alcoholic who is holding back things!"

Ye Liuyun was young before, and thought that Feng Wanru liked to drink, but now that she thinks about it, Feng Wanru should be worrying about his inability to practice, and worrying about her mother and family affairs.

So in his heart, he couldn\'t help feeling a little fond of this old alcoholic.

He opened his golden pupils and looked at the old drunkard, and found something unusual.

The old drunkard\'s one eye, which was covered by an eyepatch, exuded a hint of demonic energy.

The magic energy is very weak, it should be that after the injury, the residual magic energy in the wound was not cleared and emitted. If he hadn\'t opened the golden pupil, he wouldn\'t have been able to detect this devilish energy.

He glanced at the old drunkard again, and found that the situation in his body was not optimistic. The demonic energy was seriously eroded, causing his realm to regress.

According to the pattern of the yin-yang realm on the outside of his Yuan Dan, Ye Liuyun could tell that he was in the yin-yang realm before. But now, only Tiangang Yae\'s strength is left.

With Ye Liuyun\'s current state, even if he used golden pupils to visit him, he wouldn\'t even be able to find out.

"Boss Fu! I\'ll introduce you to a business!" Luo Yurou\'s crisp voice sounded.

"It turns out that the alcoholic\'s surname is Fu!"

Ye Liuyun also called Boss Fu!

Many people here call the captain "Boss". Because once on board, the captain is the boss, and important decisions are ultimately made by the captain.

In many cases, the captain\'s decision can save the lives of the entire crew.

The one-eyed alcoholic was woken up, and grunted a few times in dissatisfaction, squinted his eyes at Luo Yurou and Ye Liuyun and the others, grabbed the wine gourd beside him and took a sip of wine.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could see clearly that the devilish energy in his body was slightly suppressed by the sip of wine he drank, but it was only temporary, and it was a temporary solution, not the root cause.

After taking a sip of wine, the one-eyed alcoholic sat up slowly, and spoke very politely to Luo Yurou.

"It\'s Miss Luo, old man, I\'m being rude! But don\'t call me Boss Fu, I\'ve already sworn not to board the boat again."

"This Mr. Ye is my savior. Don\'t rush to refuse. You can talk, maybe we can negotiate!" Luo Yurou suggested.

The one-eyed alcoholic smiled apologetically at Ye Liuyun, waved his hands at Luo Yurou and said, "What are you talking about! My body won\'t last a few years! I can\'t get on the boat now!"

"This..." Luo Yurou looked at Ye Liuyun in embarrassment.

However, Ye Liuyun smiled at Luo Yurou: "It\'s okay! His physical condition is indeed short, three years at most!"

Ye Liuyun knew that with the erosion of demon energy, the lower the level of the one-eyed alcoholic, the weaker his resistance was.

Three years later, his realm should drop to Huahai realm, and then he will no longer be able to resist these demonic energy.

"Huh?" The one-eyed alcoholic was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Ye Liuyun solemnly.

"This young master understands my problem?" He asked tentatively.

"I can cure it!" Ye Liuyun simply said.

"Are you sure?" The one-eyed alcoholic couldn\'t believe it. "Are you an alchemist?"

Ye Liuyun smiled and said, "I do know how to make pills. But you don\'t need pills for this disease!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand, put it on the old drunkard\'s shoulder, and then moved the Buddha Demon Golden Body to absorb some of the demonic energy in his body. Then he took his hand back.

Absorbing magic energy, for normal martial arts, almost no one would dare to do so. Even demon cultivators cannot absorb other people\'s demon energy, they need to cultivate by themselves.

But for Ye Liuyun, who had cultivated the Buddha Demon Golden Body, this couldn\'t be easier. And the magic energy absorbed can be used by him.

It\'s just that the conditions have not been negotiated yet, and he will wait for the alcoholic\'s definite answer before he can be completely cured.