Lord of All Gods

Chapter 648

"Ah? It will take half a year to a year before it goes well! What if it doesn\'t go well?" Lei Ming asked curiously.

Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "If things don\'t go well, you will never be able to get out. There are all kinds of beasts in the sea of ​​fog, there are also many famous robbers, and the passing martial arts team, whoever you meet, you will never be able to get out." There is a danger of death."

Su Miaoyin asked: "Liu Yun, your flying boat is very fast, won\'t it take so long?"

"Oh, don\'t mention it! The flying boat needs to be replaced!" Ye Liuyun sighed: "In this star sea, my flying boat is the slowest. Not only is it slow, but its defense ability is also very poor."

"Ah? Is this still slow?" Su Miaoyin felt a little unbelievable.

For a while, everyone began to discuss, and they were all very curious about the situation outside this region.

Xiao Mingyue was really relieved after Ye Liuyun\'s flying boat flew away.

"It seems that Ye Liuyun really didn\'t intend to kill me! He went outside the territory, will he come back?"

She stared at the direction Ye Liuyun was leaving for a while, then turned around and ran towards another island.

There is a sub-helm of their sect, as long as she rushes to that island, she will be completely safe.

Outer space looks empty. But in fact, all kinds of beasts and robbers are rampant.

Even the Wuxiu encountered on the road may attack others at any time.

This is a place where only strength speaks.

But fortunately, this place is still under the jurisdiction of their Sanyuanzong. For her, it is already much safer than other places.

If Ye Liuyun let her go in the sea of ​​fog, it would be no different from killing her.

In the extraterritorial star sea, apart from each continent having its own forces, the more powerful forces are the robbers.

These robbers were gathered by some desperate casual cultivators to make a living by robbing pedestrians and merchant ships.

They don\'t have a fixed residence, they use airships as bases, and wander around in a fixed area.

Once encountered by them, ranging from loss of property, to severe loss of people and wealth.

However, they seldom go to the land within the territory to rob. After all, these robbers also need supplies, and occasionally they have to stop at the shore to replenish food and daily necessities, and conduct some item transactions.

Ye Liuyun hoped to meet some not-so-strong robbers, so that their ship problem could be solved. Just snatch it from the robbers.

Although he has no shortage of resources, after all, there are many people following him, and there is still a few years of travel ahead, so it is still possible to save as much as possible.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness was searching, when suddenly, a small flying boat entered Ye Liuyun\'s detection range.

Although the flying boat was about the same size as Ye Liuyun\'s, its speed was at least twice as fast.

The small flying boat headed straight for Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun was wondering what the purpose of this flying boat was, when he suddenly discovered that a warship was chasing after him.

This warship is faster and will soon catch up to that flying boat.

The appearance of the warship was painted like a black shark, and a flag with a black shark was flying on the bow.

"Rooters?" Ye Liuyun\'s eyes lit up immediately when he saw the warship.

"Haha, I really want to come here! Everyone is ready to fight!"

Ye Liuyun greeted everyone, and led them out of the flying boat.

The small flying boat that was rushing over also stopped at this moment. Six people came down inside, four older men, wearing uniforms. The realm is also triple yin and yang.

A young man, very well dressed. The woman is also young and beautiful, with outstanding appearance. Both of them are in the realm of the eighth layer of Tiangang.

Seeing Ye Liuyun and the others, the woman nodded with a smile.

And when other people saw the realm of Ye Liuyun and others, they couldn\'t help showing disappointed expressions.

The young man said with a look of disgust: "I thought I met a savior, but I didn\'t expect it to be a bunch of useless trash!"

"Young master!" An older man behind him said to him: "I have had contacts with people from Black Shark, maybe I can try to negotiate terms with them."

"Then trouble Elder Gao!"

The man looked aloof and didn\'t even look at the elder. But his eyes kept staring at Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin and other women.

There are many women around Ye Liuyun, and all of them are so beautiful that he is dazzled.

"Tsk tsk, this little boy is really lucky, where did he cheat so many beauties!" The young man immediately became jealous.

The woman beside him stepped forward to greet Ye Liuyun and the others politely.

"Hello, my name is Luo Yurou, and this is my fiancé, Shen Siyuan. The pirates behind are chasing us. Wait a minute, I hope some of you can make a move and tide over the difficulties with us."

"My name is Ye Liuyun." Ye Liuyun nodded. "We will do our best!"

"Master Ye..." Luo Yurou was about to speak again.

Shen Siyuan pulled Luo Yurou back, preventing her from talking to Ye Liuyun.

"Yurou, don\'t talk nonsense with that little boy! As far as their state is concerned, they are simply free, and we have to protect them!"

But he himself said to Wu Qingcheng and the others: "Several beauties, our Shen family is familiar with the members of the Black Shark Pirates and can talk to them. Why don\'t you come to our side, I can provide you with shelter! "

"Hmph! It\'s not a good thing at first glance. It\'s not a good thing. You should deal with those pirates first!"

Before Lei Ming could wait for Wu Qingcheng, Ye Liuyun and the others to speak, he took the lead to go back.

"You... Hmph, what will you do when the pirates attack you later?" Shen Siyuan flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

"Siyuan, after all, these people are implicated by us. If you can take care of them, you can take care of them, right? Besides, there are many people with great strength..." Luo Yurou followed and said softly to Shen Siyuan.

"Let\'s talk!" Shen Siyuan said indifferently.

At this time, the warship of the Black Shark robbers had come close, and more than 30 robbers got off the boat.

The leader of the robbers at the head turned out to be in the realm of the six layers of yin and yang.

After these robbers got off the boat, they couldn\'t help but be amazed when they saw so many beauties in front of them.

"Hahaha! What day is it today? There are so many beauties here!"

After the leader of the black shark saw it, he laughed outright.

"That\'s right! Boss, it\'s lively again on our boat!" A few minions also booed beside him.

A little leader of the triple realm of yin and yang stepped forward and told them directly: "If the men leave their belongings, get out! Keep the women!"

Immediately, as soon as he beckoned, a group of robbers surrounded them all, drawing their weapons one after another, ready to strike.