Lord of All Gods

Chapter 646

Ye Liuyun was startled. "This guy is really turning his back on it! Is he going to kill me?"

But he immediately slowed down and said indifferently.

"You are in this state, you can\'t take advantage of turning against me!"

Mingshen looked at Ye Liuyun playfully, wondering where he got such courage.

"Maybe my projection can\'t beat you! But it can plant a ghost curse on you. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will find you in the future!"

"Let\'s talk about the future! I want to see how you planted the ghost curse on me!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he held up his hand.

The shrinking demon-sealing tablet became bigger and smashed towards the god of the underworld.

This magic tablet can not only suppress monsters, but also ghosts.

Just when the god of the underworld revealed his murderous aura towards Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun already felt that the Demon Sealing Tablet in his hand was about to take the initiative to attack again.

He was thinking that once the Demon Sealing Tablet suppressed the underworld god, he would not be able to plant any ghost curse on himself.

It was quite easy for the Demon Sealing Tablet to suppress the Underworld God whose strength was not much different from Ye Liuyun\'s. And it is still absorbing the power of Hades.

"Boy! I hope you don\'t regret it! Remember what I said today, I will come to you soon!"

Mingshen struggled a few times, but after realizing it was useless, he calmed down instead. Then he began to mutter something silently in his mouth.

"Just say a few words like this? Can you curse me to death?"

Ye Liuyun observed the god of the underworld, feeling a little unbelievable.

He knew that under the suppression of the Demon Sealing Tablet, the Underworld God would not be able to launch any attacks.

He was very curious about how the god of the underworld would plant a curse on him.

After Mingshen finished chanting, he glanced at Ye Liuyun coldly, then closed his eyes, and stopped making any noise.

With the current strength of his projection, it will soon be completely absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet.

Ye Liuyun felt it for a while, and felt that he hadn\'t changed much, and he was proud of himself, when he suddenly discovered that a sinister force invaded his sea of ​​consciousness, and quickly formed a skull symbol on his soul.

"Ah!" Ye Liuyun screamed unconsciously.

He didn\'t expect that there really was such a thing as the Nether Curse, and he was really planted.

"But the Myriad God Order didn\'t respond! Could it be that the Myriad God Order is broken?"

Ye Liuyun was wondering, but Mingshen suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, do you think that the Myriad Gods Order will help you resist this ghost curse? Hahaha!"

"Isn\'t it?" Ye Liuyun asked casually.

"The Nether Curse is not aggressive, so the Ten Thousand Gods Order will not repel him. You just wait for my deity to hunt you down! He should already know that you have been hit by the Nether Curse, and he can feel your position! Hahaha! "

Hadeshen\'s terrifying laughter sounded again. Afterwards, his figure gradually disappeared and was absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet.

"So that\'s how it is!" Ye Liuyun murmured, "This is a terrible situation! I don\'t believe in evil, but I\'m bewitched! I offended a god-level existence!"

But Ye Liuyun still didn\'t take it too seriously. "Try again later, can you erase this mark for him!"

After that, he immediately rushed back to the vicinity of the black hole, summoned Qing Lin, summoned all the beasts and stone giants, and continued to attack the formation of the black hole.

This time, Ye Liuyun asked the skeleton puppet and everyone, including himself, to participate in the attack formation continuously.

A day later, the formation was completely destroyed, and the black hole was sent back.

Afterwards, everyone grilled meat to celebrate the victory, and Ye Liuyun told everyone about the battle.

Outside of the secret, the elders of the Dazong felt a little inconceivable when they saw that the passage was destroyed again.

The Great Elder of the Night Demon Sect couldn\'t help asking: "That trash Tang Yao, wouldn\'t he be destroyed if he entered so soon?"

"How is it possible? It\'s not like you don\'t know, who dares to destroy him, isn\'t he afraid of the curse of the netherworld?" The elder of the Sanyuan Sect shook his head and directly denied this statement.

"So this guy sealed the passage, and he wants to enjoy those treasures to himself?" asked the elder of the Ice Fire Sect.

Now, the elders of their three sects were silent.

Based on Tang Yao\'s character, it\'s not impossible.

But no matter what, they now have to wait for Tang Yao to come out to be sure.

In the secret territory, everyone was listening attentively to Ye Liuyun\'s description of the battle process.

When Ye Liuyun talked about Tang Yao calling out "Curse of the Nether", Qing Lin jumped up and listened nervously.

It wasn\'t until he heard Ye Liuyun that he was cursed by the nether world that Qinglin began to gesture anxiously.

The atmosphere of everyone also became quiet. They were all concerned about whether this ghost curse would bring danger to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun looked at Qing Lin\'s gestures, and couldn\'t help becoming cautious.

Qinglin was telling him that this curse was real, and no matter where he went, he would be hunted down by hell. And if others can\'t kill him, Hades will do it himself.

Before Qing Lin fell asleep, he already knew about this curse. But no one who has been cursed can escape the pursuit of Hades alive!

Even god-level characters all die in the end.

"Uh... so serious? What are you afraid of? When he catches up with me, he might kill who!"

Now that Ye Liuyun was in his heart, he knew that he had caused a catastrophe. But in order to comfort everyone, he still spoke very lightly.

His soul was in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he also began to try to erase the mark of the skeleton.

But no matter how hard he tried, even if he stripped off that piece of spirit, the imprint would always exist.

Unless he committed suicide and wiped out his entire soul.

Seeing that he spoke easily, Qing Lin jumped up anxiously. Then he started to compare with Ye Liuyun again and again.

It told Ye Liuyun that although the ghost curse was not limited by distance, the God of Hades could always feel Ye Liuyun.

But the farther the distance, the weaker the underworld\'s sense is, and it is difficult to locate Ye Liuyun.

According to the current distance from Qinghuo Secret Realm to Cangyun Continent, Underworld God may arrive here in three to five months. After all, he was a god-level figure, and his speed was extraordinary.

So he asked Ye Liuyun to set off immediately to go outside the territory, the farther the better.

"Are you sure it\'s necessary? Have you seen anyone killed by the curse of the netherworld?"

Ye Liuyun was also a little puzzled by Qinglin\'s overly excited reaction.

Qing Lin nodded again and again to confirm. Then he gestured with Ye Liuyun sadly for a while.

"You mean, the owner of this secret realm, Venerable Qinghuo, died of the curse of the nether world?" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but yelled out.

Qing Lin nodded, with sadness in his eyes.