Lord of All Gods

Chapter 643

When Tang Yao came out of the black hole, there were only a dozen beasts with a slightly higher realm left, and they gathered together to resist his coercion.

As soon as Tang Yao appeared, he did not experience short-term dizziness like the disciples of the previous three sects. Instead, he was very soberly investigating the surrounding situation.

When the stone giant saw people, it attacked, and then the beasts followed suit.

Gravels rained down on Tang Yao, and more than a dozen different genitals also bombarded him.

Tang Yao did not panic, raised his hand, and a defensive formation surrounded him, blocking all attacks.

Immediately, he waved his hands repeatedly, drew two different formations out of thin air with his true essence, and attacked those ferocious beasts and stone giants.

Attacking the formation of the beasts, they shot out fireballs one after another, smashing the beasts into hiding. And the formation that hit the stone giant continuously sent out the power of ice, freezing the stone giant bit by bit.

"This guy is too difficult to fight! Ordinary attacks can\'t hit him at all."

Ye Liuyun opened the golden pupil from a distance to observe Tang Yao\'s battle situation.

"He can also use formations to make up for the lack of attributes. He can draw formations of whatever attributes he wants, and he only needs to input his true essence.

The most troublesome thing is that he has a high realm, and through the blessing of the formation, the attack power is even greater! "

Tang Yao\'s consciousness also found Ye Liuyun and the skeleton puppet in the distance at this moment.

He used his spiritual sense to send a sound transmission to Ye Liuyun: "Ye Liuyun, you just want to stop me after looking for such a waste?"

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, he just smiled helplessly, raised his hand and slashed at him with a knife.

He let the stone giants and fierce beasts attack, in fact, he just wanted to test his strength, and he didn\'t want to rely on them to stop Tang Yao.

Now is the time for him and the skeleton puppet to play.

Ye Liuyun\'s knife directly passed through the void, crossed Tang Yao\'s formation, and struck Tang Yao.

He thought that even if Tang Yao couldn\'t be hit hard, he would suffer a small loss.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yao did not rush, and took it directly.

There was a loud "boom". Ye Liuyun\'s knife hit Tang Yao firmly.

He did not escape.

However, Tang Yao did not show any signs of injury, and did not even take a step back.

"Haha, artifact, not only you have it! I also prepared it in advance!"

Tang Yao shook his clothes and rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

The ferocious beasts around him had already been dispersed by him. The stone giant was also frozen by him, and he had no fighting power.

"Clothing is a defensive artifact? No matter how hard you hit him, it won\'t hurt him!"

Ye Liuyun was also a little dazed.

Tang Yao\'s speed was very fast, and he rushed over quickly. Ye Liuyun let the skeleton puppet go up to hold him back, and at the same time took out the death knell and threw it at Tang Yao.

Now that Tang Yao used the divine weapon, he could only use the divine weapon to attack.

He himself was also retreating while constantly slashing out with saber intent. Although his sword intent couldn\'t hurt Tang Yao, it was still feasible to stop him. Especially the blood thunder power in it will make him stagnate for a moment.

The skeleton puppet is even worse, it can\'t even break through Tang Yao\'s formation defense, let alone Tang Yao\'s magical clothes.

Its only function was to stand in front of Ye Liuyun and block attacks for Ye Liuyun. How to say it is also the realm of Yin and Yang, and there are two high-ranking weapons in his hand, so it is still possible to resist it.

Facing the death knell thrown by Ye Liuyun, Tang Yao unhurriedly took out a folding fan, opened it and fanned it towards the death knell.

"Haha, I prepared it for you a long time ago! Look at the power of my cloud sealing fan!"

The death knell was immediately blocked in mid-air by an invisible force, and it was in a stalemate with the divine weapon, the cloud-sealing fan.

"Another artifact?"

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun took out the Demon Sealing Tablet and smashed it directly.

The magic stele was really unreliable. Facing Tang Yao with such a high level, it didn\'t arouse its fighting spirit, and it didn\'t have the consciousness to take the initiative to attack at all.

Tang Yao still used the same method, folding the fan, and fanning the Demon Sealing Tablet back.

Ye Liuyun took the Demon Sealing Tablet back and held it in his hand. Since this guy doesn\'t take the initiative to hit others, he can only use it as a shield.

Used to resist Tang Yao\'s attack, this magic tablet can still have some effect.

Ye Liuyun and Tang Yao became deadlocked like this.

However, Ye Liuyun had already tried his best, while Tang Yao was dealing with it with ease.

"It\'s not good for me to go on like this!"

While Ye Liuyun was thinking about countermeasures, he called the death knell back to him. You can\'t hit anyone if you throw it out, so it\'s better to use it as a defense.

"Why, there\'s nothing you can do? Where\'s your monster, why doesn\'t it come out to help you?"

Tang Yao was obviously worried that Lei Ming would have another ambush, so he didn\'t attack with all his strength.

This battle was the most difficult for Ye Liuyun.

No matter what skills he tried, he couldn\'t hit anyone. Now that even the divine weapon is used, there is still no way to defeat the opponent.

He also had to be on guard against the opponent\'s attack at all times, once he was hit by the opponent, he would at least temporarily lose his fighting power.

And that short time was enough for Tang Yao to attack again.

Ye Liuyun ignored his teasing, but was thinking: "If I remove his folding fan and clothes, wouldn\'t he have no defense?"

At this moment, Ye Liuyun wanted to use the method of moving objects in space to remove his folding fan and clothes.

However, Tang Yao was holding the folding fan, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to try it lightly. Once he found out and paid attention to it, if he couldn\'t remove it immediately, this trick would not be easy to use in the future.

"Yes! Take advantage of his unpreparedness and remove his clothes!"

Ye Liuyun dared to think that stealing other people\'s clothes during the battle, from ancient times to the present, I am afraid that only he can do it.

He sped up and slashed out three times. At the same time, he activated the death knell again, threw out the demon sealing tablet, and threw them at Tang Yao together.

The skeleton puppet also speeded up the attack in coordination, dangling in front of Tang Yao\'s eyes, blocking his sight.

Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to open the golden pupil, and used the power of space to remove Tang Yao\'s clothes.

"It\'s useless! No matter how fierce the attack is, it won\'t hurt me!"

Tang Yao thought that Ye Liuyun had strengthened his offensive, so he swung his cloud-sealing fan again, towards the death knell and the demon-sealing tablet.

As for other attacks, he didn\'t defend at all. Instead, he freed his other hand to draw a formation to attack the skeleton puppet.

Although the skeleton puppet couldn\'t attack him, it was always dangling in front of his eyes, blocking Ye Liuyun and preventing him from directly attacking Ye Liuyun.

So he wanted to hurry up and destroy the skeleton puppet first.

What he sketched this time was still an ice-type formation, trying to seal the skeleton puppet in ice.