Lord of All Gods

Chapter 636

When the people from the three sects outside were observing the situation of Ye Liuyun and the secret realm, Ye Liuyun also understood their situation.

He had already seen the situation outside clearly just now.

He can also see that this situation that can be seen directly is caused by the formation. It\'s just that he couldn\'t crack it, so he didn\'t bother to study it.

"Even if the outside can see the situation inside, they can\'t communicate at any time, and it won\'t affect me to eliminate people who enter the secret realm! And although this formation is strong, it seems that martial arts in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm still can\'t get in."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun felt relieved.

As long as the realm of the people who come in does not exceed his skeleton puppet, he is not worried.

These people coming in now, I\'m afraid they don\'t even need skeleton puppets, he can almost deal with them.

"The only one who is more difficult to deal with is probably that female elder with six levels of yin and yang."

While Ye Liuyun was thinking about countermeasures, he summoned the beasts he controlled to gather around the three black holes.

It didn\'t take long for his consciousness to discover spatial fluctuations coming from the three black holes at the same time.


Ye Liuyun immediately stopped practicing.

He has been using the golden pupil to observe the movements of the disciples of the three sects. After seeing them enter the black hole, he arranged them accordingly.

"Everyone, move closer to me."

Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to transmit sound to others.

Among the people around him, the ones with the highest level of yin and yang are at the first level of yin and yang, so Ye Liuyun naturally wouldn\'t let them die.

Everyone rushed to Ye Liuyun\'s side. The black hole where Ye Liuyun is located is the black hole that the disciples of the Ice Fire Sect entered.

"Qinglin, tell the stone giant to change its location and go to another black hole. That is the black hole that the disciples of Sanyuanzong entered."

Afterwards, he arranged for two beast kings, leading more than a hundred beasts, to cooperate with the stone giant.

The other four beast kings, with more than two hundred beasts, raided the black hole that the disciples of the Night Demon Sect had entered.

It\'s just that he asked the beasts to make adjustments outside the triangular area, so they were not observed by the people from the three sects outside.

"A mere stone puppet, Elder Qinglian should be able to handle it!"

The great elders of Sanzong couldn\'t help but feel relieved when they saw the stone man rushing towards the area of ​​Sanyuanzong.

This is also the arrangement they are most looking forward to. As long as Elder Qinglian blocks the stone giant for a moment, the other disciples can walk out of the black hole safely.

"Your Night Demon Sect has the best luck! That kid actually gave up on a black hole directly." The elder of the Ice Fire Sect said enviously.

"Those people inside don\'t even have the triple realm of yin and yang, so you have nothing to worry about!" the great elder of the Night Demon Sect sarcastically said.

The Night Demon Sect has always been at odds with the other two. This time the other two were intercepted, so he naturally hoped that the more casualties they had, the better.

But it is estimated that Ye Liuyun\'s strength cannot stop the disciples of the Ice Fire Sect.

He still had some regrets, feeling that Ye Liuyun\'s realm was too low, otherwise he could at least kill a few disciples of the Ice Fire Sect.

"We are bound to win this secret realm!"

Tang Yao became complacent there.

"I said long ago that Ye Liuyun\'s way of breaking the formation is too late. Once your people enter, he will have no chance to attack the formation."

"Yes! This is all thanks to you. Without your formation, we would have returned without success this time. After a few days, the formation can be transmitted again, and we will send more people in. "

Lin Wanchou of the Sanyuanzong was the one who most advocated inviting Tang Yao, so he tried his best to praise Tang Yao when he spoke.

They chatted leisurely and contentedly outside, discussing the next transfer, and they all thought that the secret realm would definitely be breached this time.

In the secret territory, Ye Liuyun was not idle either. He first arranged the banners that Qiongqi gave him around the black hole, and then quietly planted the magic vine seeds into the ground.

Just after he made the arrangements, the spatial fluctuations became more and more intense, and the first disciple of the Ice Fire Sect appeared.


Ye Liuyun took the lead in attacking, drew out the demon-slaying knife and slashed at it fiercely.

Although his realm is at the dual level of Yin and Yang, but his own strength is much stronger, coupled with the sword intent, that disciple is destined to be unable to stop his blow.

Others also shot at the same time.

Before the unlucky disciple woke up from the dizziness, he was directly blasted into pieces by various forces.

"Aiya!" The elder of the Ice Fire Sect, who was watching the situation in the secret realm, was filled with regret.

The Great Elder of the Night Demon Sect was secretly laughing.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third Ice Fire Sect disciples fell out of the black hole one after another. It seems that the dizziness caused by this formation is quite serious.

Ye Liuyun and the others attacked again.

Ye Liuyun\'s attack was originally aimed at the second disciple who appeared. But suddenly another disciple came out and stood in front of him. He was stabbed by Ye Liuyun and killed directly.

The second disciple who appeared took his life. And also had time to wake up, and immediately started to fight back against Ye Liuyun.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen disciples of the Ice and Fire Sect in the black hole all walked out. The people who came out before immediately put up defenses to protect the people who just came out.

"Magic vine!" Ye Liuyun immediately notified the magic vine to attack with his divine sense. At the same time, the formation flag was activated, trapping the disciples of the Ice Fire Sect in the formation.

The magic vines emerged from the ground, and the vines were everywhere, instantly piercing through the real essence of the two disciples who hadn\'t woken up.

The other disciples of the Ice and Fire Sect either attacked with fire or sealed with ice to destroy the magic vines.

The attacks of Ye Liuyun and the others also kept greeting them. For a moment, the outside of the black hole fell into a melee.

The five ice and fire disciples who were trapped by the formation started to fight steadily after recovering, forming a circle of ice and fire defense lines to block Ye Liuyun\'s attack.

These disciples are all in the triple realm of yin and yang. Once the sneak attack fails, it will be difficult to destroy them.

"Thunder, Demon Tower!" Ye Liuyun sent a voice transmission to Lei Ming.

At the same time, he himself took out the death knell and threw it at them.

Ye Liuyun was determined to wipe out all these people here, so he did not hesitate to use the artifact as his hole card.

In addition to using the death knell, he also launched a soul attack on a martial artist with a weaker soul, pulling his soul into his own soul domain.

The death knell and the magic tower hit two Ice Fire Sect disciples respectively. They immediately offered their treasures to intercept them.

It\'s a pity that their treasures are high-ranking. In front of the divine weapon, they were completely vulnerable and smashed to pieces.

Moreover, the death knell was sounded, causing their spirits to be in a trance for a while, and Lei Ming seized the opportunity again, and a blood thunder beat a disciple of the Ice Fire Sect to serious injury.

Then, the death knell and the magic tower smashed over, killing two more people respectively.