Lord of All Gods

Chapter 593

Tie Ying Sect Master Ma has just been awakened, and he still doesn\'t know the result of Ye Liuyun\'s martial arts competition.

When he learned of Ye Liuyun\'s amazing performance in the martial arts competition, he was also full of admiration.

Now he and Jing Wudi have completely regarded Ye Liuyun as their own.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything, and expressed his intention to return to the Northern Territory, and also got the support of the leader and Jing Wudi.

"You should go back. Being capable but not forgetting old people is what a good man should do. Just go if you need any support, just tell us. Our Iron Eagle Sect will fully support you!"

The three of them chatted for a while in the secret cave before Jing Wudi and Ye Liuyun withdrew, leaving the leader to recover by himself.

Although Jing Wudi couldn\'t announce the recovery of the leader and throw a big feast, he still couldn\'t help expressing his joy.

In the end, he used the excuse of welcoming Ye Liuyun and celebrating Ye Liuyun\'s first place in the martial arts competition, and let the Tie Ying sect celebrate together.

Ye Liuyun took this opportunity to briefly chat with everyone about his experience in the secret realm. He also distributed many of the cultivation resources he brought back to everyone.

While they were celebrating, news of Ye Liuyun\'s return spread throughout Cangyun Continent.

As soon as the news spread, some people couldn\'t sit still.

Elder Wei Yusong from Lingxi Palace was the first to rush to Iron Eagle Sect.

Liang Xue and Ye Liuyun entered that unknown inheritance secret realm together. Now that only Ye Liuyun came back by himself, of course he had to ask about the situation.

Then there is Elder Yan Jiu from Huoyan Palace. The apprentices Lie Hongxia and Lie Hongyun she had worked so hard to cultivate were both abolished in Ye Liuyun\'s hands, and they haven\'t recovered until now, how could she let Ye Liuyun go.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun had entered the largest inheritance, so he must have obtained a lot of good things. She even wanted to give Lie Hongxia a chance to get revenge and find out about Ye Liuyun\'s inheritance.

In other sects, some people also wanted to snatch the inheritance from Ye Liuyun.

But when they learned that Ye Liuyun\'s current state was already at the ninth level of Tiangang, and that Lei Ming and Longnu around him were all in the Iron Eagle Sect, so many people did not dare to act rashly. If you don\'t do it well, you will get burned.

Ye Liuyun\'s deeds in the Iron Eagle Sect have long been spread. Even the well-known assassin organization Blood Hand dared not accept the order to assassinate Ye Liuyun.

So many people know that he is a ruthless person, he has no scruples in doing things, and he is even more merciless in revenge.

The reason why Ye Liuyun didn\'t return to the Northern Territory immediately was because he listened to Jing Wudi\'s suggestion and waited here.

Waiting for those who might covet the inheritance he has obtained to come to the door.

Jing Wudi thought that those people should be dealt with in the Tie Ying Sect as much as possible, so as not to bring them back to the Northern Territory and complicate Ye Liuyun\'s situation in the Northern Territory.

Ye Liuyun also thought it made sense, so he stayed at Tie Ying Sect first, waiting to see if anyone wanted to attack him.

Two days later, Ye Liuyun really came.

Early in the morning, a strong coercion enveloped the Tie Ying Cult and shocked Ye Liuyun out.

But to Ye Liuyun\'s surprise, it was none other than Yu Haotian who had a fight with him.

"Have you reached the realm of the ninth level of Tiangang?" Yu Haotian saw Ye Liuyun\'s realm at a glance. "Your realm has improved too fast!"

"Yes! If you don\'t hurry up, it\'s not enough to fight you!" Ye Liuyun laughed.

"I came here just to hurry up and fight with you." Yu Haotian also admitted directly.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

Yu Haotian landed next to Ye Liuyun, and explained to him: "I\'m leaving here, I\'m afraid there won\'t be a long delay, so I\'m in a hurry to fight you."

"Leave here? Where are you going?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

Yu Haotian also replied directly: "The family arranged for me to go to a sect outside the territory to practice. I have been procrastinating, and I just want to have a good fight with you before leaving."

"I\'m afraid we may not be able to fight!"

As Ye Liuyun said, his golden pupils flickered, and he looked at the distant sky.

A figure flew over from far and near. Before he could get close, he shouted through voice transmission: "Ye Liuyun, come out for me, you boy!"

Yu Haotian and Ye Liuyun frowned together.

"Look, I guess I\'ve been in a lot of trouble recently! You all know that I\'m back. If you have something to do, you have to come and make trouble with me."

Ye Liuyun smiled at Yu Haotian, and flew over in the air.

At this time, Jing Wudi also brought many elders of the Iron Eagle Sect to prepare for the enemy.

"It turned out to be Elder Wei from Lingxi Palace. Are you here because of Liang Xue?" Ye Liuyun found out that it was Wei Yusong, and immediately guessed that he was here because of Liang Xue.

Although this Wei Yusong was not considerate in handling things, he had a deep affection for Liang Xue.

"That\'s right! Tell me, where are you hiding Xue\'er?" Wei Yusong asked aggressively.

"Xue\'er is still in the secret realm, accepting the inheritance. The inheritance she received is quite special, so it will take some time to come out."

Ye Liuyun knew his character, and since he wanted to care about Liang Xue, she didn\'t bother to argue with him and told him directly.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yusong didn\'t appreciate it. "Are you stupid as an old man? What inheritance takes so long! Did you kill Xue\'er in the secret realm in order to snatch the inheritance? Or are you afraid that she will return to the Lingxi Palace and hide Xue\'er?"

Wei Yusong questioned Ye Liuyun relentlessly.

Ye Liuyun felt that Wei Yusong was really angry and funny. He obviously told him the truth, but he didn\'t believe it.

"I\'m telling the truth, believe it or not! I think you are Xue\'er\'s master, and I don\'t want to embarrass you. You already know Xue\'er\'s whereabouts, so stop messing around here."

"What? You say I\'m a fool? If you don\'t hand over Xue\'er today, I won\'t let you go!" Wei Yusong is Tiexin today, and wants Ye Liuyun to hand over Liang Xue, otherwise, he will make a big fuss about the Tie Ying Sect.

"Oh? Why are you planning to not let me go? Last time in Lingxi Palace, you caused me a lot of trouble. I think you are Master Xue\'er, so you didn\'t pursue it. You want to come again this time." Trouble? Do you think I\'m easy to bully if I don\'t fight with you? "

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have the patience to spend any more time with him. This Wei Yusong\'s attitude is really bad. Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help thinking about the last time he forced Liang Xue to leave him.

With new and old hatred added together, Ye Liuyun really wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Haha, you kid is really crazy! Don\'t you pay attention to us old bones?"

With a wild laugh, the confrontation between Ye Liuyun and Wei Yusong was broken. An old man, his eyes glowing with fire, appeared above the Iron Eagle Sect.

"Huotong Du\'s family, I\'ve come to ask you for an explanation!" the old man said casually.

"Yangong Yanjiu, I also want to ask my disciples for an explanation!" At this time, the elder Yanjiu of Yangong also appeared.