Lord of All Gods

Chapter 574

Xiao Mingyue felt that this Qinglin seemed to have no offensive power other than breathing fire and eating.

She likes this Qinglin because she thinks it has high intelligence and is very smart. As for the attack power, she can go back and find a suitable technique before training Qinglin.

The members of the Night Demon Sect were basically in a group of five or six people, besieging a piebald snake, and Xiao Mingyue fought a yin and yang double piebald snake alone.

This piebald snake is not only highly poisonous, but also has rough skin and thick flesh. In addition, the species in the secret realm here are particularly large in size, so it is particularly difficult for them to deal with it.

Only Xiao Mingyue had the upper hand.

But this piebald snake is not as easy to fight as Hou Yunfeng. Although Xiao Mingyue used the same moves, the piebald snake just neighed in pain, and its huge body was not sent flying by Xiao Mingyue.

The snake scales on his body only fell off part of it.

Seeing this, Xiao Mingyue also changed her attack strategy. The next attacks all landed on one point, where the scorpion fell off.

This caused the piebald snake opposite her to suffer unceasingly, and repeatedly called her companions to come over for help.

However, although the other two piebald snakes had the upper hand, they were all enveloped in demon energy by these demon cultivators, and they took turns attacking with high-ranking treasures, but they couldn\'t get out.

Suddenly, a yin and yang piebald snake resisted being hit on the head, and desperately rushed to bite a disciple of the Night Demon Sect, and at the same time spit out a mouthful of venom.

The disciple escaped the piebald snake\'s bite, but was splashed with venom on his arm.

In an instant, his arm was corroded by the venom so that white smoke emitted. He immediately controlled his true energy to resist the venom, but found that he couldn\'t control it at all. Soon, a big hole rotted on his arm.

The location of the corrosion is still expanding. If you don\'t make a decisive decision, I\'m afraid it will spread to your body.

He became cruel and cut off his arm with a single knife, so as to avoid being corroded by the venom.

Seeing the power of the snake venom, everyone became more careful in fighting.

And Xiao Yueming was the one who resolved the battle the fastest.

Her opponent was quickly punched out by the moonlight.

Ye Liuyun discovered that Xiao Mingyue\'s moonlight attack also has a corrosive function, which can erode the wound and expand the injury.

The piebald snake\'s snake scales began to fall off from the position of the wound, finally revealing a large body, and then Xiao Mingyue directly cut it off with moonlight, and died.

As soon as the piebald snake died, Xiao Mingyue rushed to the other piebald snake. At this time, Qinglin also attacked decisively, and went straight to the piebald snake that had just died.

Ye Liuyun sighed to himself that Qinglin\'s speed of snatching food was not as good.

With one paw, it accurately took out the piebald snake\'s Yuan Dan, and then burned it along the broken part of the snake\'s body with a mouthful of green fire, burning all the flesh and blood inside. Then, when he inhales, the green fire is sucked back.

The whole movement is extremely smooth. If you practice this set of movements several times in advance, you may not be proficient in it.

Ye Liuyun also rushed up at this time, and put away both the snake skin and the Yuan Dan.

"Fortunately, you have a little conscience, and you left me some things!"

What Ye Liuyun is most optimistic about is also the snake skin and Yuan Dan. Yuan Dan can be used for cultivation. The hardness of the snake skin can withstand the attacks of yin and yang triple fighters, and it can be used to make armor.

The speed with which the two of them snatched the loot made those people in the Night Demon Palace gasp in amazement.

"These two guys are so shameless! They can\'t do anything, but they are actively grabbing things."

Although they cursed secretly in their hearts, but Xiao Mingyue didn\'t say anything, they didn\'t dare to say it out. Anyway, it was Xiao Mingyue who contributed the most, and what they robbed was also Xiao Mingyue\'s share.

And Xiao Mingyue really didn\'t like those things. So she doesn\'t care at all. On the contrary, I think Qinglin is very smart and cute.

The remaining two piebald snakes were of a lower level, Xiao Mingyue handled them both faster.

This time, as soon as she killed the piebald snake, she was immediately looted by the disciples of the Night Demon Sect. Snake skin, snake teeth, snake gall, snake bones and other valuables were all robbed. But no one wants snake meat and snake pills.

When Qinglin saw her, she didn\'t feel the nerve to go there. Ye Liuyun ran over directly and put away both the snake meat and Yuan Dan.

Even Xiao Mingyue couldn\'t help shaking her head when she saw her.

"How poor this guy used to be! He didn\'t even let go of the beast\'s meat and Yuan Dan!"

For them, the Yuan Dan of the beast cannot be exchanged for much money because it cannot be absorbed. The meat of beasts is something that can be bought everywhere for a few spirit stones, and they don\'t need to occupy the space of the storage ring at all.

So she felt even more in her heart that Ye Liuyun would definitely join Sanyuanzong. She felt that Ye Liuyun could be moved by the cultivation resources that Sanyuanzong gave to his disciples every month.

What they didn\'t know was that this time, Ye Liuyun gave the snake meat and Yuan Dan directly to the white tiger in the storage ring, and asked him to devour it before practicing.

The white tiger devours the beast meat and Yuan Dan grown in the barbaric vitality, and can absorb the energy in it to increase its true essence.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about their stares, as long as he could get some practical benefits, that\'s all.

Next, Ye Liuyun and Qing Lin followed Xiao Mingyue into the snake cave. The people from the Night Demon Sect followed at the end.

Due to the huge body of the piebald snake in the cave, the inside is also very empty. In the corners on both sides of the cave wall, there are often many high-ranking herbs growing.

Xiao Mingyue really has good eyesight, she doesn\'t even look up to the ordinary things in the cave.

But Ye Liuyun was not polite, and when he saw something good, he rushed over to put it away.

"Dragon Fruit, keep it for Lei Ming and Longnu, take it!"

"Rotten Star Grass, highly poisonous, take it!"

"What kind of medicinal material is this? Let\'s put it away first."

Some things, he didn\'t even have time to distinguish them, so he took them off and took them away.

Seeing him, the disciples of Night Demon Palace were really rude, so they gradually joined the team fighting for it. At first they were worried that Xiao Mingyue would make a move.

But after scrambling twice and finding that Xiao Mingyue didn\'t care, he became more courageous.

The same is true for Ye Liuyun, who opens the golden pupil, discovers the treasure in advance every time, and makes a move in advance. He doesn\'t mind if he can\'t grab some. Anyway, the best is in his hands.

The cave was pitch black, and these people couldn\'t compare to Ye Liuyun in terms of eyesight.

So in the end, they also learned to be smart. They all stared at Ye Liuyun, wherever he went, these people would follow him wherever he went.

Even Qinglin followed him to grab it. After snatching it, it was swallowed directly into the stomach. Ye Liuyun didn\'t know whether to eat it directly, or to burn it before eating.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t do anything about it, he couldn\'t shake off these people, so he could only let them follow, as long as he could guarantee that he would grab the best one, he would be satisfied.