Lord of All Gods

Chapter 565

The woman saw that her brother\'s soul had gone and never returned, and her body slumped to the ground, she immediately became confused.

Under the anxiety in his heart, he only cared about the violent attack and neglected the defense.

But the death knell in Ye Liuyun\'s hand was an artifact after all. Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s realm was not much worse than that of her alone. So she has nothing to do with Ye Liuyun.

On the contrary, Ye Liuyun is still looking for a fighter, ready to use the death knell to trap her in.

Just as the woman released a ray of consciousness, wanting to rush into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness to see the situation, Ye Liuyun seized the opportunity, sacrificed the death knell, and enveloped her directly.


Only then did Ye Liuyun let out a sigh of relief. "There is no danger! Fortunately, my spirit is relatively strong, otherwise I might not be able to escape even if I want to escape!"

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, but still felt that he should try his best to avoid these foreign martial artists. The strength of these people is far stronger than the strength of martial arts in Cangyun Continent.

With two Heavenly Gang Nine Layers, he fought so hard, with divine and soul attacks, death knells, and the Ten Thousand Gods Token!

"Boom!" A bell rang, pulling Ye Liuyun back from his thoughts.

"It seems that the woman couldn\'t bear it and struck the death knell!"

Ye Liuyun took back the death knell. The woman fell directly to the ground, and her soul had been wiped out.

In his spirit domain, the spirits of those two people are not much left. Ye Liuyun immediately launched the secret soul search technique, wanting to know the strength of these people.

After searching for the soul, Ye Liuyun became more determined in his previous thoughts.

These outer domain disciples are so strong that they are all in a mess.

In their sea of ​​consciousness, there are two particularly strong people. One has a good relationship with these two, nicknamed Yong Ye Demon Emperor. Yin and Yang are one level realm, and their strength is soul attack.

The other one is their elder brother and the most powerful disciple of the Night Demon Palace, known as the Star Sword Demon Emperor, who is a sword cultivator. It is said that his sword intent has cultivated the seeds of sword intent. His realm is also the pinnacle of yin and yang.

"According to the division of realms that Vice President Yao told me, these two martial arts practitioners in the Yin-Yang realm should both be called Earth Emperors. How did these people cultivate? How did they achieve such a high realm in their twenties?"

Ye Liuyun used to think that he could practice fast enough by himself. Now it seems that these people outside the territory are not slow in their cultivation.

Ye Liuyun took the storage rings of the two of them, opened them, and found that the spirit stones inside were of a higher grade than his, and there were quite a lot of them.

"Mid-grade spirit stones?" Ye Liuyun sized up the spirit stones and put them into his storage ring. At the same time, in their storage rings, there are still many high-ranking medicinal materials.

"There are so many good things, no wonder the cultivation is so fast!" Ye Liuyun put away all these things, and then directly used the Golden Crow Sacred Fire to burn the bodies of the two into fly ash.

Next, he continued to search for Liang Xue while absorbing the spiritual power he had just absorbed as quickly as possible.

Before he took a few steps, he found that Qu Ling\'er, who was kidnapped by him before, was chasing towards him under the leadership of her senior brother Wen Feng.

In front of Ye Liuyun, there were seven or eight disciples of Yemo Palace in black robes, also rushing towards here.

"Have I been discovered?"

Thinking of this, before he was discovered by others, he immediately disappeared into the void and fled to the distance.

Qu Linger and Wen Feng arrived first. Feeling the energy fluctuation of the battle just now, after coming here, I started to search around.

Soon, the group of men in black robes also rushed over.

"Eternal Night Devil Emperor!"

When Wen Feng saw the leader in black robe, he was startled, and subconsciously pulled all the juniors around him behind him.

The Eternal Night Demon Emperor glanced at him, and said lightly: "I\'m looking for the Nighthawk Shuangjiao, and I won\'t embarrass you. The consciousness they left in the token just now has dissipated, and they may have been killed. And their token The last location shown in , is here."

People in Night Devil Palace all have a special token that can determine life, death and location. This is what they specially prepared for the exploration of the secret realm.

As soon as the Eternal Night Demon Emperor saw these people from the Sanyuan Sect, he knew that they would not be able to kill the Nighthawk Shuangjiao. So first open your mouth to stabilize them, and then ask about the situation.

There are also frequent battles between their several major sects. Especially the Night Demon Sect, which is a sect of demon cultivators, killing people and seizing treasures is a common practice, basically every time they see others in a weak position, they will attack. So he had to explain first, tell them the purpose of his coming.

"How long have you been here? What do you know?"

While feeling the fighting atmosphere here, he asked those people from Sanyuanzong.

Hearing what he said, the people of Sanyuanzong also relaxed.

Wen Feng replied first: "We are also tracking a boy with golden pupils. He kidnapped my junior sister before."

"Golden-eyed boy?" Yongye Demon Emperor repeated in confusion, and then asked: "Is it from the Ice and Fire Sect?"

When they came in this time, there were only three sects in total.

If they were members of Sanyuanzong, they must know each other themselves. If they were from the Night Demon Sect, they would be recognized by the Sanyuan Sect if they were wearing black robes. That\'s why he asked if he was from the Ice Fire Sect.

"No! Not from our three sects. We estimate that he may be from a small island in some domain." Wen Feng replied.

"Oh? From another island?"

Thinking of this, Eternal Night Demon Emperor also thought about it.

"If this young man can enter this secret realm, it means that this secret realm has other communication channels with the outside world. If we can find this young man, it will be much more convenient for us to enter this secret realm in the future, and there is no need to unite with the other three sects. We You can come in anytime you want."

Immediately afterwards, he asked in detail how Qu Ling\'er was kidnapped and her conversation with Ye Liuyun.

"Cangyun Continent? An island called Cangyun?" Yongye Demon Emperor felt as if he had heard this name before, but he couldn\'t remember it for a while.

But he immediately reported the situation to the Star Sword Demon Emperor who led the team this time.

And those people from Sanyuanzong had already explained the situation to their elder sister Xiao Mingyue.

The leaders on both sides made the same decision, split half of them, and started searching in the direction where Ye Liuyun appeared.

What they were concerned about was not that Ye Liuyun hijacked people or killed their fellow disciples. Instead, they wanted to catch Ye Liuyun and ask him how he entered this secret realm.

Therefore, the two sects each sent more than 20 people to start a dragnet search.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that he would stab a hornet\'s nest as soon as he came in. But he soon discovered that these people were searching for him everywhere.

So he was more careful to avoid encountering these people.