Lord of All Gods

Chapter 548

The leader, a martial artist at the sixth level of the Tiangang, sized up Liang Xue unscrupulously, and wanted to drive him away without even looking at Shao Jianfeng.

After these people got together, their strength became stronger and they began to act unscrupulously. Seeing Liang Xue\'s appearance now, he started to think wrongly.


Suddenly, the leader screamed and fell from the air.

Everyone didn\'t understand what was going on, and then another person fell down, this time without even making a sound.

This scene was too weird. They looked around, but they couldn\'t find who was attacking from where.

As soon as the leader died, these mobs immediately scattered and fled.

However, Ye Liuyun, who was hiding in the void, did not let go of their thoughts, chasing and killing them one by one. Lei Ming brought two demons and rushed over to kill these geniuses.

Several of them also realized that they were in an ambush at this time, and they couldn\'t run away when they saw it, so they turned around and rushed towards Liang Xue, trying to take Liang Xue as a hostage.

Before they could get close to Liang Xue, Liang Xue released the Earth Demon Dragon, slapped one to death with a slap, and slapped another to death with a flick of its tail.

This time, the rest of the people were dumbfounded. Two demonic beasts from the ninth level of Tiangang, and two demons from the seventh level of Tiangang. There is also a master who hides in the dark, and these people are simply not enough to kill.

Immediately, those who responded quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, and handed in their tokens on their own initiative.

But Ye Liuyun\'s soul attack still didn\'t stop, he killed them all one by one, and then devoured their souls.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t emerge from the void until he killed all these people.

The tokens were collected and distributed to everyone, and the corpses were given to the Earth Demon Dragon and the other two demons, allowing them to devour them and increase their realm. Ye Liuyun put away the storage rings and handed them over to Wu Qingcheng for safekeeping.

The audience outside the arena, watching geniuses being killed one by one, and their souls, bodies, and finances being divided up to nothing, were also filled with embarrassment.

"This Ye Liuyun is so ruthless! Killed more than 20 people at once!"

"He\'s definitely a ruthless person, don\'t mess with him!"

People who originally thought Ye Liuyun was soft-hearted, now see it.

Ye Liuyun is absolutely sympathetic and righteous to his own people and those with good intentions. But anyone who offends him, who has malicious intentions, he will never show mercy, and he can even be described as cruel. Different people have different ways of dealing with it.

Regarding this, although Yao Xinghai felt sorry for those geniuses, he admired Ye Liuyun even more.

After Ye Liuyun led the crowd to clean the battlefield, inspired by these people, he also worried about Dragon Girl.

"These people are all organized together. If the dragon girl meets her, it may be more troublesome. Let\'s find her first for the time being, and then we will act together!"

The dragon girl is an orc. If these geniuses meet, they will definitely kill them and will not show mercy.

So they didn\'t continue to snatch the token, but went straight to the direction of the dragon girl. Ye Liuyun also found that the position of the dragon girl has not moved. I don\'t know if she is practicing or has encountered a strong enemy. In either case, there must be a time when she needs protection.

It wasn\'t until Ye Liuyun and the others arrived at Longnu\'s place that they realized that Longnu was surrounded by forty or fifty geniuses on a hill.

Some of these people have light bands on their heads, while others don\'t. It seems that they want to gather together to snatch other people\'s tokens together.

"This number is too many!" Lei Ming couldn\'t help but say it.

Ye Liuyun also nodded. Forty or fifty geniuses are indeed too many!

If they fought back with all their strength, it would be difficult for Ye Liuyun and the others to resist.

At this moment, Longnu is holding a coiled dragon stick in her hand, and is constantly smashing the high-ranking treasures thrown at her by the crowd. But she was alone, and she would still be hit occasionally, so she had to rely on her physical body to bear it. Seeing that it won\'t last long.

"Must be saved! Death knell for me!"

Ye Liuyun asked for the death knell from Lei Ming. Only in his hands can the death knell exert greater power, while Lei Ming can only block one attack with it.

"You guys also prepare your treasures, go straight up! I will cooperate with you in the void!"

Saying that, Ye Liuyun hid directly into the void, and rushed towards the dragon girl\'s position.

Lei Ming and Liang Xue rode the Earth Demon Dragon in the lead, followed by two Demon Races, and finally Shao Jianfeng rushed towards the hill together.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, to capture the king, Ye Liuyun\'s first target was the leader of these people at the foot of the mountain. He is a martial artist at the eighth level of Tiangang, and the light belt above his head has already emitted a golden light.

From the void, Ye Liuyun directly used the sky-spanning golden pupil to attack his soul. One hit kill!

Ye Liuyun\'s current soul power has been tempered and improved by martial arts competitions, and he has swallowed up the souls of many geniuses to strengthen himself. The current strength is far beyond that of these ordinary geniuses.

The leading genius barely made any resistance, and his soul was devoured by him.

Then, he didn\'t even bother to pick up the token, so he went to rescue the dragon girl, and launched a soul attack on the geniuses who were attacking the dragon girl.

Attacks launched from the void are the most difficult for these geniuses to defend against. They couldn\'t hit Ye Liuyun, but Ye Liuyun was able to attack them.

And every time Ye Liuyun launched an attack, a genius soul would be devoured and turned into a corpse.

At this time, Lei Ming and Liang Xue also rushed over, and after killing several geniuses, they gathered with Longnu.

The few of them defended together, and they were much safer immediately. Liang Xue\'s divine sword smashed several high-ranking treasures, and the situation immediately reversed. Lei Ming even took the time to take the initiative to attack.

These martial arts were instantly suppressed and retreated to the foot of the mountain. But they did not withdraw, but gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to show up again rashly, but came to the top of the mountain, put Long Nu and others into the storage ring, and disappeared into the void, leaving the surrounding of these people.

He also didn\'t want to fight recklessly with these people. If these people organize again, swarm. It\'s okay for him to hide in the void, but Liang Xue, Lei Ming, Longnu and others are in danger.

What\'s more, Longnu\'s real energy is almost exhausted now, and she doesn\'t have the strength to fight anymore. There is no need to fight these people desperately.

Thunder and Earth Demon Dragon both contributed their strength during the battle, and they also need to recover. He himself has experienced several battles and needs to recover his true energy.

So he sneaked thousands of miles in the void, avoiding this group of people far away, found a corner with few people, and led everyone to recover their strength.