Lord of All Gods

Chapter 541

Ye Liuyun felt Lie Hongxia\'s breath. The turbulent pressure of true energy is mixed with scorching heat waves.

"Much stronger than Lie Hongyun!"

Ye Liuyun felt that not only the power of Lie Hongxia\'s blood was much stronger than that of Lie Hongyun, but the quality of her true essence was also much higher than that of Lie Hongyun, and the quality of her flame was also much stronger than that of Lie Hongyun.

"Sure enough, it is at the level of Tianjiao!"

He sighed a little in his heart, and quickly responded with all his strength.

"Flying Phoenix Wings!"

Lie Hongyun didn\'t hold back, and immediately released a big move when he came up.

A fiery red phoenix rushed towards Ye Liuyun with a sound of phoenix cry.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dodge, and directly used the sword intent to fight against Lie Hongxia.

The two of them are now the focus of attention of all audiences.

Yao Xinghai and all the elders were very worried about the battle of these Tianjiao. The loss of any Tianjiao will have an impact on the results of the inheritance.

"This Lie Hongxia just wants to avenge her personal revenge! It was her younger sister who went to trouble Ye Liuyun first, but she followed her endlessly, and even hired other Tianjiao as helpers to deal with a new Tianjiao." Some elders complained dissatisfied.

"Ye Liuyun is indeed a bit harsh on Lie Hongyun! It\'s only human to avenge his sister! I just hope that nothing will happen to them!" Some elders also spoke for Lie Hongxia.

But without exception, no one wanted any of them to have an accident, and everyone hoped that they would all survive.

At this moment, Yao Xinghai was also engrossed in watching the battle between Ye Liuyun and Lie Hongxia, thinking to himself: "According to Ye Liuyun\'s character, as long as someone treats him too much, he will not let him go. And this Lie Hongxia, too He is an unreasonable person. I am afraid that something will happen between the two of them!"

After observing for this period of time, he found that Ye Liuyun did not kill at will. He will kill only those who offend him. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t even seriously injure his opponent.

But obviously Ye Liuyun is not a soft-hearted person. He would never hesitate to kill someone. Start very decisive.

Now watching the battle between Ye Liuyun and Lie Hongxia, he found that neither side had any intention of keeping the other alive.

Although Ye Liuyun is temporarily at a disadvantage, it does not mean that he has no cards.

Elder Yan Jiu and Jing Wudi were also among the people who paid the most attention to this battle.

There are also Su Miaoyin, Hao Chengfeng, Mo Ya, Piao Yun and others who are all worried outside the secret border at the moment.

But no one can stop it. Not even a chance to pass a word. They are now completely isolated from the secret realm and can only watch as spectators.

Ye Liuyun\'s realm was a little worse than Lie Hongxia\'s, but his blood was not bad, and his soul was even stronger than Lie Hongxia\'s.

His weakness is mainly due to his lack of proficiency in the use of fusion power. The operation lines of various powers require him to be distracted to control, and the phantom of the Hunyuan God of War is not enough to stare at. After all, he hasn\'t mastered this kind of power for a long time.

On the other hand, Lie Hongxia, at this moment, the fire phoenix avatar produced by her fusion power is already very solid, like a lifelike flame phoenix, dancing around her and protecting her in it.

Therefore, the power of heaven and earth gathered by the fire phoenix is ​​much stronger than Ye Liuyun\'s.

So from the beginning, Ye Liuyun was at a disadvantage. Even with the Devil Slaughter Saber, his power of heaven and earth and hegemony were at a disadvantage, and he was beaten by Lie Hongxia.

From time to time, the fire phoenix\'s attack would break through Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War phantom, and burn directly on Ye Liuyun. He can only bear it with his strong physical body.

But every time he launched a soul attack, Lie Hongxia\'s attack was stopped. The attack on Lie Hongxia had a weakening effect. So Ye Liuyun could barely support her by relying on the advantage of his soul power.

While fighting, Ye Liuyun was also absorbing the power of the flames around him to strengthen his own flame quality and true essence.

His method of absorbing while hitting makes him not afraid of exhaustion at all. As time goes by, he will become stronger and stronger, and eventually turn defeat into victory.

Lie Hongxia is not a fool, of course she found out that he was absorbing power, so she definitely wouldn\'t give him a chance to grow stronger.

"Is this your strength? Too weak!"

With that said, Lie Hongxia intensified her attack. Not only is the power of the blood veins output more, but the power of the true essence and flames are also suddenly strengthened.

Moreover, huge fire phoenixes continued to fly towards them, and the frequency of their attacks also increased.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t take it anymore. Even if he was absorbing, he couldn\'t absorb so much energy all at once.

The phantom of the Primordial God of War has been burnt to the brink of disillusionment by the fire phoenix.

Ye Liuyun knew that once the phantom of the Hunyuan God of War couldn\'t stop the fire phoenix\'s attack, his physical body might not be able to stop the flames either.

"If you can\'t resist anymore, you can only use the death knell! This Lie Hongxia is worthy of being the pride of heaven, she is really powerful, much stronger than Gao Qiang!"

Ye Liuyun also finally knew the strength of these Tianjiao. Even if he tried his best now, he couldn\'t bear it.

Stimulated by the attack, the power of his whole body\'s blood vessels, body, true essence, and soul had already reached its limit, and even the Devil Slayer Knife was trying to exude the knife intent to help him resist.

The flame power he absorbed was also transformed into flames and true essence at the fastest speed.

Just when he felt that he was going to be unable to resist and was about to use the death knell, the phantom that Hunyuan defeated suddenly escalated under the stimulation of pressure.

The entire phantom became more solidified. The appearance can already be clearly distinguished, it is the man who once gave Ye Liuyun the Ten Thousand Gods Order.

Once the Hunyuan God of War phantom is strengthened, the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized is almost doubled. Ye Liuyun suddenly felt a burst of relief. The almost unbearable burning sensation disappeared instantly.

He felt that not only his defensive ability had improved, but his strength in all aspects had also improved instantly. Moreover, he absorbs the energy of the fire phoenix faster.

"Under the stimulation of the pressure, the Hunyuan God of War has raised another level! It has also led to the improvement of other powers!"

Ye Liuyun felt relieved, took the death knell she had just taken out, and took back the storage ring.

Lie Hongxia, who originally thought that Ye Liuyun was going to take out the treasure, was already prepared for Ye Liuyun to go all out. But at this moment, Ye Liuyun took the treasure back again.

"What\'s going on? What kind of tricks is this kid going to play?"

Lie Hongxia originally thought that once Ye Liuyun used his hole card to save his life, as long as he broke his hole card, he could torture Ye Liuyun at will. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun took it back again.