Lord of All Gods

Chapter 539

"A new Tianjiao is about to be born!" an elder shouted excitedly.

The entire audience was paying attention to Ye Liuyun, looking forward to the birth of a new Tianjiao.

Gao Qiang didn\'t play tricks, and directly threw his token to Ye Liuyun, bowed to him, thanked him for not killing him, turned and left.

Gao Qiang did not give up on himself. On the contrary, he realized that he still has a lot to work on. Before, he was too arrogant and didn\'t take others seriously.

Now he has to snatch other people\'s tokens. Although he still needs to start all over again, he is not discouraged. Didn\'t Ye Liuyun also grow from weak to strong?

The reason why Ye Liuyun didn\'t kill him was also because firstly, he had no enmity with him, and secondly, it was a fair fight. Gao Qiang didn\'t cheat, and handed over the token quickly, so there was no need for him to make things difficult for him.

Ye Liuyun\'s luck immediately rose rapidly, and the light belt above his head was finally on par with other Tianjiao. Blooming golden light.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun sensed that the other five Tianjiao were not far away.

He was also engrossed in the battle just now, and he was naturally distracted by the investigation of the surrounding area. But now that he has also been promoted to Tianjiao, it is easier to feel the existence of several other Tianjiao.

When he looked now, he realized that the other Tianjiao were all watching his battle with Gao Qiang not far away.

Ye Liuyun\'s blow just now cut a big hole in the sky, and it hasn\'t recovered yet. That\'s why they were all attracted.

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s strength is so strong, several Tianjiao also have their own ideas.

Kuang Zhan Yu Haotian showed an excited expression.

He had just made an appointment with Ming Tong to fight King Kong Meng Wentian to a draw, and he suspected that the two of them were weak, but unexpectedly, he met a stronger one. The power of Ye Liuyun\'s blood alone has already interested him enough.

But Lie Hongxia frowned slightly. "This kid has become stronger again. And he has a helper by his side, so I have to find a helper, otherwise I will suffer."

She wanted to sneak up on Ye Liuyun just now, but as soon as she moved, Lei Ming spotted her and immediately locked her with his breath. That\'s why she didn\'t do it secretly.

Ye Liuyun waited for them for a while, and seeing that no one was doing anything, he led everyone away.

Yu Haotian, Ding Hao, and Meng Wentian, the three of them had just had a fight and consumed a lot of real energy, so they didn\'t want to fight Ye Liuyun now.

The two-headed Shadow Snake and Lie Hongxia had the same thoughts. Ye Liuyun was surrounded by Lei Ming, and none of them dared to make a move. They all needed to find an alliance.

As a result, the five great arrogances also left temporarily, and no one wanted to challenge Ye Liuyun on the spot.

At this time, there was a sensation outside the secret world.

At the moment when Ye Liuyun became the new Tianjiao and his fortune soared, another Skyfire inheritance, one of the five great inheritances, appeared in the sky above Lingzhu Island.

As soon as this inheritance phantom appeared, it pushed the other inheritances aside and squeezed out a place for itself.

It is said that this Skyfire inheritance comes from the great power of an old Skyfire, and his realm is likely to be a venerable. His inheritance is very suitable for Ye Liuyun, it is completely the inheritance of flames.

"Haha, the new Tianjiao appeared and immediately attracted the five great inheritances! This kid\'s luck is really strong!"

When the viewing platform came out, many elders were already laughing together. Even the elders who were not very optimistic about Ye Liuyun before are now praising Ye Liuyun.

Yao Xinghai is also extremely excited watching Skyfire inheritance.

"This kid has really become the pride of heaven! This luck is not so good! He even attracted a great inheritance!"

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil also noticed this new inheritance, but he just glanced at it, knowing that it was an inheritance about the source of fire, so he withdrew his heart.

The battle in the secret realm wasn\'t over yet, and he didn\'t have time to think about it. Only by winning will you have the opportunity to enter the inheritance, otherwise you will not be able to enter if you see it.

He took Liang Xue, Lei Ming, Shao Jianfeng and the two demons and six people, and immediately left the five Tianjiao, and distanced themselves from them again.


Shao Jianfeng let out a sigh of relief. When he discovered the five great talents just now, he thought they were about to be besieged by the five great talents! Even if two or three Tianjiao make a move at the same time, it is enough for them to drink a pot.

"Fortunately, these arrogances are not united, otherwise we would not be able to escape!" He murmured to himself.

Ye Liuyun heard it, but ignored him, and continued to lead them to hunt tokens.

If it is true that these five great talents go together, then he will have to take out the death knell and the demon sealing tablet to fight. He had to let Lei Ming and the Earth Demon Dragon go up together, so that he could barely resist.

"Two-headed snake! How about it? Do you agree or not?"

After Ye Liuyun and the five great talents separated, Lie Hongxia was the first to find the two-headed shadow snake. He knew that this guy liked killing the most. Especially for a new talent like Ye Liuyun.

The stronger the opponent is, the more interested the two-headed shadow snake is.

But what he didn\'t expect was that the two-headed shadow snake unexpectedly rejected her.

"I don\'t want to fight head-on with that kid. If I get injured, it will affect the next game. I don\'t have any grudge against him!"

The two-headed shadow snake gave a reasonable explanation.

Lie Hongxia had no choice but to look for Ding Hao and Meng Wentian again.

After Lei Hongxia left, the two-headed shadow snake went straight to the direction Ye Liuyun left, and chased after her.

"Boss, hurry up, don\'t chase this kid away!"

"Don\'t worry! When they fight, we\'ll take advantage of it again. When our luck increases, I\'m afraid we\'ll be stronger than that kid Yu Haotian!"

The two snake heads of the two-headed shadow snake, both thinking of good things, chased after Ye Liuyun. It intends to lie dormant by Ye Liuyun\'s side first, and when Lie Hongxia finds a helper, he can take both sides.

The reason why Lie Hongxia didn\'t go to Yu Haotian was because she knew that Yu Haotian had a high self-esteem, and she would definitely disdain to cooperate with him and attack Ye Liuyun. If he was going to fight Ye Liuyun, he would definitely challenge him openly.

Ding Hao and Meng Wentian got together again at this time to study how to get rid of Ye Liuyun, the new arrogance as soon as possible, and also snatch the tokens of Ye Liuyun and others as soon as possible.

Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming\'s tokens contained a lot of luck, which was very attractive to them. Grabbing Ye Liuyun is much more cost-effective than many people who are stronger than them.

The two of them teamed up and originally wanted to take Yu Haotian down. Unexpectedly, Yu Haotian became stronger and stronger, but in the end he could only return without success, and no one could do anything to anyone.