Lord of All Gods

Chapter 537

"Junior Sister, it has nothing to do with me! I didn\'t expect that Nie Weiheng would attack you suddenly!" He quickly explained.

At this time, Liang Xue also understood what was going on, and immediately called the Earth Demon Dragon back to protect her behind.

This Earth Demon Dragon, Liang Xue has been useless, just intends to use it as a trump card for herself. Now that it has been exposed, I will continue to use it.

Now this secret realm is more dangerous, and her strength is not enough to protect her own safety.

Ye Liuyun also rushed to Liang Xue\'s side at this time, holding her in his arms.

"It\'s dangerous! If you didn\'t remind me, I would have been plotted against by this guy!"

Liang Xue happily complained to Ye Liuyun about Nie Weiheng.

"Well, he\'s completely quiet this time!"

Shao Bing didn\'t feel completely relieved until he saw two people embracing each other. After the two of them separated, he went to greet Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t make things difficult for him, but just suggested that they work together. For Ye Liuyun, if it wasn\'t for Liang Xue\'s face, he really didn\'t want to take him.

His own strength, plus Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon, are enough for him to compete with any Tianjiao.

Shao Bing immediately agreed. For him, who is of a relatively low realm, this is a big advantage. With two alien beasts from the Ninth Layer of Tiangang and one Ye Liuyun, he will be much safer.

Although he may not be given much luck, at least he can be guaranteed not to be robbed by others.

"I haven\'t seen you for a while, and your realm has improved a lot!"

Seeing the Earth Demon Dragon approaching, Ye Liuyun patted its big head.

The Earth Demon Dragon squinted its eyes in enjoyment, and used its spiritual consciousness to transmit a voice to Ye Liuyun, telling him that it was the energy left by its mother.

"Well, that\'s right, the intelligence has also improved a lot!" Ye Liuyun encouraged it a few more words before discussing the situation here with Liang Xue.

In the end they decided that Liang Xue and Shao Jianfeng would go out as bait to lure other geniuses to come and rob them, and then he and Lei Ming would reappear and rob others instead.

As for the Earth Demon Dragon, Liang Xue was asked to take it back temporarily. Once in danger, or encounter Tianjiao, release it again, and catch the opponent by surprise.

After the discussion, Ye Liuyun led them and rushed towards the direction where the dragon girl was. Liang Xue and Shao Jianfeng first attracted and held back those opponents, and then Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming appeared to snatch them.

On the way, they also encountered two demons from the seventh level of Tiangang. Because of the relationship between Lei Ming and Ye Liuyun\'s Jiuyou Demon Song, they also joined Ye Liuyun\'s team.

And the routes they took perfectly avoided the other five Tianjiao.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to meet them so early. Let\'s improve your strength first through luck.

Therefore, this group of people has also discussed in advance. The luck obtained should be given to Ye Liuyun first, so that he is ready to fight against Tianjiao, and then distributed to others.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun\'s luck has been constantly rising.

His golden pupil can quickly lock one target after another, so his efficiency is much higher than others.

And at this time, Yu Haotian, the mad warrior, was fighting with Mingtong Ding Hao and King Kong Meng Wentian in the southwest corner of the secret realm, fighting inextricably.

With one against two, Yu Haotian managed not to lose. Although Ding Hao and Meng Wentian had an advantage, they couldn\'t take any substantial advantage.

"Elder Yu, is Haotian participating in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament for the last time?"

Seeing Yu Haotian\'s brave performance, Yao Xinghai chatted with an elder surnamed Yu.

"Yes! Haotian is already twenty-eight years old, and he will be over the next age!" Elder Na Yu nodded.

"Your son, you can be said to be the number one genius in Cangyun Continent! Two geniuses teamed up, and there is nothing they can do about him!" An elder next to him also interjected, praising Yu Haotian.

"Haotian is warlike! I have always wanted to find an opponent. For this martial arts competition, he even gave up the chance to break through the realm. I hope he will not be disappointed!"

Elder Yu is Yu Haotian\'s father. When he spoke, his eyes were still looking in Ye Liuyun\'s direction.

He knew this son very well, and knew that he had already taken a fancy to Ye Liuyun. So he also paid close attention to Ye Liuyun.

"This is Dugu seeking defeat! Alas, I am old! Since ancient times, heroes have produced young men!" The elder who praised Yu Haotian couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

"Hey! His personality has something to do with our family blood!" Elder Yu sighed.

These elders know a little about the blood of the Yu family. It is a bloodline of crazy fighting, and only fighting can fully stimulate the power of this bloodline.

But extremes lead to opposites. Once they are all stimulated, although individuals can reach the peak of martial arts cultivation, it will be even more difficult to make progress.

Yu Haotian is actually pursuing the full stimulation of the blood. But whenever he hears that there is an opponent who can match him in strength, he will challenge it.

It\'s just a pity that he has never encountered a strong opponent who can stimulate his blood.

Many elders also fell silent at this time, and it was really hard for them to make rash judgments about the future of this Tianjiao.

Killing mystery.

Lie Hongxia is looking for Ye Liuyun all over the world to avenge her sister. However, Ye Liuyun deliberately avoided her, which made her waste a lot of time, but did not collect much luck.

The two-headed shadow snake is now on a killing spree, killing anyone it sees. For it, the greatest pleasure is killing people. As for luck, it has become a subsidiary thing.

This hellish environment in the secret realm also stimulated its killing heart. The blood and bones all over the place made him feel very comfortable staying here, and even the killing mood on it was constantly increasing.


A young genius was directly devoured by a two-headed shadow snake.

"Hahaha. Kill! Kill them all! This place is too suitable for us!" The two snake heads of the double-headed shadow snake also became excited. Immediately pounced in another direction.

However, in the secret realm, the light bands above the heads of the five Tianjiao and Ye Liuyun are too conspicuous. The others could see the golden light approaching from a distance, so they avoided it in advance.

Therefore, it would be very laborious for these strong men to find someone to plunder them again.

Only Ye Liuyun, relying on Liang Xue and others as bait, has been continuously increasing his luck.

Everyone has different opinions on Ye Liuyun\'s actions. Naturally, some of the genius families who were tricked by him opposed and cursed.

More people think that Ye Liuyun is smart enough. There is no limit to this kind of martial arts competition, and there is nothing to blame for Ye Liuyun\'s actions.

Among them was Yao Xinghai. The more he looked at Ye Liuyun now, the more satisfied he was.