Lord of All Gods

Chapter 535


Yao Xinghai asked in surprise, his brows furrowed even tighter.

The other elders also looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the presiding elder in puzzlement.

"Lingzhu Island modified the secret realm that we had set in advance, opened the secret realm of killing according to its own wishes, and directly enveloped these geniuses in it. And we can\'t interfere at all!"

The presiding elder explained to everyone.

"That is to say, we have completely lost control and can\'t interfere with the martial arts competition at all?" Yao Xinghai asked.

"Yes!" The presiding elder also replied helplessly.

"Lingzhu Island activated the competition secret realm independently? What are the competition rules in the killing secret realm?" Some elders asked curiously.

"This..." The presiding elder also looked at Yao Xinghai with some embarrassment. "It seems that... there are no rules..."

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent.

No rules means no ban on killing and wanton looting!

"We have no way to participate?" Yao Xinghai asked unwillingly.

The presiding elder also shook his head weakly.

"That\'s the top 500 geniuses in our Cangyun Continent!" Some elders felt emotional at this moment.

Yao Xinghai looked up at the surrounding stone pillars and the statues on them. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he said to the presiding elder: "Since Lingzhu Island has its own will, let\'s abide by it! Which strongman has not experienced killing experience! This may not be a bad thing for these geniuses. I believe it is also for the good of this continent! You go and announce it, lest the audience worry!"

After speaking, he directly closed his eyes and said nothing to relieve his excitement.

The presiding elder immediately went to all the audience present and announced the situation of this competition.

The audience immediately erupted. There are also many elders who are worried that their disciples will encounter accidents in the secret realm and protest.

But it\'s useless for them to protest now. Even the alliance can\'t do anything about it, they can only resign themselves to their fate.

Fortunately, they are outside and can see the situation in the secret realm.

The entire secret realm is like being locked in a glass cover, and the situation inside can be seen from the outside. But from the inside, you can\'t see the outside.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils swept outwards, able to penetrate the shield and see the situation outside. But he couldn\'t hear the sound. Consciousness was blocked.

He wanted to know what the competition rules were for this level. But he also glanced at it, then looked away.

He had already heard others talking and couldn\'t see what was going on outside. He also doesn\'t want outsiders to discover his special ability.

"Huh? That boy with golden eyes seems to be able to see us!" An elder noticed Ye Liuyun glance towards them, but he couldn\'t tell whether he could really see them or just glanced at them casually.

Ye Liuyun discovered that everyone present did not know the rules of this level. All in the dark.

There was no moderator to inform them, or give any hints.

Five hundred geniuses, some of them were waiting in place, while others were wandering around like headless chickens.

The boundless blood in the secret realm and the bones on the ground, as if they had just experienced countless battles, made everyone feel uneasy.

This kind of secret place, at first glance, is a place that strangers should not get close to. Although these geniuses have been honed through countless battles, they are still very vigilant and nervous in this environment.

And the bloody aura in the killing realm stimulated the two-headed Shadow Snake a little bit uncontrollably.

"Boss, what are we going to do when we are locked up here? How are we going to compete in this round?" the right head of the Shadow Snake complained to the left head.

"Whatever, this level is about grabbing luck anyway. Since no one said the rules, let\'s try to beat an unlucky one first!" Zuo Tou said, rushing over like a genius who touched it.

After it rushed over, it didn\'t speak, and shot directly, blasting that genius into serious injuries with one move.

"Hey, we won the battle, why didn\'t our luck increase?" Zuo Tou was also a little dazed.

The double-headed snake pondered for a long time, until he snatched the opponent\'s token, and all the luck that the opponent had obtained ran to him. And the opponent\'s token was also broken immediately.

The luck light belt above the opponent\'s head also disappeared.

"So it is!" Zuo Tou exclaimed excitedly.

"Is this level a random grab? Then let\'s continue to grab more!" The scarlet tongue and lips on the right looked around greedily.

They waited for a while, and they were relieved when they saw that no one came to punish them.

And the genius who was robbed of his luck found that he hadn\'t been eliminated.

"That doesn\'t mean that I still have a chance to steal other people\'s luck." Thinking of this, he immediately ran away.

There are no rules and restrictions here, and she doesn\'t want to be poisoned by a double-headed snake.

"Hahaha! It\'s your fate! I\'m in a good mood today, so I\'ll spare you for now!"

Behind him, came the grinning laughter of the two-headed snake.

"Boss, there are no rules here! We can let go and kill!" You Tou also cheered.

"Okay, the game has started! Let\'s do it!" The left head screamed, and the right head looked for the next target.

All of this was seen by Ye Liuyun who was standing on the top of the mountain.

"It turns out that there are no rules, just grab it at will!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t mind this kind of cruel competition. Often the more dangerous the environment is, the more helpful it is to improve his strength.

Ye Liuyun opened the golden pupil, scanned the geographical environment of the entire secret territory, and then, relying on the induction of the imprint of divine consciousness, looked for Liang Xue, Lei Ming, Longnu and others.

It\'s best to find Lei Ming, not to mention the closest to Ye Liuyun, she also has a spiritual contract with Ye Liuyun, as soon as Ye Liuyun communicated with her with his spiritual consciousness, she rushed towards Ye Liuyun and joined Ye Liuyun.

Then, the two of them went to find Liang Xue together.

At this time, many geniuses in the secret realm also knew that there were no rules in this secret realm. So some people ambushed, some people shot directly, and they took action one after another, using all means to rob the opponent\'s luck.

Ye Liuyun was worried about Liang Xue, so he and Lei Ming sped up.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils unleashed a spirit attack, blood thunder and ghost fire, and rushed directly towards the trunk of a big tree.

With a scream of "Ah", a genius fell from the tree and fell unconscious.

This was a martial artist who was going to ambush Ye Liuyun and the others. After being discovered by Ye Liuyun, he directly killed him with a soul attack. It\'s just that Ye Liuyun didn\'t kill him.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun took his token, and the man\'s luck was also transferred to Ye Liuyun. The light of the light belt above his head rose another inch.