Lord of All Gods

Chapter 528

"Of course not! I have another way. Brother Mu, go ahead!" Ye Liuyun felt that Mu Qinghe was a pretty good person, so he explained it to avoid misunderstanding.

"This...well then!" Although Mu Qinghe wondered what kind of means he had, he couldn\'t help but make a move.

Immediately, he raised his hand, and threw a few dark brown seeds towards Ye Liuyun, which took root in front of Ye Liuyun, and thorns as thick as arms grew out, winding towards Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also tapped lightly in front of him, and threw a black seed in front of him. Immediately, the seeds grew wildly at an even faster speed.

Magic vine seeds!

Only the magic vine seeds can be described as growing wildly. It took root almost as soon as it landed, and within a breath, the magic vine began to spread its teeth and claws, protecting Ye Liuyun in it.

Then, on the ring stage, a long music sounded again. The sound of that song is like the sound of fate in the dark, which is heartbreaking. In an instant, the entire arena seemed to be shrouded in a dark hell, becoming eerie.

Nine secluded prelude.

Ye Liuyun released the Prelude to the Nine Serenities to make it cooperate with the magic vine to achieve the effect of strengthening the attack.

Stimulated by the prelude to the Nine Serenities, the magic vines became even more frenzied, pulling all the thorns planted by Mu Qinghe overbearingly, sucking up all the energy in them.

"Spirit attack!"

Mu Qinghe was in a trance when he heard the death urging sound that seemed to come from hell. If it weren\'t for the martial arts at his level who took into account the cultivation of spirit and soul, I\'m afraid he would have achieved the Tao in no time. But even so, he had to mobilize all his soul power to resist the magic power of the Nine Nether Prelude.

He was even more amazed at the magic vine released by Ye Liuyun. He didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun would use plants to deal with him.

At this moment, the magic vines had completely wrapped Ye Liuyun in it, and outsiders could not see how Ye Liuyun launched the attack at all. It\'s just that the geniuses who were closer to the ring showed fear in their eyes and retreated desperately.

"Ah!" Some slow-running geniuses covered their heads, endured the pain, turned around and ran away. A genius who was running slowly, his eyes turned black for an instant, and he stood there dumbfounded.

His spiritual state was relatively low, and he was instantly hit. And the more he stood still, the more he was affected by the Nine Nether Prelude, and the blackness in his eyes became more and more.

Soon, he drew out a long sword and wanted to wipe his neck. Fortunately, some elders guarding the arena found out in time, rescued him, and threw him far away to prevent him from being attacked by the magic sound.

"It\'s terrible! What kind of music is this? It can also demonize people and make people commit suicide!"

"This is the attack method of the demons. How could this Ye Liuyun have such a vicious technique?"

For a moment, everyone in the audience retreated back again anxiously, for fear of being demonized by the magic sound.

Only the dark horse of the Demon Race did not leave the ring. On the contrary, he knelt down piously and accepted the baptism of the Nine Nether Prelude. As long as Ye Liuyun didn\'t deliberately attack him, this kind of magic sound would be beneficial to him and strengthen his soul.

The bull-headed patriarch of the demon clan trembled excitedly when he saw Ye Liuyun\'s prelude to the Nine Serenities with his soul.

"This kid really has a relationship with our demon clan! Not only did he send the thunder dragon back to us, but he also knows the Nine Nether Prelude! I wonder if he can teach us the Nine Nether Prelude."

He frowned, a little confused about Ye Liuyun\'s identity! But since Ye Liuyun doesn\'t dislike the demons, this is a great thing for them.

After thinking about it, he still didn\'t dare to ask Ye Liuyun for the Prelude to Nine Serenities, so he could only wait for the opportunity and ask him for advice.

Not to mention Ye Liuyun\'s strength, but Ye Liuyun\'s ability to possess the Nine Nether Prelude and the Demon Vine must be related to a certain demon power. He didn\'t dare to offend Ye Liuyun rashly.

Similarly, after hearing the magic sound, Lei Ming and several other demon disciples tried their best to get closer to the ring to listen to the baptism of the magic sound.

It\'s just that, except for the patriarch of the Tauren, no one in the audience knew what the song was.

At this moment, Mu Qinghe is already doing his best. On the one hand, he wants to use the power of his soul to resist the attack of the magic sound, on the other hand, he also needs to control various plants to attack Ye Liuyun.

The plant seeds thrown by Mu Qinghe, green, red, blue, etc., are various, but after encountering the magic vine, they all end up in the same end, the energy is completely absorbed directly, and finally withers die.

Ye Liuyun sat in the protective cover formed by the magic vines, and easily used the power of his soul to play the prelude to the Nine Netherworld. Now that his two souls are united, he is too powerful, and he hasn\'t used his full strength until now.

He vaguely felt that after the magic vine absorbed the energy of various seeds, some of it would be fed back to him. Therefore, he was also using his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the magic vine.

As a result of his communication, the magic vine really readily agreed to give him part of the energy.

Mu Qinghe, if he wanted to mobilize the seeds he threw to attack, he had to infuse the seeds with real energy, blood and spiritual power. So the power absorbed by the magic vine is actually Mu Qinghe\'s power.

Ye Liuyun was like this, while attacking with the Prelude to the Nine Serenity, under the protection of the magic vine, he absorbed the power passed to him by the magic vine, and began to cultivate his true essence.

On the opposite side, Mu Qinghe never imagined that Ye Liuyun would pass through the magic vine to absorb his true energy. He thought that those energies were all absorbed by the magic vines. He was just thinking about how he could defeat Ye Liuyun.

The seeds in his hands are not the opponents of the magic vines. So he wanted the magic vine to get closer, and took the opportunity to subdue the magic vine. He was interested in plants himself. As for such a powerful plant as the magic vine, he naturally wanted to take it for himself.

It has to be said that his idea is very bold. He believed in himself, and his ability to control plants was definitely better than Ye Liuyun\'s. That\'s why I dared to take the risk.

So, he gradually turned from offense to defense, planting some defensive seeds around him, waiting for the magic vines to attack him.

The magic vine was not afraid at all. Seeing that his attack had weakened, he immediately stretched out the vine and entangled him.

This magic vine has extremely strong magic properties, with Mu Qinghe\'s strength, it has no scruples at all.

The defensive plants that Ye Qinghe had arranged in advance were all absorbed by the magic vine, which directly penetrated the vines into the ground, uprooted them, and instantly dried up and died.

At this moment, Ye Qinghe grabbed a vine of the magic vine with his hand, trying to fight Ye Liuyun for control of the magic vine with his spiritual sense.