Lord of All Gods

Chapter 517

While Ye Liuyun continued to watch the battle, he was distracted to practice, absorbing spiritual energy, merging the soul, and raising the Golden Crow Holy Flame, all at the same time.

Every time a master comes to the stage, he will study the opponent\'s moves carefully, looking for skills that can learn from each other\'s strengths.

Just from what he learned from these people, he felt that his trip was worthwhile.

However, he was also worried that he did not have enough control over the new moves, which would easily kill people directly. If he is convicted of intentional murder, he will be eliminated directly.

In view of this, whenever the fire pupil Du Yuan came to fight on stage, Ye Liuyun would open the golden pupil, observe carefully, and learn a thing or two secretly.

Every time Du Yuan launched an attack with his fire pupils, his eyes glowed red.


It was another opponent at the fourth level of Tiangang, who screamed and fell to the ground with a "plop", as if he was enduring endless torture and kept rolling.

Ye Liuyun discovered that Du Yuan\'s attack was controlled very precisely, otherwise it would be easy to directly kill the soul of a person.

All the opponents who lost in his hands, the trauma to the soul, after going through the entire Cangyun martial arts competition, I am afraid it will be difficult to repair, and they are destined not to get a good ranking.

Therefore, Du Yuan has also become a taboo in the arena in the North District, and many geniuses dare not fight against him.

Every time Gao Qiang and Mu Qinghe saw Du Yuan\'s attack, their faces were solemn.

Gao Qiang also warned the handsome man beside him who was optimistic about Ye Liuyun: "Yunqiao, if you meet him, you\'d better admit defeat directly!"

Chu Yunqiao immediately nodded in agreement. His strength is much weaker than Gao Qiang, and he has no way to compete with Du Yuan.

"The fire pupil Du Yuan, the ice pupil Leng Qingxiao, and the strongest Ming pupil Ding Hao, the true bloodlines of the three major pupil art families, are all here!"

Gao Qiang couldn\'t help but look around the scene.

The descendants of these pupil art families, their attack methods are hard to guard against. Under normal circumstances, a martial artist of the same strength would rather meet a stronger opponent than the heirs of the three major pupil art families.

"Look quickly, Bingtong Lengqingxiao is on stage in the Eastern District ring!"

I don\'t know who yelled. Many people\'s eyes immediately turned to the East Zone ring.

Lie Hongxia, the pride of heaven in the ring arena in the Eastern District, won with one move, and no one has been able to surpass it so far.

At this moment, Leng Qingxiao is slowly stepping onto the stage.

Many eyes are focused on him, wanting to see how powerful he is.

"Jin Yuanhao!"

Ye Liuyun and Piaoyun not only looked at each other, but also gloated in their hearts. They wanted to see how Jin Yuanhao would react and whether he dared to make a move.

Jin Yuanhao was crying at the moment, wanting to admit defeat, but also unwilling. I want to be tough and fight hard, but I am afraid that I will be injured and affect the future games, so I am very entangled.


Leng Qingxiao said indifferently, and looked at Jin Yuanhao at the same time. The originally ordinary eyes suddenly burst into a chill.


There was a slight sound of freezing. Jin Yuanhao\'s whole body was instantly frozen.

"I think……"

Before Jin Yuanhao could finish saying "I admit defeat", his whole body turned into an ice sculpture, and even the terrifying expression on his face was frozen together.

"With Jin Yuanhao\'s strength, he doesn\'t even have the power to fight back!"

Piaoyun couldn\'t help feeling emotional. If it were her, I\'m afraid she might be frozen to death directly.

Ye Liuyun also clicked his tongue secretly. This Bingtong\'s attack is different from Huotong Du Yuan\'s attack. It is almost directly acting on the opponent, and it happens instantly, making it hard to guard against. It is a bit similar to his power of space.

"The power of Bingtong really shouldn\'t be underestimated! If I meet him, it\'s very likely that both sides will suffer."

Du Yuan also looked at Leng Qingxiao\'s move, and couldn\'t help but look serious.

Although they will not fight across regions yet, they will not meet each other. But in the final competition for the ranking, it is very likely that they will meet together.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil observed the circuit of Leng Qingxiao\'s blood. But he found that the other party had the cold attribute, even if he could learn it, he couldn\'t use it.

"It seems that not all pupil techniques are suitable for me!"

He can only start from the power of space to strengthen his attack.

In the North District arena, round after round of competition continued.

The two-headed shadow snake has always won with one move. And not surprisingly, the opponents were all severely disabled. In this regard, many of its opponents, as soon as they came to power, defended with all their strength, and then directly surrendered.

Ye Liuyun has already fought five battles and won five victories, four of which were to test Jin Tong\'s attacking skills in actual combat.

Since he used the soul attack, Huo Tong didn\'t know if he imitated his own moves. It\'s just that in his heart, he directly ignored Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

A person who can\'t use the power of blood is not worthy of being his opponent!

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had perfected Jin Tong\'s soul attack to the point where he could fight against him. At least now that he is bearing his attack, he won\'t feel fear.

After Mo Crow won a game, he slowed down and tried to fight again, but it still ended in failure, and now he has no strength to fight again.

Piaoyun, on the other hand, lost both battles and was eliminated directly, with a grievance on his face, almost crying.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense also noticed that Liang Xue also won a complete victory, but the fight was more difficult.

Relying on Jinlian, Su Miaoyin won four games and lost one game, which is considered a good result.

Lei Ming was very competitive in the South Zone ring, and he even won five games in a row, and all of them were defeated by one move. It\'s because her realm is too high, coupled with the power of blood thunder and ice, few people can block her full attack.

Therefore, Lei Ming has also become a quasi-dark horse in the South Zone ring.

What surprised Ye Liuyun the most was that the dragon girl had also come and was competing in the West Zone ring. Ye Liuyun did not communicate with her with her spiritual sense, so as not to delay her training and fighting. From the looks of it, she should have come to fight on behalf of the orcs.

She is now in the eighth level of Tiangang, and she is unparalleled in offense and defense, especially when she dances with the dragon stick in her hand, almost no one is her enemy. Therefore, he is also a promising dark horse in the West.

In Ye Liuyun\'s northern ring, besides him, Gao Qiang, Du Yuan, and Mu Qinghe also won all five matches. Besides Mu Qinghe, Gao Qiang and Du Yuan also controlled the enemy with one move, winning very easily.

In the seventh round, it was Ye Liuyun\'s turn to take the stage again.

This time, he finally met an opponent with a silver score.

His opponent, the color of the number, is brighter than Jin Yunhao. It can be seen from this that his strength is far stronger than Jin Yuanhao. However, Ye Liuyun\'s projected numbers only showed some bright colors.