Lord of All Gods

Chapter 505


With a loud roar, Lei Ming manifested his body, flew into the air, and directly met Nie Weiheng\'s palm.

Even the bull-headed leader behind him was taken aback. They secretly admired Ye Liuyun in their hearts. "The Thunder Dragon Beast has improved so much so quickly! How many resources have to be given to her! It seems that this kid really likes this Thunder Dragon, and he didn\'t treat her badly at all!"

When Nie Weiheng saw Lei Ming\'s strength, he immediately regretted it, but he couldn\'t take back the palm he slapped.

Lei Ming didn\'t care about his palm at all. Her physical body was already strong, and with the cultivation of the Buddha Demon Golden Body, her physical body became even stronger. With her realm of the ninth level of Tiangang, she completely ignored the attacks on her by the martial arts of the fifth level of Tiangang.

Nie Weiheng\'s palm fell, and Lei Ming\'s body was not even photographed, it was directly blocked by the protective essence and the devil energy around him.

Lei Ming opened his mouth, and there was a "roar" sound wave attack, accompanied by a thunder of blood, and he slashed towards Nie Weiheng. And there was an extremely cold breath.

Nie Weiheng also exerted all his strength, and sent out all his true energy to resist Lei Ming\'s blood thunder. But he was still bombarded. Immediately, he was directly frozen into an ice sculpture by that icy cold force.

Nie Weiheng, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, was scorched black by the blood thunder, with one hand still in front of him, his head tilted back, maintaining a posture of wanting to avoid the bombardment of the blood thunder, which made people find it ridiculous.

Lei Ming immediately landed on the platform and returned to his human form. There are too many people on the platform at the moment, if her main body falls, it will hit others.

After she landed, she made a face at Ye Liuyun and stuck out her tongue. Then he stood back in the ranks of the demons.

Ye Liuyun just smiled and didn\'t blame her. His golden pupils had already seen that Lei Ming was more measured in his strikes, he just froze Nie Weiheng, and it would thaw after a long time, so he didn\'t kill him.

But at this moment, the crowd around them started talking, saying everything.

"Blood Thunder! Did you see it? The prophecy of the vision has come true!"

"Are the Demons going to participate in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament? Their team is of a very high level! Now there is another monster of the Ninth Layer of the Heavenly Gang!"

"Who is that kid? He even brought a beast of the Ninth Layer of Tiangang with him!"

But the people from the Demon Race didn\'t take the initiative to explain, they were just guessing in secret, no one spoke out to ask!

Many people also inquired about Ye Liuyun\'s origin. There were even gossipers, asking about the relationship between Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue.

The appearance of Lei Ming made Lie Hongxia also worried. Fortunately, Lei Ming is not a fire-attribute monster, so he won\'t compete with her for inheritance. But in terms of competing for the ranking, she probably has another formidable rival.

Although she can also fight across levels, if Lei Ming can also, then she won\'t have the advantage.

Everyone on the platform started talking about the five great talents again, but this time, Lei Ming was also taken into consideration.

"It seems that the competition for the title of Tianjiao this time will be extremely fierce!"

"That\'s not necessarily the case. It is said that these five arrogances are all powerful and promising figures in the future. No matter how strong this monster is, it will still be a monster after all."

"So what? The two-headed shadow snake is still a monster!"

Ye Liuyun was even more surprised. "This Cangyun competition, there are even beast races participating?"

But after thinking about it, he also felt that it made sense. After all, the Demon Race and the Beast Race are also members of the Cangyun Continent. If they really fight with alien zombies, their strength will naturally be indispensable.

And Qu Chenfeng, who was in the Northern Territory team, finally found Ye Liuyun. He has seen Lei Ming before, and knows that it is Ye Liuyun\'s pet beast.

He also didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun\'s strength is so strong now. Even Nie Weiheng, who was at the fifth level of Tiangang, was slapped back immediately with a single palm. Moreover, his pet beast has already reached the fifth level of Tiangang.

At the moment, he also secretly hid behind his teammates, hoping that Ye Liuyun would not find him. He was particularly worried that Ye Liuyun would attack him on the spot.

He thought he hid himself well and was not discovered by Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense discovered his small movements. The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he said in his heart: "Don\'t worry, it\'s not time to deal with you yet. If you are only hurt a little, it will be too cheap for you!"

At this moment, everyone on the teleportation platform has stood up. The time for teleportation is coming, and everyone is waiting for the teleportation array to open.

At this moment, everyone\'s attention was focused on the teleportation array, and they finally put aside the matter of Lei Ming, waiting excitedly to be teleported to Lingzhu Island.

Following the first wave of spatial fluctuations, everyone was both nervous and excited.

"So many people, teleport them there at once?" Ye Liuyun asked Jing Wudi in surprise through sound transmission with his spiritual sense.

"Yeah! From here you can see how strong the Cangyun Alliance is! My elder brother is still a member of the Cangyun Alliance. If it weren\'t for his situation, he would personally bring you here this time .” Jing Wudi sighed.

While Ye Liuyun was amazed by the strength of the Cangyun Alliance, he also comforted Jing Wudi to rest assured that as long as he encountered something like the essence of life, he would definitely bring it back.

Immediately afterwards, the spatial fluctuation of the formation came for the second time. The young people on the transmission platform were nervous again.

"After the third wave of spatial fluctuations, the teleportation will start immediately!" Jing Wudi reminded the four disciples of Tie Ying Sect through sound transmission, telling them not to panic.

The previous three space fluctuations all reminded the person being sent to get ready.

After the third spatial fluctuation, the entire teleportation platform was enveloped by huge energy, and then the formation was activated. Ye Liuyun and the others felt that they were all moving quickly in the void. After a few breaths, they landed again.

"What a magical teleportation array, there is no dizziness!" Ye Liuyun sighed with emotion.

This is the first time he has experienced such a teleportation array without dizziness. It feels like I just shuttled through the void for a while before arriving at my destination.

"Haha, there are so many magical places! Take another look at this island." Jing Wudi reminded him with a smile.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness and golden pupils were already looking at the island.

Although the island is in the sea, its area is quite large. Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness did not envelop the entire island at once.

What\'s even more amazing is that the island is covered with stone pillars, high and low, scattered in random distribution. Each stone pillar is engraved with patterns of people or beasts, and even patterns of demons.

The aura on the island is more abundant than the aura in the five-region alliance resident.

"This is simply a holy place for cultivation!" Ye Liuyun was amazed before he finished observing.